Articles by "Human Resources"

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Human Resource Professionals all over the world have faced a number of different challenges during the pandemic COVID-19. These challenges are many in number if counted, however, the nature of the challenges do vary accordingly. In the first place HR is a highly technical field and holds a huge number of challenges already. Well, attached with COVID-19, you can actually double the amount of efforts. Hence, as well as the amount of fatigue and stress taken to resolve the issues. As COVID-19 started to spread all over the world. Therefore, its impacts showed the amount of efforts needed to combat the pandemic. Hence, as well as the number of preventive measures that needs to be taken.

Managing human resource became a bigger level challenge for HR Professionals as they communicated on board. Primarily, the importance levels attached to safety management activities from Corona virus.



Communicating across the boards regards to the activities and procedures during COVID-19 is one of the biggest challenges. During the COVID-19, being part of the Human Resource professionals duties is to make sure that all procedures are followed. Especially, during COVID-19, and not in the middle of lock downs, i.e. in-office procedures.

Taken on a universal basis, while making sure about the preventive measures. Everything gets communicated across the boards when necessary. Thus, this is something that needs to be made sure. Part of the preventive measures includes wearing masks, using sanitisers and having a distance of at least 4-6 feet.


What’s more important during COVID-19 or Corona virus is the maintenance of safety procedures. Taken as a challenge by HR Professionals are the procedures that are followed. Furthermore, maintained in office during the working hours. The necessary maintenance is highly important. Particularly, as following the protocols is the only way to minimise the spread and effects of COVID-19. Imposed by the Govt. of Canada, these are not only strict procedures. Hence, but also procedures that will be highly important for the employees. As well as all the other stakeholders at work.


Those who are not following the procedures during the pandemic COVID-19. According to the time that the law hasn’t been followed, a fine should be imposed by HR. This can be a huge challenge as it is difficult to keep a check on all the employees. This is with regards to wearing masks, using sanitiser and checking temperatures regularly at work. As these practices became highly critical and part of the workplace ethics. Termed as minimal outlaws, this is an important declaration to find those individuals. Employees at the workplace can get away with regular safety procedures. However, there should be a strict way to maintain these procedures. Significantly, to avoid any possible irregularities during COVID-19.


HR Professionals role is to manage the activities of human resources. On top of this, control and monitor work place disturbances and employee issues. Hence, during the COVID-19, it is indeed a challenge for HR Professionals. On a routine basis, to maintain their daily tasks and day to day routines. With respect to the responsibilities related to COVID-19, the work load of HR Professionals can get affected.

To have an eye on this challenge and make sure that it doesn’t affect their daily tasks and routine activities. Hence, they need to make proper usage & proper utilisation of time. Time is a huge constraint once the responsibilities at work are increased, and it needs to be monitored effectively.


During the lock down stage in the pandemic times. The remote working became a normal course of procedures for employees all over the world. Hence, it has been a challenge for the HR Professionals to monitor the remote working procedures. Also, keep an eye on the attitudes of employees at the workplace. All employees need to be on Zoom or Skype on time. Furthermore, properly dressed irrespective of them working from home or working remotely. Apart from the HR professionals’ duties, it is also mandatory to keep a good eye on the employee behaviours. Also, how they are managing daily routine tasks. Whatever problems they are encountering while working remotely needs to be addressed by the HR Professionals. Hence, this is part of their growing responsibilities during the pandemic.

HR should be observant enough to make sure that all sort of work is conducted with a highly professional attitude. In addition to this, the employees are not taking leverages of working from home. Obviously, they can feel a bit relaxed, but they should feel the responsibility with the same intensity of working in-house. Ironically, it’s also the responsibility of HR professionals to make the employees feel their responsibility. This is mainly with regards to their assignments or their deadlines. They must also act as a motivating catalyst apart from the role played by leadership. This role is highly significant in control and management of the company.


This is vitally true that HR Challenges have been extended at least 30%-35%. Hence, in the wake of the Corona virus happenings. However, internationally speaking they can easily comprehend to all the challenges. Furthermore, as working as a HR Professional is indeed a tough job. It’s not just keeping an eye. It’s like keeping a good open eye, and making sure that things get along smoothly. The challenges can always be minimised once HR strategy is mixed with a highly sophisticated COVID-19 encountering strategy. A strategy that will also be an influence for similar diseases in future.

Recruitment Challenges are a common problem in companies that are faced by HR Professionals. It is ironic that Human resources or an organisation’s workforce are the most important assets of a company. Ultimately, it’s the importance of talent that holds vital importance for an organisation. Secondly, finding out best ways of talent management is also the key role of management in a professional organisation. The investment is the key that companies make for a better organisational setup.

