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Apart from many other religious celebrations in Canada. The same compassion and admiration for Christianity may be the party that holds for Good Friday. It holds huge sentiments for followers of Christianity and Jesus Christ. Christianity may be probably the most followed religion of the world and individuals of Christianity have been observers of all Xmas. Nevertheless, in Asia and Africa, the countries with followers of Christianity are comparatively lesser. The religion is divided into three branches that include Protestants, Catholic & (Eastern) Orthodox.

Followed by Canadian Christians with the same degree of devotion and level of excitement in Canada. It combines the united states where there are people from many diverse nationalities. Additionally incorporates people from different religions, i.e. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhists, Jews along with different religions apart from the leading one being Christianity. The festivals from Christianity holds enormous significance levels such as Christians. Primarily, also because its main religion has been Christianity because of so many decades. Religion actually is a complete Celebration in almost all countries. Besides Good Friday, the celebration & remembrance of all Xmas may be the very followed.


Famous all around the world in addition to in Canada maybe your sacred occasion of Good Friday. This really is as a formal holiday on two n-d April 2021. The afternoon happens on the Friday before Easter. Furthermore, the dates may vary every year in Canada in addition to the rest of the world. In the majority of countries, it's just a declared holiday, while a few of those countries that comprise, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, Spain, and France & other Christianity following states.

However, in a few states, it is not a formal holiday, examples comprise United States & Italy, both being Christian dominated countries are only followers of their afternoon instead of observing in form of an official holiday. Amid COVID-19 restrictions, the parties shall occur this year as well as the previous year. The restrictions in 2021 really are a little relaxed. Ironically, as Canada and another planet is encountering the second wave of COVID-19. This means the celebrations will largely see the departure of COVID-19. Together side the necessary repairs and stringent restrictions, the celebrations took place within the year 2020.


There is an enormous religious value of Great Friday. Considerably, as these are two main dates in Christianity, i.e. the birth and after the resurrection of Christ. Based on Christian beliefs, he had been the Son of God. Furthermore, his complete life and teachings are the foundations of Christianity. For the sake of people concerning his sacrifices. Remembered on Good Friday are his teachings apart from his cries for people.

It's just a time of mourning when recalling the crucifixion of Christ. More importantly, as people meditate aside from celebrating the sufferings of Jesus and his death on the cross. What all of this means to the faith is more favourable than any outcome. Remembrance of those teachings and sermons of Jesus Christ would be the most necessary elements.


According to many individuals, it is strange to telephone the day as good Friday'. Mainly, because it had been the afternoon of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the whole world. However, taking a look at it using deeper insights and the source of the name certainly becomes clearer. Used as an adjective as per some historians is the word"GOOD". However, most Christians perceive the day as"good". Thus, since the message of Easter is of Christ's victory over sin, death and the devil. Known as the Gospel is that the New Testament signifies good News' in Greek speech. As an identical situation, Great Friday is exactly what is well known with unique contexts.


Held mostly in the afternoon time would be the Church services as part of the traditional activities of Great Friday. However, some churches can also participate in the Veneration of the Cross. That is in kind of a brief ceremony where Christians kneel before the cross and also affirm their faith.

It's not really a people holiday in Vatican City, nor in Italy. However, that the Pope will state a mass at the Vatican City. This really is the Holy City before it leads into an annual public prayer of all the Cross at the Colosseum at Rome. In-kind of a procession built to Palatine Hill, the last observance is in sort of a parade. Hence, followed by a enormous cross that is covered in burning torches. Signifying, your afternoon of crucifixion that fundamentally holds significance for Christianity.



Mothers Day is celebrated all across the globe with great enthusiasm, love, and feelings for mothers of many different backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures. On May 9th, it is also the day for the celebration of the charitable Day in Canada. It is celebrated at the exact time, it is celebrated in form of informal celebrations across many countries around the globe. Therefore, certain nations celebrate it on different dates to Canada for reasons that are not clear. But the significance and significance of the day are identical across the globe. This is why it's an important symbol for mothers across the globe.

Celebrations in a variety of parts of the world:

Festivals across celebrations in the United Kingdom take place on the 14th March of each year. On the 14th day of February celebrations for Mother's Day are celebrated in Norway. Importantly, in Sweden, the time of Mother's Day celebrations is the 30 day of May. It's the same for festivities of the same kind in France, i.e. 30 May is the same as in France. May. In Spain, it's celebrated on the 2 2nd of May. The 21st March is the day of celebration in UAE as well as 10th of May is celebrated in Mexico. The significance is global and it's not an official holiday in nearly all countries.

Mother's Day is a special day for mothers from all ethnicities and backgrounds. But the most important thing is the emotion people feel and express for their beautiful mothers. For some might consider it an occasion to celebrate the day. But for the majority of people, it's a day that they get to exchange gifts and cards laden with love and sentiments. In addition, they can express gratitude for their mothers. It is common for people to want to show their mothers that they played an essential contribution to their lives. In reality, they are a source of guidance, and as a mother are all for them in their lives. But, in the end, one can ignore the importance moms play in the education of their kids.

MOTHER'S DAY - 'A Brief History and Origin":

The origin of Mother's Day is 1908. This is also a North American country that is a very close neighbor to Canada, i.e. United States of America. Then, it was celebrated each year. This is significant after the very first ceremonies during Mother's Day. Anna Marie Jarvis was the person who created the day after a long and hard work. In memory of her deceased mother and to honor her with the respect she earned. This was her way of promoting an entire day. It is a symbol that mothers from every country need to have a special day for them.

1908 in 1908, Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother's affluent status in the St. Andrews Methodist Church. The church was located at Grafton, West Virginia, USA. In particular, she was looking to honor her mother as well as all mothers from diverse nations. Thus, she decided to make the day sacred for her children. In recognition of her iconic work, that day is celebrated annually. It is also a symbol day, it was first introduced in 1908.

It is not a national holiday in Canada or it is a public holiday in the United States. As a holiday of public importance for the United States for the first time, it was observed in 1910. It was declared a public holiday through US president Woodrow Wilson later in the year 1915 too. It was finally declared an official holiday, similar to Mother's Day in 1915. In parallel, it is observed all across Canada simultaneously. The status that was operational in Canada was later withdrawn because of unknown motives.

What is the day celebrated in CANADA:

dedicated to the bond between mother and children as the name implies. It is about spending quality and intimate time with your mom and sharing memories. Additionally, send them greetings and gifts, especially if they're located far away. Giving them the respect and love they require. Therefore, and the importance of caring is present in every relationship. The Mother-Children bond is one of the most authentic forms of trust and feelings for one another. A bond that is built by the stars. The only act of affection that is a part of the essence of the present day. Because the day's origins are from a Christian nation that was a follower of Christianity. Another important remembrance of that day's celebration is the connection between the mother Mary to the miraculous son and prophet from Christianity Christ Jesus Christ. In a way, the day represents real values of divinity as well as the devotion to the final relationship that was created by God.

Canadians typically take their mothers out for special meals or lunches outside, demonstrating the importance required. Many also treat their mothers to movies at Cinemas. Therefore, having an experience shopping with them or taking an excursion with them. The goal is to create memories that will be remembered and shining for a lifetime.

MOTHER'S DAY TRADITIONS "Sharing Gifts and Cards":

A part of customs giving gifts is the most frequent practice that is usually observed on Mother's Day. The gifts could be in the shape of boxes of flowers and chocolates. They are given to Canadians for their moms being the most commonly given presents. Certain mothers as part of their important share cards and other handmade gifts to show appreciation to their wonderful mothers. Other wonderful gifts include bags, new dresses, shoes as well as items of jewelry to express their mom's love.

