Articles by "mid of march 2021"

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International Women’s Day, a day celebrated all over the world on the 8th of March every year. This day is symbolic due to many reasons apart from recognising the rights of women & how the world started to change when realisations were made for women’s freedom of speech. This day not only holds importance for Canada. Furthermore, for Canadian women as well. Recognised all over the world for women’s day especially. The day also highlights the achievements made by women from 20th Century globally. Especially, since the empowerment of women and their rights.

Starting from the famous Mother Teresa, known for her efforts for the humanity as a nun and missionary. While remembering the iconic soul on International Women’s Day. Mother Theresa was born in North Macedonia and died in Kolkatta, India. She got the noble peace prize for her efforts towards humanity and serving the people & is the first woman who defined a new role for women all over the world.


There has been many women leaders who have made a huge impact on the page of the world all over. All these women have been great icons for their particular country. Hence, that’s why they are always remembered on International Women’s Day annually. These includes, Angela Merkel, The Chancellor of Germany, and a great German women. Someone, who has been consistently in the Top 10 power list of the most powerful people. She has been an outstanding leader of Germany while representing the country internationally as the Chancellor.

Also, includes in the distinguished list is the twice serving Prime Minister of Pakistan, Miss Benazir Bhutto. The assassination of Miss Bhutto took place during a political campaign in the year 2007. This is after making a significant name in Asian Politics & World Affairs. Another great icon is Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, a women of change. Finally, who can forget the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher from The United Kingdom. The longest serving Prime Minister of United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. All these women have demonstrated in their own capacities & in their roles as being the leader of their country time & again, that Women can match the powers and abilities of any man if they want.

The day is a huge opportunity to celebrate the women’s achievements from Politics to Sports etc. Here are some of the women from the year 2021’ who have already made a mark in the history books. These are women from International Politics, Film industry, Representing International Organisations, and Int. Sports. They have not only created an example for women globally. But also proved, the only answer to success is courage and hard work, as these women have proved to the world.

Some of these outclassed women from 2021’ on Int. Women’s Day includes;


Kamala Harris from United States made history on 20th January 2021, i.e. on the oath taking day. She was inaugurated as the First Black & the first South Asian American. Furthermore, the first woman Vice President of United States. A huge achievement from Kamala Harris while making a mark in American politics. On top of this, making a huge example for the women of United States.


Kaja Kallas became the first female Estonia’s Prime Minister. This happened less than a week after Kamala Harris made her name to the history books. Her oath apart from many other goals is to tackle Climate Change globally.


On the 1st February, Zara Mohammad became the first woman and at the age of just 29. As Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain. As the youngest person in history for this position, Zara Mohammad was the elected candidate. It is the nation’s largest body that represents the Muslims of Britain. There are many Muslims, men and women working in the Great Britain and following their religion with complete freedom.


Seiko Hashimoto, the Japan’s former Olympics minister was the one who took charge of the next Olympic Games. She became the Tokyo 2020 President, due to the resigning of Mr. Mori. Following some comments that went against women made by Yoshiro Mori. Hence, Mori had to resign from his position. Seiko Hashimoto, is a Seven-time Olympian and won a bronze medal for speed skating in 1992.


Chloe Zhao, at the Golden Globe awards on the 28th February became the first Asian woman. Apart from this, only the second women ever to win the best director award for the film Nomadland. In field of Film Direction at the Golden Globe. Ironically, her efforts are recognised on the world’s stage. Before Zhao, the first ever women to get the award was Barbra Streisand.

Online shopping business these days is very common, however, it needs a much better & safer consumer experience. It is convenient, safe mostly & if you have a good shopping experience you will always adore it the next time. Consumers mostly look for quality aspects in a shopping experience & apart from quality they also look for safety & security of data. Data protection should be the priority in online shopping due to things like hacking, identity theft & stealing personal details for wrong reasons. Therefore, the trust levels are always lacking in online shopping. Hence, unless it’s a popular website or brand where you can easily put your trust on the website or seller. The trust factor is significant due to many reasons, one of them being data protection & safe handling of critical data.

In online shopping the product is not actually in front of you, however, you can make your own assumptions & decisions looking at the customer reviews & feedback. Why a feedback holds immense values is due to the evaluation of the product performance & its value in the eyes of the consumers. The behaviours, expectations & evaluation of consumers is highly appreciated & regarded for future results.

The following are some tips for having a safe consumer experience.


Using familiar websites or using a website for online shopping for the first time might not be the best idea. Consumers should shop from websites that they can trust in future. If they have a knowledge of the website or they know it well, there are very few chances that they shall be drifted to a malicious page & ripped off. Also what they need to be cautious of are spelling errors or sites using a different domain. The seller might be enticing & appealing offers but that’s exactly how they create traps and make innocent shoppers as their victims.


Avoid using public WiFi for online shopping as public WiFi are not safe & key information can be leaked. In simple terms it is unsafe & you wouldn’t want to share your most critical details i.e. debit/credit card details & your home address.


Maintenance of a strong password is just like taking care of your hygiene and protecting yourself from germs. Hackers are like germs and they are smart enough to hack your shopping account or your password. Maintenance of strength in password & regularly changing the password will definitely act as a self-defence for protection against hackers.


Keeping yourself updated with your shopping statements & your bank statements is an ideal scenario if you are a frequent online shopper. If you feel like there is a fraud on your account. Furthermore, there are some payments on your statement that you have not purchased. Straightaway call your bank and claim a refund. Instruct your bank that they e-mail or regards to a charge or ask them to let you know somehow regards to any unwanted charge.