However, for most companies and HR Professionals recruitment & selection process is the most problematic scenario. What’s highly critical is the identification of the correct JD or Job Descriptions. This is ironically in line with the demands of the role. It is not only the beginning of the recruitment process, but it’s also the beginning of the recruitment challenges. Recruitment & Selection process relies heavily on the goals of recruitment and how demanding is the role itself.

The challenges of the recruitment team and also the ones they most commonly face. Mostly, they are in terms of getting the candidate’s time slots. This is especially in line with the interviewing panel and the availability aspects of both parties. It is indeed a challenge of the hiring process that the recruitment team should eventually get over with.

Below are some of the most common HR Challenges & their solutions?


The importance of making quick and rapid hiring decisions is always a huge advantage. More importantly, as part of the recruitment and hiring procedures. These are one of the major struggles that the recruiters these days encounter. That is, the hiring of the resource in a very short span of time. It is also challenging for recruiters to meet the company’s expectations in a short span of time. Furthermore, if the company is undergoing a change management program, or is under an expansion program. What holds key here is the identification of talent, and an eye of an expert for a quick hiring decision.


Making the right benchmarks for the new recruits in terms of their salaries is indeed a vital concern. This is important as it can get a bit difficult to analyse the needs of the job. Furthermore, in parallel the needs of the employees. Another important thing is that it may differ from one candidate to another. Obviously, depending on the abilities of the person, and their previous salary. However, another key aspect that is a significant part of the recruitment process is the negotiation process. The HR professionals during the negotiation process have to keep certain key aspects in mind.


Yet another significant aspect is the huge importance of verifying credentials of an employee. Apart from the previous work experience there are certain things that holds vital. One of them is the authenticity of the candidate for the role with respect to academics. The HR concern shouldn’t be only the academic records. However, but also the eligibility with regards to the degree and the position.


Very common these days is an effective hiring process online. Significantly, as most of the positions are marketed on job sites and recruitment agency web links and websites. Filling in your details and applying online makes it a rather faster process. On top of this, a more convenient process and you can have instant replies. The best thing about such a hiring process is easy to analyse the records. Also, the details before making a call for the interview.

The multiple online hiring tools provides loads and loads of flexibility. On top of this, it gives many options to customise and present the details of the firm. However, these tools also give us the ability to communicate with the candidates. Moreover, directly while giving them the opportunity to approach them. Hence, in order to get a clearer view of potential and skills. Also helps in significantly cutting down the costs of recruitment.


The biggest challenge for HR professionals is bringing the right talent at the right time. This is far better than wasting time in talent hunt for the position. Time wastage can increase the opportunity cost and at the same time can bring undesired losses to the company. As part of the ongoing challenges few consultants find it difficult to provide resources with the required time frame. However, few find it tough to document the process in the right way.


Overlooking the HR Challenges and especially the recruitment process there needs to be rapid adaption to changes & growth of the company. This is especially true if the company is undergoing a change management program and the program significantly relates to the expansion & growth of the company. Flexibility in adapting to conditions from HR Professionals truly eases the recruitment & hiring process in many ways.

The huge importance levels attached with employee benefits in 2021. This is all part of the employee benefits program and part of employee packages. It will give employees all over the world the aim to work with commitment and show higher levels of determination. It also is vital in raising the employee sense of ownership and the loyalty aspects. Loyalty at the workplace is not only significant due to work sustenance. However, it is also a huge reliance in moving forward together. Hence, towards the employer the level of reliance is aligned at higher levels. More importantly, as benefits always helps in creating better rapport at work. The notion is to give the employees a bigger vision for future. Especially, in terms of career goals and an attitude at work.



Guaranteeing financial wellness through a financial wellness program. Provided in the year 2021, these are one of the planned benefits. The financial wellness programs also comes in variety. However, similar programs like money moves is something that recognises that every individual experiences a different kind of financial stress. Hence, it harnesses machine learning to guide employees to the information needed most.


The benefit of flexible work arrangements is a benefit associated with the modern day issue, i.e. the Pandemic COVID-19. The flexible work arrangements ironically relates to working from home scenarios in case of lock downs due to pandemic. A special benefit especially for those who work mainly online and enjoy the flexibility of work from home. Initially, it was found to be a scenario difficult to adapt. However, later the results were very affirmative in terms of finding flexible work arrangements more suitable.