Alongside these games, Canadian children often dedicate poems to cards. In love, as a gesture of affection to their wonderful mothers. They also share writings that are filled with innocent love, expressing how much gratitude they feel for their mothers.

"Made in the Heavens", which is a genuine relationship. The symbolism of the Mother-Children bond is a special bond of trust and love.

Is Mother's Day in CANADA is the same in CANADA and US?
Mother's Day is in the UK is celebrated during the 4th Sunday following Lent. This is since Christians visit their church mother and that's why we call it Mothering Sunday. Mother's Day is also referred to in other countries like the USA. It was not based on religion.

Do they celebrate Mother's Day in CANADA?
Canada together with several other countries has been a part of and embraced the US Mother's Day holiday. Some other countries celebrate Mother's Day on a different day. Mother's Day in the UK is called Mothering Sunday. It is the fourth Sunday following Lent. In 2021, it will be the 14th of March.

How is Mother's Day celebrated in CANADA?
Mother's Day is celebrated in Canada every year on May 2nd. It's a time to celebrate your mother. Mother's Day was made an official holiday by Anna Jarvis, an American who believed that her mother and all mothers ought to be honored.

Why is Mother's Day different in UK and CANADA?
Mother's Day is an American holiday celebrated every year during the 2nd Sunday in May. It was designed in 1908 by Anna Jarvis. It was the first Mother's Day celebration that took place at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, Grafton, West Virginia on May 10, 1908.

Do all countries have Mother's Day?
Mother's Day in the United States is celebrated annually every year on the Sunday of May. In the following years, many American cities started to observe the holiday. In 1914 the year 1914, was the year that the US President declared the day to be a national holiday and observed during the Sunday of May. Mother's Day is celebrated in several other countries on various dates all through the year.

What is the reason for Mother's Day being celebrated in MAY in CANADA?
Mother's Day was first made an official holiday in West Virginia in 1910. It is observed in May, on the second Sunday of May. The day was made the official day of celebration in Canada in 1915. Since time, Canadians have celebrated this holiday for many years.

Why do we have 2 mothers' DAYS?
Mother's Day is celebrated in more than fifty countries. But it is not the case that all countries celebrate the day on the same date. Australia, Denmark, and Finland are among the countries which observe Mother's Day every Sunday in May.

What is the reason why countries have different MOTHER'S Days?
It is believed to originate in the 16th-century Christian tradition of visiting mothers in Lent. It is connected with Easter and Easter is different by lunar cycles.

You can gift flowers or chocolates, cards, or flowers to your mom or create special dishes or hand-crafted gifts to mark Mother's Day. Some families take their mothers or father to the cinema, a café, or spend a day in the park.

International Women’s Day, a day celebrated all over the world on the 8th of March every year. This day is symbolic due to many reasons apart from recognising the rights of women & how the world started to change when realisations were made for women’s freedom of speech. This day not only holds importance for Canada. Furthermore, for Canadian women as well. Recognised all over the world for women’s day especially. The day also highlights the achievements made by women from 20th Century globally. Especially, since the empowerment of women and their rights.

Starting from the famous Mother Teresa, known for her efforts for the humanity as a nun and missionary. While remembering the iconic soul on International Women’s Day. Mother Theresa was born in North Macedonia and died in Kolkatta, India. She got the noble peace prize for her efforts towards humanity and serving the people & is the first woman who defined a new role for women all over the world.


There has been many women leaders who have made a huge impact on the page of the world all over. All these women have been great icons for their particular country. Hence, that’s why they are always remembered on International Women’s Day annually. These includes, Angela Merkel, The Chancellor of Germany, and a great German women. Someone, who has been consistently in the Top 10 power list of the most powerful people. She has been an outstanding leader of Germany while representing the country internationally as the Chancellor.

Also, includes in the distinguished list is the twice serving Prime Minister of Pakistan, Miss Benazir Bhutto. The assassination of Miss Bhutto took place during a political campaign in the year 2007. This is after making a significant name in Asian Politics & World Affairs. Another great icon is Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, a women of change. Finally, who can forget the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher from The United Kingdom. The longest serving Prime Minister of United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. All these women have demonstrated in their own capacities & in their roles as being the leader of their country time & again, that Women can match the powers and abilities of any man if they want.

The day is a huge opportunity to celebrate the women’s achievements from Politics to Sports etc. Here are some of the women from the year 2021’ who have already made a mark in the history books. These are women from International Politics, Film industry, Representing International Organisations, and Int. Sports. They have not only created an example for women globally. But also proved, the only answer to success is courage and hard work, as these women have proved to the world.

Some of these outclassed women from 2021’ on Int. Women’s Day includes;


Kamala Harris from United States made history on 20th January 2021, i.e. on the oath taking day. She was inaugurated as the First Black & the first South Asian American. Furthermore, the first woman Vice President of United States. A huge achievement from Kamala Harris while making a mark in American politics. On top of this, making a huge example for the women of United States.


Kaja Kallas became the first female Estonia’s Prime Minister. This happened less than a week after Kamala Harris made her name to the history books. Her oath apart from many other goals is to tackle Climate Change globally.


On the 1st February, Zara Mohammad became the first woman and at the age of just 29. As Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain. As the youngest person in history for this position, Zara Mohammad was the elected candidate. It is the nation’s largest body that represents the Muslims of Britain. There are many Muslims, men and women working in the Great Britain and following their religion with complete freedom.


Seiko Hashimoto, the Japan’s former Olympics minister was the one who took charge of the next Olympic Games. She became the Tokyo 2020 President, due to the resigning of Mr. Mori. Following some comments that went against women made by Yoshiro Mori. Hence, Mori had to resign from his position. Seiko Hashimoto, is a Seven-time Olympian and won a bronze medal for speed skating in 1992.


Chloe Zhao, at the Golden Globe awards on the 28th February became the first Asian woman. Apart from this, only the second women ever to win the best director award for the film Nomadland. In field of Film Direction at the Golden Globe. Ironically, her efforts are recognised on the world’s stage. Before Zhao, the first ever women to get the award was Barbra Streisand.

In Canada, the St Patrick’s day shall be celebrated on the 17th of March 2021. In the giant North American nation Canada being the biggest North American country. Officially, the overall observance is in form of a public holiday in only Newfoundland & Labrador. However, it will still be observed in all provinces of Canada. It is the feast day of the patron Saint of Ireland. On top of this, has a huge global significance all over the world. The stats are significant especially in the Christian world including Canada. It was in the memory of Ireland’s most loved and most known Saint, known as St. Patrick in the year 1631. With the exception of St. Patrick’s feast day. Consumption of alcohol was strictly banned because of the holy Lent season. Hence, later on as it was declared the feast day & drinking was allowed on St. Patrick’s day.

It was due to this relaxation in the Irish laws. Hence, that eventually allowed to curtail the use of alcohol during the feast on March 17. Prior to 70’s, the pubs were found closed on the day, until the laws were revised & relaxed. Significantly, as an order and with strict observance. Finally, observed as a traditional feast day by a number of Churches. Its observance is still active today. These Churches includes Church of Ireland, the Catholic Church & the Anglican Communion. Also includes, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and finally the Lutheran Church.

There are a variety of number of activities that takes place on St. Patrick’s day. On top of these activities includes being Irish for the Day. Furthermore, acting like Irish by wearing traditional Irish clothes. Also includes, eating mainly Irish cuisines and acting like Irish people do on the feast day. Furthermore, watching a parade, and finally hunting for the Leprechauns.