Keeping a good eye on the retailer’s policy will tell you more about the authenticity of the retailer. Consumers should be aware of what happens to their data when they leave it on the website. They should satisfy themselves regards to the security aspects of the website & how secure is their data. As part of the transparency measurements on the website. Usage of data for Market research purposes does it say somewhere. Consumers should preferably find out the retailer’s privacy policy as this is important to know before shopping from that website.


It is highly recommended to consumers that they download apps from highly trusted sources. These sources are App Store from Apple, the Google Play Store, Amazon app store etc. All these applications are trusted apps that can be used for downloading as recognised & trusted. However, for fresh apps, if consumers can make a decision through positive reviews & feedback. Furthermore, a rating system can help them make a decision of using an App.


A proper & thorough reading of the return policy while you shop online is a mandatory principle. Significantly, regards to your dissatisfaction levels with a product, you would prefer a return. Reading concisely makes sure that consumers read the policy very carefully before they hit the ‘Purchase’ OR ‘Add to Cart’ Button. Precautionary measures are better off.


A credit card functions differently than a debit card. It’s better to use credit card for a safer consumer experience so that even if you face a fraud you will have ample time to get a return of your payments. In case of fraud you will have ample time to convince your bank that you have been a victim.


Keeping the receipts with you i.e. e-mail receipts or a notification of purchase with a dedicated product reference number is preferable. In this case you can keep the receipts until the product arrives safely at your place & you are satisfied. For some specific reason if you have issues with product satisfaction. Having receipts with you helps in lodging complaints or return fillings. Guarantees consumer satisfaction levels to higher extents.

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There are a number of factors that affect life insurance premiums and many different ways in which the premium is affected. In Canada the importance of Life Insurance is to a huge level & depends on the circumstances and the risk factors associated. The current pandemic, i.e. COVID-19 is the most recent example. This is more importantly of how life insurance holds importance for Canadians. Especially for those people who are highly prone to get the pandemic due to age concerns or their health history. For some people irrespective of the risks associated COVID-19 is a huge threat and needs life insurance as a backup. Life insurance premiums vary significantly according to age, occupation, health hazards & risks levels associated. On top of this, also the different number of factors that can affect the life insurance premium figures.


Risk to life is always there while you are working 9-5 and driving your way to your work. Alternatively, you have to travel a lot for your career or business purposes. Particularly, the travelling is from a town to nearby metropolitan, i.e. to Toronto, from any suburbs. Involved & exposed with life are a number of potential risks. These risks are always exposed to a person who is striving daily at work. The risk can be at your job site and it can be somewhere you go for relaxation. Example includes having a coffee after work, or at an exercise location.

The aim of the Life Insurance companies is to analyse the risks involved. Furthermore, give the best suitable solution regards to the risks and how to get away with it intelligently. If you are into hiking and outdoor activities. What needs to be overlooked consequently are a number of risks involved. However, your premium can be a bit on the higher side. Consequently, if there is persistence with activities that involves taking risks.

The number of risks involved are as follows;


Your current age is a highly significant factor in determining the premium for insurance companies. For people more than 60 years old the age factor comes into play. Ironically, they have a probability of dying more than someone who is 40 or 45 years old. This is also irrespective of drinking and smoking habits of a particular person, and how these vary with age. Yet another thing that matters is the Life Expectancy and its stats. Obviously, L/E in Canada is high, i.e. almost 82 years old average. Significantly, which means you can have a good premium on your Life insurance. This is even if you apply at the age of 60 that is on a higher side in most countries. However, it is at least 22 years less than the Life Expectancy of Canada.

Life expectancy matters due to the living standards in the country. Furthermore, a country’s happy index apart from many other factors also matters.


The health history of a particular person is yet another factor that determines the life insurance premium. If you have a weak health record, having weight issues or you are prone to heart diseases. Alternatively, your insurance premium will be automatically on a higher side. However, your health history being on the good side, you exercise regularly and you have a healthy diet. Ironically, it will impact your lifestyle positively and your premium will be relatively on a lower side. This is mainly because you are not prone to death due to sudden health condition or a heart attack.

Health history also includes any family health history such as cancer in close family, or having diabetic family issues or finally weight issues. Highly analysed are all the factors vitally before reaching an insurance premium figure.


Life at work in Canada matters a lot while making calculations for an insurance premium. If you are a construction worker, a miner, or involved in high risks activity at work place. Hence, automatically your insurance premium will be on a higher side. Alternatively, you are 9-5 workaholic working in a safe and secure office environment. Obviously, your risk to death at work or due to any fatal injuries should be really low.


Being a regular consumer of alcohol or Tobacco increases your risk to death. Hence, the insurance premium that is associated with it automatically rises due to the risk. However, even if you are a consumer. What depends largely, whether you are a regular consumer or a casual consumer. Furthermore, a high consumer or only those who consume in social gatherings or parties. All these different categories of alcohol and tobacco consumption determines your insurance premium.


Your foreign or local travel and how frequently you travel is a factor that determines the insurance premium. Some key elements that further depends while you are travelling are duration of travel & your frequent mode of transport. Also, your destination, the country risks associated and finally how often you travel. More clearly, the frequency of travels that are associated to a certain place. All these factors determines the insurance premium for your life insurance plan and how this premium varies.


The health and well-being factor is part of healthy living lifestyle. Hence, the insurance premium for your life insurance depends on this as well. Amazingly, this is apart from the so many factors associated with Life insurance. A healthy lifestyle depends on the country you are living. Also, your daily eating habits, and your personal circumstances, i.e. your family life and your married life. Part of the well-being are the key things associated, i.e. your inclination to sports or daily exercises, having a busy life style and being happy with your family & kids.

Ultimately, your heart is your source of a healthy lifestyle and how well can you maintain your health also matters. Health is Wealth in the insurance industry.

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