All over the whole Christian world, 17th of March is the main observance as the Feast Day. This is more importantly as a religious observance and holidays in some nations. Especially, countries like Canada, United States, U.K. & Ireland. Also includes, Italy, Spain, Argentina, and rest of the prominent Christian nations observe St Patrick’s day every year. Due to its significance factors attached to the Church of Ireland. Known globally as ‘Feast Day’, importantly due to the feast preferences involved. Followed by the Church of Ireland are The Catholic Church & the Anglican Communion. Also includes, The Eastern Orthodox Church, and finally the Lutheran Church. In Canada specifically, it’s a public holiday in two of its provinces. Mainly, because of Christians in Canada from many different Christian disciples.

The main religion of people living in Canada is Christianity. Significantly, as it is the most followed religion of the entire world. Masses world over follow Christianity with immense zeal & commitment. The importance of Saint Patrick’s Day is similar to St. George, Patron Saint of England, St David, the Patron Saint of Wales. Finally includes, St Andrews, Patron St of Scotland. All these are the Saints from United Kingdom and Ireland. Add on to that, they have relevance and significance regards to their specific countries.


There are plenty of different ways in which people from different countries & communities want to celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day. Most of the people from different countries and nationalities in Canada want to wear green. Particularly, as a symbol on 17th of March, i.e. St. Patrick’s Day. Many people love eating Irish food on the day. Ironically, as the day originated from Ireland. Furthermore, significantly because St. Patrick was the patron Saint of Ireland. There are also a huge number of people who attend the St. Patrick’s Day parades. These parades takes place all over the world. They help in signifying the importance levels attached to the day. The main aim and motto is the remembrance & following of the day all over the globalised world.

National Flag Day of Canada is observed on the 15th of February every year. This is since it was first celebrated on 15th Feb 1996. It is a day that holds national status in Canada. However, while celebrating the day, there is a history attached that needs to be remembered. Hence, with the maple leaf flag being the symbol of Canada’s sovereignty and its pride globally. On the 15th of Feb 1965, the installation of the maple leaf was done officially on the flag. It signifies the value and importance of the flag for the Canadian nation, and being a symbol of national pride.

Canada is still a monarchy of the United Kingdom & got its independence from Great Britain in the year 1868. Canada incorporated elements of British flag and design in their own flag. This is while making gradual transformations to its original form in 1965. It was by the middle of the 20th century that Canada realised that they needed some major updating & transformation regards to their flag. The idea was to show through the flag, that how they have marched towards their sovereignty and independence. More importantly, since 1868 when they officially got independence from United Kingdom. It also is a tribute to the relationship they have been with the United Kingdom Pre-independence and post-independence.

Colonel George Stanley, a very famous and renowned Canadian public servant. Surprisingly, Colonel was the first man to think about the redesigning of the Canadian flag. He eventually sparked a national debate among citizens of Canada. His vision for the flag was very simple. Hence, something easily recognisable and also served as a rallying symbol of unity.


The year 1965 is a very important year in the history of Canada. With significance to the Canadian flag, the importance levels are huge. The new design and form of the red coloured maple leaf holds distinct attributes. Queen of England was the Monarch who made the official proclamation. Queen Elizabeth II on 28th January 1965 made it an official documented proclamation.

On the 15th of Feb 1965, as it happened on Parliament Hill when Canada was celebrating the day for the first time. The official public ceremony of the inauguration took place. Near the parliament Hill, the gatherings were in form of thousands of people from various walks of life. Excited and happy to see the official ceremony of the inauguration of Canada’s flag. At the stroke of noon, as the Red Ensign was lowered. There was patriotism and pride that echoed & flew the air of Canada. The flag hoisting ceremony of the latest version of the National flag took place. On the symbolic occasion the PM of Canada, Mr. Pearson gave a speech full of hope and determination. He said with emotions of patriotism for Canada. “May the land over which these new flag flies remains united with freedom and justice. Furthermore, sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all.”

The showcasing of the new flag of Canada took place at Expo’ 67. It also marks the 100th anniversary of Canadian independence.


Linked up with the Canadian pride & honour attached to their flag. Its the National Day, and this fact holds the key behind the aims & objectives of the celebrations. A flag is not only a symbol of pride for the country. Naturally, it is also a key representation for that country in the international arena. It holds sentiments of unity, brotherhood, justice, patriotism, courage, national pride, and a sense of freedom. It also holds values of respect and honour for the nation, in the hearts of its citizens. This is a reason Canada is still celebrating the day with the same enthusiasm.

Canada is a country that has been celebrating its national pride and integrity with lots of joy. Hence, being a country that has shown and proved over the years to the world. They have truly been on the right track since their independence and especially since the last 40 years. A country that has emerged as one of the most prosperous nations in the world. Ironically, makes their inhabitants more proud of their national flag.

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Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love & romance all over the world & is still celebrated with huge compassion. Remembered in the name of St. Valentine, the day is celebrated on the 14th of February every year. Attached to the sharing of gifts is the meaning of love all over the world. Furthermore, sharing compassion through dance and music. As the saying goes “Love is in the Air”, the truth holds that love has no boundaries. Neither it has any religion and is a sentiment that defines the power of true bonding of affection.

People loved the idea of Valentine’s Day celebrations as they thought rationally. Ironically, that there should be a specific day for the celebration of true love. Valentine’s day is associated with a huge history behind it, as it was something found later by people. According to Elizabeth Nelson, a valentine day’s researcher and author of book on marketing the holiday. He says that there were days that people really loved the idea of Valentine’s Day celebrations. Furthermore, they celebrated the day in the most authentic of ways. However, these days it’s a bit different as the notion has changed towards being more commercial and media centric.


Celebrated all over the world, especially in the most Western countries. These includes USA, Canada, Australia, U.K., New Zealand, France & Italy. Furthermore, many other countries in the West. All these countries and some more in Europe and North America gave this day huge prestige and values. Especially, in terms of accomplishing love and being romantic. This is the day that defines what true romance is. Ironically, for a loved one, fiancee, or a life partner. This is in form of giving a card and chocolates and gifts for e.g. a French perfume or a ring. Hence, just to make it a memorable day & a day of significance. “Valentining” is the practice that originated from medieval England. This is where kids go door to door asking for treats and sweets, similar to that of Halloween.

However, in the later days, i.e. modern times, the focus has changed from human interactions to exchange of cards via social media and e-mails. Before the internet the use of cards as gesture of love and true romance was the most common ways of valentine day’s celebrations.


In the modern days since the beginning of social media for e.g. Facebook and Twitter, the way of celebrating the Valentine’s Day has changed. However, in many countries the spirit of the celebrations is still the same & holds similar intensities. Forwarding attractive cards and video messages is a norm on Facebook. Also, used for private messages and special Valentine day’s tributes. Dedicating songs of love and feelings through social media is very common, and one of the best ways to show your feelings to your valentine. The feelings are so gorgeous and concrete that they can turn into lifetime relationships i.e. husband and wife. Hence, a valentine day has changed in modern times and occupies more commercial values than it used to since it started.


The epi-centre of the day used to be romance only. It was in the ancient times when Valentine’s day celebration originated from West. Just transforming it into formal celebrations in the later years. Regards to sincerity of giving cards, there were questions that were asked.

An arranged marriage or a love affair turned into a wedding ceremony. This used to happen in the early 19th century when the Valentine day’s celebrations started. It was lesser amount of pretending and an attitude of flirt.

Hence, 90% of the time a valentine turned into a life partner in early days of the celebrations. However, with time and changes in the culture of Western nations, the celebrations have become more sort of formal rather than romance being the centre of the Valentine’s Day. In most Western nations, the probability and percentage of marriage has gone very low, and thus, it has directly impacted the valentine day integrity and the value of romance.

IMPACT as the name suggests outlays a huge impact on travel & Tourism industry in Canada. It is the sustainability conference taking place annually. The motto is the promotion of Travel & Tourism industry in Canada. Hence, the conference will surely be a huge step forward. This is primarily for the sake of promotional efforts in the vast North American country.

It’s a huge country, being second to Russia only, and the biggest in the entire North American continent. Placed in the top travel destinations in the world & visited by a huge number of people every year. Beautiful waterfalls, for e.g. Niagara Falls, and highly dense forests along with gorgeous landscapes. Significantly, makes it one of the few most beautiful places to visit as far as tourism values are concerned. A huge number of tourists comes often to visit Canada from neighbouring USA and Mexico. Ironically, as both countries having good economic and social connections with Canada.

Apart from these, Canada has hospitality values as a nation as they promote their tourism sector. They have rich architecture, and a highly developed urban sector. Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, and Calgary are some of the largest cities of Canada. Apart from the size, all these cities are largely equipped with a modern infrastructure.


The motto behind the activities of the Sustainability conference known as IMPACT is very clear. Making sustainable measures for the future of travel & tourism industry in Canada. The goal of IMPACT is simply aligning the Canadian Tourism Industry. This is along with the stakeholders and other communities touched by the tourism sector. This is behind a deep vision just for the sake of achieving economic, social and environmental sustainability.

IMPACT conferences need people who work in the Tourism industry. On top of this, possess sound knowledge of the Tourism sector in Canada. There are also people needed who can design the policies that affect tourism in Canada.

A policy framework is a set of legislative rules and is necessary for implementation especially after COVID-19. The aim is to give a deep vision of the sector, and find people who can teach tourism & hospitality in Canadian Universities. The Universities are giving hospitality and travel & Tourism more and more focus. The focus is mainly because of large number of people arriving in Canada annually for purpose of Tourism only. Hence, it’s a highly profit generating sector giving huge amount of revenues per year.


Another key aim of the conferences is to inject in the Canadian economic system values for tourism. Furthermore, the belief that Sustainable growth of tourism in Canada is a key economic driver. It’s a sector that gives Canada their prestige as well as economic values and vision to grow. On top of this , the vision of IMPACT conferences is to highly care about the positive impacts. Hence, in some of the few the negative impacts of Tourism on communities. More importantly, the tourism sector is highly effective in promoting healthy practices in Canada. This is vitally as Travelling & Tourism is considered for a balanced life. Highly promotes family values and a healthy life style.

The New Year’s Eve is celebrated all over the West in form of holiday. It is celebrated on 31st December i.e. the last day of the year, and people usually gather in public places and do shopping & dining together to mark the celebrations. It is usually a big day in most cities of the world that includes London, Dubai, Sydney, Toronto, Vancouver, Auckland, Moscow, Paris, & New York. The most exciting events that happen on the New Year’s Eve & something that makes it stand apart from the rest of the days are the annual fireworks.

Takes place usually in most big cities of the world with millions of dollars invested on the fireworks. Takes place in London, the financial hub of UK and its capital. In the United Kingdom, the fireworks of London holds mega status. A place where thousands of Londoners & people from many other European countries gather together. Finally, they pray for the well-being of their country & for Int. peace in the upcoming year.

The celebrations are usually mammoth as it signifies the importance & values attached with the New Year. Every year comes with huge celebrations, and hope that the world will together fight the miseries, the poverty of many poor nations, the hunger, & symbolise the day for global solidarity & unity of the people.


Whether you are in London, UK, Sydney, Australia or New York (USA). You will never miss the great shopping experience on the New Year’s Eve. The Eve comes with great shopping discounts and mouth-watering offers. Something, that makes it a huge day for people to celebrate & make joy. These are moments of joy in form of family gatherings, parties, & shopping together. It marks as a huge day for the International Retail industry. Ironically, as big brands all over the world open themselves with discounts and scintillating offers. New Year’s Eve is just like you can have all the fun on the big night. Hence, still you will feel that you have missed something your friend didn’t missed. A day for the people to pray together that their upcoming year is bigger than the passing one. Furthermore, may God give them the powers to encounter the challenges of the New Year.

Shopping is an experience that unites people all over the world in form of joys & especially the joy to mingle & shop together & party together. Retailers, especially brands like Next, M&S, Zarra’s, FCUK, Moss Bros, & Debenhams are open with both hands. More importantly, for people who just love their shopping especially, the party frenzy ladies. It’s indeed the day for the night out & people dancing on their favourite tunes. Most cities, like Los Angeles, London, and Las Vegas are truly the hub of dance nights. They are centres of partying and clubs open all night. Most people just enjoy all night, partying and drinking. Hence, as they got to have fun and make the most of the New Year Eve.


The world clocks are synchronised and people are waiting for the count of 12:00 am midnight to begin their celebrations. The Big Ben strikes 12:00 am, and its 1st Jan, i.e. the next day of the year. People start shouting & going crazy as the fireworks i.e. a huge and extravagant part of the New Year eve starts lighting up the skies of cities like London, Paris, New York & Sydney. If you are a Londoner you can’t miss it being the most expensive fireworks. On top of this,  the way it changes the whole scenario for people in matter of few seconds. It takes place for at least half an hour, and those few minutes are the biggest and brightest moments of joy for those gathered around the London eye & the famous Sydney Opera in huge numbers.

They just want to symbolise the New Year, and say a warm good bye to the year passing by. They don’t want to regret the passing year, the calamities, the bad things, & the challenges they faced personally. Instead, they want to hope for the upcoming year, with prayers of love & blessings from the Almighty to be showered & bestowed in the New Year.

The fireworks takes place in Toronto in Canada & is marked as a symbol of Canadian unity & solidarity. It’s a declaration that Canada is a country that is one of the biggest in the world & has all the capacities & the capabilities to fight the challenges. Its migrants are people who deserve and share the same respect, love & status as the rest of the citizens from the great nation. Canada is a country that loves its people, either they are in Canada or away.

The upcoming year, i.e. 2021 will be a year full of new challenges and vital happenings with highly defined success agendas. This is also due to the amount of challenging situations encountered in 2020. Hence, due to the pandemic COVID-19 reaching its peak especially in United States, India and Brazil. ‘2020’ has been a year of huge financial losses & has incredibly redefined history in terms of the number of deaths, and loss to travel & tourism sector in addition to the hospitality industry. A year that changed many things in Canada due to the social distancing laws. Hence, it was the cause of a huge financial recession after the recession of 2008-09. What’s more concerning for the people of Canada is the time frame. COVID-19, a pandemic has been a cause of concern, and to recover from the losses obviously needs reasonable time.

Shall be known in history as one of the biggest challenges of 2020. COVID-19 started in early 2020, the passing year as a vital threat. A pandemic that started taking its peak in early March. The month started with lock-downs in many countries and most people worked from home. Hence, they worked remotely while realising the power & best utilisation of the digital media. Digital Media is a weapon that holds huge tech significance in the modern world. Significantly, while most countries invested heavily to encounter and get out of the effects of COVID-19. However, it is indeed a lesson to encounter and stay safe regards to the future pandemics & their devastating effects.


The regular practising of the precautionary measures is mandatory, while entering 2021 with new success agendas. These measures are always a vital part of the current system imposed in Canada and holds huge values especially for the travel & tourism sector. While encountering the associated hazards with the pandemic, travel and tourism sector has been highly affected. Its COVID pressure in 2021 that needs to be handled smartly and effectively with a new vision. A new & revised vision is indeed the need of the hour as taking precautions is much better than being a victim of COVID-19.


Making practical resolutions and milestones for the upcoming year is a normal procedure that happens annually i.e. every year. However, this year can be a bit different for many organisations. Hence, as it has been a challenging year mainly because of the Pandemic COVID-19 situation. A pandemic that has been a cause of heavy job losses all over the world. Hence, it is still causing distress for people who have been affected badly. Under these harsh circumstances what’s more important is to adapt safety precautions while practising the pandemic especially in public places. The time frame for people holds huge amount of concern. Ironically, the concern is getting back to normal life, i.e. Pre-COVID-19.

In order to attain & achieve the future targets there are certain activities and agendas that needs to be followed. Considered as a defined set of tasks and activities, and is known generally as ‘The new year resolution‘. Importantly, for a personal development program it is an attitude that is highly critical. Hence, it can be highly influencing in terms of the motivational aspects. Furthermore, for the sake of highly focused people and their agendas. It is a valuable set of activities, i.e. the resolution of new year. Hence, more importantly holds significance for the most ambitious and important people. This is in terms of their career prospects, academic achievements and setting targets for their future goals. For many people the future holds vital importance in terms of their attitude towards their profession or their business activities.

Taking care of the future pandemics is a huge part of the milestones for the New Year. A vital part of the New Year agenda are Health & Safety measures and following strict guidelines for encountering similar pandemics like COVID-19.


The business challenges of 2021 are huge in terms of the magnitude of setbacks. Hence, especially after the impacts of COVID-19 that have been a devastation for the Canadian economy. These challenges includes bringing future stability, financial sustainability, and making a rapid recovery process. Business process re-engineering or BPR, is what most organisations are undergoing as part of the management & business strategy regards to change management. Bringing the businesses back to the normal running pace is the most challenging situation for the Govt. of Canada. Furthermore, reaping the benefits of it as in normal circumstances.

MBE IN 2021:

MBE is entering the year 2021 with a new vision for their employees and for the organisation itself. Aligned with the Canadian laws & policies are the MBE goals and its vision for future. This is largely due to the current pandemic situation of COVID-19. The company has strictly followed the precautionary measures as according to the Canadian laws. On top of this, it has actively contributed to the cause of a fight against the pandemic. It’s indeed the vision of Syed Mansoor Naqvi, CEO & President of MBE Group, that speaks volumes for itself.    


The defining of new success agendas means setting up goals of motivation and target orientation for yourself. These includes health goals, financial & monetary goals, career goals, & family goals being some of the most distinguished ones. Health agendas in 2021 holds most importance for people who have a higher level awareness of pandemics and especially COVID-19.

Read more events related to blogs.

The happiness to enjoy some overwhelming shopping discounts on the Boxing Day is huge and incomparable. It is the next day of Christmas & is always a great moment for those who have the opportunity to witness. Hence, this is especially for those who live in UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. These are the countries that celebrate Boxing Day on the 26th of December that originated from United Kingdom. Hence, it later spread in the Common Wealth countries, i.e. Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.

The most commonly accepted explanation for the Boxing Day meaning relates to the phrase ‘Christmas Box’. This notion dates back to ancient times of the British aristocracy. On 26th December, they used to give their servants as an off day, i.e. the next day to Christmas. They also used to give some sort of gifts and presents to their servants, known as the ‘Christmas Box.’ It is also known as the feast of St. Stephen, who was the first Christian martyr and an important figure known for acts of charity. The celebrations of the day takes place on the same date i.e. 26th December 2020. Stephens day, Celebrated and known as St. Stephen’s day in Ireland, as it is the feast day of the honourable Saint.

Another key concept behind Boxing Day, i.e. next day to Christmas, was giving charities and provisions to the needy. Boxing Day relates to many stories that have been traditionally associated with the day. The meaning seems built on gift giving and charity, when it was first recognised as a bank holiday. Celebrated in form of a holiday, i.e. 26th December, and happened since 1871. Next working day is a bank holiday, if the Boxing day is falling on a Saturday or Sunday.


The Boxing Day in the West holds huge commercial value and importance associated to the retail sector. In England, the place where it originated from, Boxing Day, i.e. 26th December is celebrated in form of an official Bank holiday. However, for the shoppers, it is a huge day, as the Boxing Day sales starts early morning for people. Hence, many buy their favourite products with huge discounts & offers. A significant arise in discounts that can rise up to 80% of the original product prices.


For many countries it is just a day after Christmas with heavy sales. As part of the celebrations, favourite sports are being played, i.e. especially in England & Australia. As an example, Premier League football matches took place on Boxing Day 2018. These are including Liverpool Vs Newcastle and Tottenham Vs Bornemouth, as two of the 9 matches played in 2018. The famous Boxing day test match takes place in Australia on the day. A match that starts on 26th Dec and ends on 30th Dec, in Melbourne, Australia. This is just before the start of the Next Year. Played in Australia on the historical day, was the first Boxing Day test match. Historically significant, it took place in the 1950, some 70 years from today. Most importantly, since than it has been a custom that started from Melbourne, Australia.

Advertising & Promotions of products on discounts is all part of the heavy significance taken by Retail sector. Therefore, resulting in substantial rise in the sales volume, and high amount of media coverage. Giving thanks to the Almighty for showering of blessings on special day. Celebrated as a huge symbol of joy, and thanks to Almighty for the provisions and rewards.

Another country in the Australian continent that celebrates the Boxing Day is New Zealand. Apart from the many shopping discounts offered in England on this day. Ironically, the day holds importance due to some other common things as well. Importantly, Auckland racing club is the horse racing event, that holds common terms with England’s Boxing day celebrations. The three categories in which the celebrations of the Boxing Day falls is sports, shopping & family.


Family get-to-gathers take place in form of parties, dining out with the family, prayers & sermons, giving charities to the needy, celebrating elegant food and having some great family time on the occasion of Boxing Day holiday. In some countries, celebrations can extend further to the start of the New Year. Hence, as many people take their annual leave and go for holidays to their favourite holiday destinations.

26th December is a huge carnival for those who love sports, shopping & like spending some peace moments with their love ones.

Labour Day in Canada is celebrated every first Monday of September. Hence, it is taking place on the 7th of September 2020 this year amid COVID-19. It is this day that highly signifies the importance & rights of labour. A North American nation that recognised the importance of the rights of their labour long time back. Hence, Canada is still highly sensitive for its labour’s issues and their rights. The Canadian labour party was found in 1917 to recognise the rights and importance of labour with a political perspective. The mandate of the party clearly signifies the importance of Labour Day. This is especially in Canada’s development and its economic boost. Labour are the key whether they are in form of Railway workers, bus drivers, transportation industry, surveillance sector, automation, car manufacturing industry, steel industry, construction industry & many other industries that are of huge importance.

In these current times of the pandemic COVID-19, the importance is highly paramount due to the cut down of jobs. Hence, many other significant changes in the economy in times of the pandemic. How the current pandemic, COVID-19, has been able to bring about changes in policies? These are with regards to the labour rights and preferences.

Not only important in Canada, it holds significant values in the United States as well. This is true as USA is the country where it originated from initially. In the year 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make the day an official holiday. Recognised in many provinces, the rights of the labour holds paramount importance this year. This is while increasing the hourly minimum wages for the labour workers. This is true, especially for the province British Columbia. Hence, as the pay rise holds huge amount of importance in terms of worker’s earnings.


Highly regarded is the role of the labour workers. This is especially in the developed world and higher economies. Also, highly regarded in the developed world with tributes and acknowledgements. The importance of labour workers holds priorities due to their increasing rights in Canada. These are for their hard work every day, especially for their vital contributions in various industries. Their significant contributions are highly detrimental as construction workers, retail workers, & Supply chain. Furthermore, railways, and many other sectors of the Canadian economy. Paying tributes in form of national holidays there is a declared National Holiday in Canada. Closed on the labour day are many organisations. These includes post offices, businesses and many other significant sectors.

Closed for a particular reason are the universities, schools and colleges. On this day in Canada mostly the educational establishments in almost all over Canada remain close. Reduced to Sunday services, the public transport also comes to a halt on this day. Recognising the importance of labour contributions to the economy of Canada came as a though on 15th April 1872. It happened when Toronto Trades Assembly organised the first significant demonstrations for labour rights. These demonstrations took place in Toronto, the main city of Canada. Recognised by The Canadian Govt. are the monetary and Civil rights of labour in the country. The aim was to highlight and point out that labour’s living standards needs improvement. Hence, finally they need to be paid more w.r.t their contributions at work for the sake of the Canadian economy.


Emphasising the rights of labour in Canadian construction industry was the aim of the movement that started in 1872. Exposed to many forms of potential life threats is the labour that holds a crucial role. Part of being the most common risks taken by the labour are the dangers in construction industry. Other dangers includes disabilities or minor or major injuries.

Recognising their rights in form of safety, and insurance was the key motive of the movement. A reform that took maturity at the start of the 19th Century. After step-wise transformations, labour rights were highly secured. This happened in the Post World War period. This is in form of Life Insurance in the construction sector. Hence, providing Safety equipment at work in form of PPEs and many other safety parameters. The introduction of safety parameters were solely for the safety of the labour workers. This happened while giving particular significance to the labour rights.

In Construction business, the modern outlook is highly reformed for the future of the construction industry. This is specifically where Canadian labour laws have not only protected their workers financially. In addition to this, physically giving them security and safety at work. These are in form of introductory measures of Health & Safety Workplace regulations. These have reformed and transformed over the years bringing Canada’s construction workers closer to safety.      

In the emerging Canadian society, the Canadian trade unions have played a significant part. 15th April was the date of yet another parade that was organised in the capital of Canada, i.e. Ottawa. The parade passed the house of Canada’s first Prime Minister John MacDonald. This eventually led to the founding of the Canadian labour Congress in the year 1883. An effort to politically recognise the rights of the Canadian labour and their respective laws.


Will be celebrated on 7th September this year, as it is the first Monday of September. For the Canadian Labour workers, the day is celebrated with huge passion & compassion. The passion it holds is huge in terms of the celebrations. Significantly, as Canada is a rich society with huge contributions from the labour. What labour has done and achieved for Canada over the years since 1872. Canada has transformed into a highly developed country, therefore, this is phenomenal for the progress. It’s not only a sound paradise in terms of finance and trade but also the growth prospects in various sectors.

Parties, functions and parades organised by Unions and workers unions is a huge answer. Precisely, an answer to the respect and dignity Canada has shown to its labour class over the years. People enjoy the company of each other in form of gatherings, parties and get-to-gathers. Seen as sign of unity that is a universal unity for labour rights and their laws. This is especially true for the hardworking people of Canada, huge contributors to economy of Canada. Known as people’s day, this is particularly a huge reason why. Ironically, as the most common people are amongst the labour class.

Educational trips, parties, and organised sports events are the ones organised by schools today. These events signify the Civil rights of labour in children since the start of their studies. A privileged society is the one that is designed on teachings of respect & dignity for their labour.

Labour Day celebrations further signify the importance of sacrifice by the labour workers. The dedicated people who have worked generations to generations for Canada’s prestige and her pride above all. This day is a symbol that signifies the key importance of hard work in every established society.


Celebrating the Labour Day in these times of the pandemic COVID-19. A pandemic that has highly devastated the financial and insurance industry in Canada. Social distancing, wearing masks, making the use of sanitisers is a must. Especially, in these current times of the pandemic COVID-19. A memorable day that will be marked in Canada in form of a holiday on 7th September 2020. It clearly states, irrespective of any class, creed or colour that labour holds huge values for the Canadian people. More importantly, as a highly motivated workforce especially, during these critical days.

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, realises the importance of Labour for Canada on this particular day. Furthermore, also signifying why Labour matters to the society? It is especially in these financial crisis & COVID-19 that importance of Labour is a fact that can’t be ignored by the leadership of Canada.

Signifying the significance of Labour Day holds huge prestige and recognition. These are for the rights and respect of labor all over the world. Every first Monday of September celebrated as a national holiday in Canada. The celebrations this year shall be taking place with the same pride and honor on the 7th of September 2020.
The recognition and celebration hold importance this year as well despite COVID-19 and its activities all over Canada. While making celebrations the social distancing laws shall be taken into practice. More considerations include COVID-19 precautionary measures being followed all over Canada.


Significance of labour day
Significance of labour day

Highly regarded are the role and rights of labor in the whole modern world. These are especially in developed countries. Paid huge tribute and acknowledgments with emphasis to the developed world. Hence, this is for their hard work and passion at work every day. Their significant contributions are highly detrimental as construction workers, retail workers, & Supply chain workers. Furthermore, in Railways, and many other sectors of the Canadian economy. Paying tributes in the form of national holidays there is a declared National Holiday in Canada. Closed on the day are most organizations, businesses as well as the post office. Hence, in Canada on this day, schools, colleges, universities, and other educational establishments remain closed. Alternatively, reduced to Sunday services is public transport in Canada. In some places, it comes to a halt as well.

Recognizing the significance of labor contributions to the economy of Canada came as a though on 15th April 1872. It happened when the Toronto Trades Assembly organized the first significant demonstrations for labor rights. These demonstrations took place in the city of Toronto. The government of Canada’s recognition of civil, monetary, and labor rights became necessary. The aim was to highlight and point out that labor’s living standards need improvements. Further signifying that they need to be paid more w.r.t their contributions at work. These are solely for the sake of the Canadian economy & improving the infrastructure.


Construction industry labours
Construction industry labours

Emphasising the rights and significance of labour in the Canadian construction industry. Furthermore, that was also the aim of the movement that started in 1872 and matured gradually. Exposed to the dangers of death for construction & labor workers are common in the industry. These are in the form of life threats, disabilities, or minor or major injuries. Recognizing their rights in the form of safety, and insurance was the key motive of the movement. It was the movement that took maturity at the start of the 19th Century. However, it was later i.e. post-world war. In the form of insurance at work. The right of labor was secured, as this happened slowly with emphasis on the construction industry. Furthermore, providing Safety equipment at work in the form of PPEs. For the sake of underlying paramount significance, many safety parameters have been introduced.

In the construction business, its modern outlook is that is highly reformed. This is where Canadian labor laws have not only protected their workers financially. Furthermore, as well as physically giving them security and safety at work. These are in the form of introductory measures of Health & Safety Workplace regulations. These have reformed and transformed over the years bringing Canada’s construction workers closer to safety.      

In emerging Canadian society the trade unions played a significant role. Yet another parade was organized in Ottawa, i.e. a few months after 15th April. Also passed the house of Canada’s first Prime Minister Sir John MacDonald. This eventually led to the founding of the Canadian Labour Congress in the year 1883. An effort to politically recognize the rights of Canadian labor and their respective laws.


celebrating labour day like holiday
celebrating labour day like holiday

On 7th September, for the labour of Canada. Motivation and passion are the two factors that influence this day celebrations. The passion it holds is huge in terms of the celebrations. This is also because Canada is a rich society with huge contributions from labour. The country has transformed into a highly developed country. This is because, since 1872, the efforts of labour have been highly regarded. It’s not only a sound paradise in terms of finance and trade. Hence, also in terms of the growth prospects in various other sectors in the Canadian economy.

Parties, functions, and parades organized by Unions and workers unions is a huge answer. It is a reply to the respect and dignity that Canada has shown to its labor class over the years. People enjoy the company of each other in the form of social gatherings. As key highlights and sign of unity, parties and get-to-gathers take place commonly. This is especially for the hardworking people of Canada. People’s day is what it is known as just because of the common man. Outlining the fact that the most common people are amongst the labor class.

For schools in Canada, organized sports events, educational trips and parties are a common entity. These signify the Civil rights of labor in children since the start of their academics. Privileged societies are constructed on teachings of respect & dignity.

Labour Day celebrations further signify the importance of sacrifice by the labour workers. The dedicated people who have worked from generation to generation for Canada’s prestige and her pride above all. This day is a symbol that signifies the key importance of hard work in every established society.

Canada Day’ is celebrated every 1st of July likewise it will be celebrated this year. Hence, this is despite the COVID-19 happenings it will be COVID-Wise. The day is celebrated all over vast land Canada and by Canadians all over the world. Canadians all over the world consider this day as their national symbol. Its importance in terms of honor, prestige, and patriotism may not be evident this year. This is true even though it’s the 153rd birthday of Canada. However, it was evident the previous year in 2019 in the form of huge celebrations. While following the strict implications of coronavirus. ‘Canada Day’, celebrated with high prestige for the people of Canada. It includes emotions, compassion, and passion of the people with their motherland. Also with very limited celebrations all across the Canadian region.



Its history dates back to 1st July 1876 when officially the nation’s birth took place. It happened when the Constitution Act joined three provinces into one country i.e. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada province which split into Ontario and Quebec. The country Canada being a monarchy of England wasn’t completely independent from England until 1982. It happened on 1st July 1982 when Canada officially declared its independence from England. Declared as the official independence day of Canada. Honored as ‘Canada Day’, it happened later in October 1982, i.e. the same year of independence. The holiday known as Dominion Day was officially established in 1879. Many Canadians earlier considered themselves as British Citizens until the official declaration happened. Due to a bill that was put forward in 1946 in parliament. ‘Dominion Day’, the official name was changed to ‘Canada Day’.

COVID-19 will be part of the rich history of Canada day for the very first time.



As a symbol of national patriotism and love with Canada. Officially observed every calendar year and marked as a national celebration. A country of diverse nationalities from many different countries and immigrants from all over the world. Having huge responsibilities as a different premier for every province. The provinces of Canada are divided into 10 provinces and territories. These are apart from the roles and responsibilities of the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. The biggest province area-wise is Quebec is a French-speaking province. It also comprises a huge number of people from various different nationalities. The spirit of Canadian patriotism saw its height in 1967 and the Dominion Day celebrations really began to take off. It was declared as ‘Canada Day’ later in October 1982 officially. Hence, the year was the same as the independence day from England.



There are a number of  COVID-Wise ways to celebrate Canada day which holds values in terms of Canada’s prestige. It also includes moral values and respect for the nation in the form of patriotism and a sense of ownership. Prior to COVID, they were in the form of parades, celebrations take place in various cities and regions.  Furthermore, towns and villages all over Canada were participants. There are some other celebrations that are unofficial. These are in the form of formal and informal public gatherings. It also includes picnics, beach parties, festivals, sporting events, and fireworks. In the biggest cities of Canada, celebration events have highly planned. These cities include Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, Quebec. Furthermore, are Calgary, Edmonton, London, Victoria, and Vancouver.


While celebrating Canada day, the government is urging its citizens to be COVID-Wise especially in times of Coronavirus. Canada is celebrating its 153rd Birthday, this is not the same as it has been before. Most of the cities in Canada are under full or partial lockdown and are in the opening-up process. Due to pandemic COVID-19, some of the events have been cancelled. These events include festivities on Parliament Hill at Major Hill’s Park across Ottawa. With strict imposition, a max. of 10 people is the Govt.’s restriction. This restriction is in public gatherings due to the pandemic coronavirus and its fatal consequences.

According to Dr Etches, an expert on COVID-19. The best thing we can do is continue to care and protect each other by being COVID-19 wise. Hence, particular care is a huge necessity, especially during celebrations taking place. This might be the first and only time that Canada Day will be celebrated mostly from homes. People watching T.V programs on the history of Canada. Especially, the know-how of how Canada has formed itself into one of the most developed nations in the world.


The expert’s opinion holds immense values in terms of the three tips during the celebrations of Canada Day. These are during the pandemic COVID-19 to stay safe and prevent it from happening.

  • Try to keep the celebrations outdoor especially in places where physical distancing can be followed.
  • Avoidance of potentially crowded areas is a necessity above all at all costs. These include parks and beaches.
  • Make celebrations mostly within family and friends. Keeping in mind the close connections and the maximum 10 people restrictions.
  • ‘COVID wise’ is the best way to move into ‘stage 3’. Vitally, being the next stage in the opening up procedures in COVID-19.

For the sake of mingling on the beaches. There is some special attention to detail that needs taking care of. Please be aware of the COVID-19 laws on beach interactions. Hence, remain cautious of communal areas that include washrooms and high-touch surfaces.


W- Wear a Mask

I –   Isolation in Sickness

S –   Stay Two meters apart from others.

E-   Exercise proper hand hygiene.

People from around the world, not only Canada hold responsibility for wearing a mask. This is due to the fast-spreading COVID-19 pandemic. Another important aspect being COVID-wise even though it’s Canada Day is isolation in sickness. This is for the sake of preventing the disease from spreading or even during its symptoms. A safe distance is necessary as these celebrations shall turn out to be unique. By unique it means one of its kind apart from the Yester year’s celebrations of Canada Day. Exercising proper hand hygiene is one of the most essential parts of COVID-wise measures. Primarily, as the pandemic is transferable through human touch or close interactions.

The National Indigenous People’s day Canada is a day of huge cultural significance & celebrations for the indigenous people of Canada. Their contributions to the development and economy of Canada has been huge over the years. Furthermore, before even Canada became an independent sovereign country.

Yearly celebrations take place on 21st June. Hence, Govt. has officially declared this day as the National Indigenous People’s Day. The significance of Indigenous People is highly celebrated by the Canadian Govt. This is with huge significance to the rich and diverse culture of the country. Especially, how Canadians have lived together in a multi-cultural and diverse society. The significance it holds in the country is mainly due to the everlasting contributions. These are contributions by the diverse people of Canada. Hence, signifying their key roles in improving and making it the country it is today.

Canada is a huge land and revolves around the history of the aboriginal people. These people are the originals of Canada, i.e. since Pre-independence. This is similar to the aborigines in Australia. Regarded as a symbol of pride & prestige are the aboriginals in Canada. Hence, it is for a vast and developed country in North America. While it honours the cultural heritage on the 21st of June, it holds National day significance. In addition to this the cultures and valuable contributions to society. This is by First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people. These contributions are worth remembering because of the importance of the amount of work done. All of it relates to the achievements in the initial developments in Canada. Canada’s history is one of the richest in North America. Hence, its culture is full of diversity with state-of-the-art knowledge. Furthermore, signifying arts, architecture, religion and languages.

indigenous people day history
indigenous people day history


It was in the year 1982 that National Indian Brotherhood now the assembly of First Nations gave their suggestion while establishing the “National Aboriginal Solidarity Day”. Hence, it is celebrated as a day of huge recognition. Later in the year 1990, Quebec became the first province amongst all the Provinces and territories in Canada. Quebec’s efforts were to establish 21st June as a day to celebrate the indigenous culture. History gave this day huge and paramount importance due to the efforts of the originals. Hence, making Canada a country worth living and earning. Furthermore, the increased tensions between the indigenous people and Non-Aboriginal led to renewed calls. Hence, calls were for the importance to recognize the day as a National Day.

However, on the 13th June 1996, The Governor-General Romeo LeBlanc announced the intentions of the Govt. to have an annual celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day. Later, in the same month, Canada celebrated its first National Aboriginal Day on 21st June 1996. National Indigenous People’s Day was the name it was later changed to. Announced by the PM of Canada, Mr Justin Trudeau on June 21st 2017.

The importance to the National day given by the Govt. of Canada is mainly due to political reasons as well as cultural significance. Every country recognizes the efforts of the aboriginals in the development of the country and its significance to history. History is absolute proof to the fact that how the indigenous people of Canada have worked hard for the development of Canada while preserving and valuing their cultural heritage. Why cultural heritage is important? Is itself a debate, however, it holds priorities of recognitions of efforts. This recognition is especially from those who immigrated and settled in Canada with their respective families.

indigenous people day celebrations in canada
indigenous people day celebrations in canada


The National day is marked by ceremonies since its first official celebration that took place on 21st June 1996. These celebrations and ceremonies highlight cultural performances, activities, displays of arts and crafts, and events that recognize the contributions by the Indigenous People. All these celebrations are followed by St-Jean-Baptiste Day on 24th June. Furthermore, Multiculturalism Day on 27th June and Canada Day on 1st July. All these celebrations signify the importance of history to Canada and why history is so important and needs preserving. History is also highly important to celebrate Canada with all its diverse cultures, religions and races living in Canada.

It’s also important for a country to Celebrate its culture i.e. arts in various forms for people coming to the country to know well what Canada is. ‘Life in Canada’ is a mandatory learning aspect that needs to be known by people. This is important for those who have to pass their acknowledgement of living in the country as permanent residents. It is further necessary as Canada needs to promote its culture not only for the sake of permanent settlements. It is also necessary for those rich investors who are investing in the country in the form of long and sustainable businesses. A country’s culture is not only part of its pride, but it is also a shadow of history. Furthermore, it also shows the nature of people living in the country since ages and their behaviours.


The day was given the status of ‘National Prestige’ on 21st June 1996, as that was the date it was first celebrated. Hence, since that day the Indigenous People’s respect and dignity are highly signified as a National Pride. Canada, being a huge land area-wise is culturally diverse and a gifted country. Mostly all provinces and Territories recognize the importance of the day. This is vitally due to its diverse nature and significance. Hence, Quebec was the first one to recognize its importance. Celebrating the day as a National Prestige also holds vitality to reduce tensions between Indigenous People and Non-Indigenous People. These tensions usually arise because of violation of rights as the indigenous people feel insecure and different from Non-Indigenous.

Read the related blog: THE NATIONAL FLAG DAY OF CANADA

Observed with huge compassion and emotions for fathers around the world. Father’s day shall be observed in Canada on June 21st, 2020. Although, the date of its celebrations varies in different countries its soul is still the same. Highlighting the importance of the day with respect to the roles and responsibilities of a Father.

Regarded as a symbol of huge prestige in terms of celebrations. This is especially in North America where it started. Also celebrated with happiness and with great emotional intensity. As it originated from the United States of America in the early 19th Century. Sharing love and showing immense care for fathers. The day is observed as a monumental significance. Part and parcel of the emotional gestures for fathers are many surprises. These are in the form of cards, gifts, gatherings, and memories on father’s day. Hence, also signifying their contributions in the upbringing of their children.

Memorable videos, upbringing pics, and old memories are shared on social media. Sharings bonds of love on the day is common. Hence, Social media is a tool that is used most effectively. In a father-children relationship, cherished moments & are seen and remembered again and again. Emotionally signifying the day that holds intense attributes in terms of its importance. This is because fathers are the leading members of the family. This has been the case in almost every country for many years.

highlighting the role of father
highlighting the role of father


The role of fathers in society everywhere determines the importance of father’s day and its celebrations in the entire world. Fathers play a key role in the society in nourishment and training of their children. Hence, it is for real-world challenges and how these can be met in the future. Every father has a dream for his kids that they shall have a great future ahead. Finally, a wish that they shall make a big name for their family and their country.

Being head of the family and leading the family through guidance and teachings is the responsibility of a father. Especially in times of distress and misery. A father is always there to improve and improvise the conditions with wisdom and courage. A father’s role as signified by God is that of a figure, an affectionate and love showering personality. Someone who must in all circumstances take part in the upbringing of their children. Furthermore, protect them from all sorts of circumstances.

the observance
the observance


The most popular date for father day is the third Sunday in June and it was first observed in the United States of America. European nations with due special attention have shown immense recognition for the day. It is since its first observance was made. In Spain, Italy & Portugal the date is observed on the 19th of March that is the feast of St. Joseph, who is the patron saint of fathers. Celebrated on the same date as ‘Ascension Day’ in Germany. It holds great emotions and enthusiasm in Germany as well.

While we move towards the Scandinavian countries. In the 1930s, the tradition of the father’s day was adopted. Hence, originally the American date was in use. The second Sunday in November was taken as an alternative day for the celebrations. This happened in the year 1949 after initial celebrations.  Norway, Finland, Denmark & Iceland are the rest of the Nordic countries that adopted the day. August 8th was the date of celebration in Taiwan as this was also the date for father’s day celebrations in China. Later, the date that was finally taken was the third Sunday in June. This is similar to the day of celebrations in the United States and most European countries.

history of fathers day
history of fathers day


Celebrated first on the 5th of July, 1908 in Fairmont, Virginia. Its history dates back more than a century from today. The first country to recognize the importance of the father’s role was the United States. It was observed as a church service at Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South. Central United Methodist Church is the new name for the church.

A claim that is also made for the same day by the President of the Chicago branch of the Lions’ Club Harry Meek. Lions’ Club Harry Meek’s president of Chicago Branch also claimed the same day celebration. He celebrated the first Father day with his respective organization in 1915. It was that particular day that it was decided that father’s day shall be observed on the third Sunday of June. This was the closest Sunday to Meek’s birthday.

As part of the rich history of the father’s day was Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, the person whose father was the Civil War Veteran named William Jackson Smart was a single parent who raised his six children. It was because of lack of time that the initial day suggestion was ignored and the suggestion was later moved to the third Sunday of June.

Hence, the first father’s day in June was celebrated on the 19th of June, 1910 in Spokane, WA. It was later in 1924 after some celebrations for the father’s day that it was recommended by President Calvin Coolidge, as he recommended that day as a National Holiday.

Later after at least four decades i.e. in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson made father’s day a holiday to be celebrated on the third Sunday of June. However, the recognition of the day came later in 1972 while President Richard Nixon was the President of The United States of America.

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