According to a survey, a huge 65% of people who enjoyed working from home enjoyed it at very higher levels. They enjoyed it to such extent that they preferred working from home even after the lock-down was over.


The health insurance is one of the most popular benefits provided by companies. These relate specifically to the nature of work and how the insurance varies in terms of the benefits provided. In some companies the nature of work revolves around HAS, i.e. health & Safety procedures, therefore, the benefits includes disability insurance in addition to health insurance benefits depending upon the amount of risk involved. However, in the year 2021 many companies shall be coming up with flexible benefits programs. More importantly, most companies in North America shall be providing health insurance benefits. This is especially due to the change in circumstances due to Pandemic COVID-19.


Another significant part of the benefits program are the mental health benefits. Many people all across the world, especially the countries suffering from COVID-19. Obviously, the most affected ones are the countries that have undergone issues of mental health. Examples includes, stress, anxiety, loneliness and boredom factors. However, in 2021, mental health benefits will commonly solve the problems for many people. Ironically, these are people who are still undergoing some major or minor mental health issues.

A huge 1 in 4 employees, i.e. 25% have been diagnosed with issues of depression. In addition to this, a huge 45% of them take an average of 10 days off work each year. This is in most cases due to their mental illness according to the American Psychiatric Association (APA).       


Associated with company’s or the employer’s CSR values are the CSR or ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ benefits. An example of social issues includes racism and climate change, more importantly racism at the workplace. Companies CSR programs or Corporate social responsibility programs includes social issue marketing. Furthermore, philanthropic efforts, employee volunteer initiatives, and finally diversity and inclusion work.

These benefits helps a great deal in maintaining discipline at the work place. Also, creating equal opportunities for everyone irrespective of caste, creed, colour or race.

Dealing with your self-worth, an improvement in personal effectiveness vision, and personality development. It holds optimum value in attaining your targets and maintenance of your current standings in your company. Whether it’s through social media e.g. Facebook or Twitter. In addition to this, making an image in the business world. Self-worth holds huge significance for future goals and positive prospects.

Self-worth means how you value your worth through your own development targets. The main thing is to develop key targets and short term goals. Hence, also find out ways to achieve them in a synchronised and authoritative way. Achieving targets through your goals achievement patterns. Significantly, it will always give you the motivation for increasing your self-worth. Motivational measures for moving ahead means you know your value in your own eyes. For the increase in your self-worth and your professional worth. Hence, a determination to have a vision for the future is a necessary element.


Your childhood has a huge effect on your self-worth since the days of your first school. There are many habits that act as a lock when you move ahead with a determination. On top of this with a forward force that will keep pushing you. While in college life or at school there might be the causes of being bullied. You might have been a weak student mentally and physically or you might be lacking in self-confidence.


There are many effective characteristics for personal effectiveness in a personal effectiveness and personality development program. It holds value in your communication skills and managing conflicts at the workplace.

Furthermore, includes skills like leadership skills, interpersonal skills, and various other skills. All are necessary to move forward with good effect. Hence, some of them are as follows;

    • Communication skills
    • Interpersonal Skills
    • Leadership & Management Skills
    • Time Management Skills
    • Managing Conflicts
    • Financial & Money Management
    • Career Management Skills
    • Behaviour Management Skills.



While achieving your targets its necessary to initiate a plan that needs to be implemented effectively. Targets are the backbone for moving ahead. Hence, making your strategic moves for the future. Furthermore, implementing what needs to be done step-wise.


Motivational theories have proved that increasing your motivations can highly increase your self-worth. Therefore, it is a fundamental aspect especially in times of distress, handling pressure situations, and going against negative energies.


Being a visionary helps in successful business growth and accumulating funds for a larger vision. Depending on what exactly is your vision, being a visionary means you can see far beyond. Furthermore, your imagination for your self-worth is higher than what people think it actually should be.

It’s not only about making money, but it’s also about making a mission. In addition to this, always keep revising your vision for the mission. Working for the sustainability and charitable organisations as well as making goodwill in the business world. Success in business is a phenomenon difficult to accomplish. Through a positive approach and being consistent in hard work is the only way to achieve it.


Thinking positively needs better engineering of the mind. This is primarily because of a positive approach in life. Having a positive approach in life is important for some people to think positively and well. Being engineered to think positive is through a positive approach. It is an approach that needs achieving while being cautious at the same time. Positivity is a challenging aspect, especially when things are not going like the way you want them to. It’s the approach that holds significance in professional and personal life.

This is the only possible way your plans will work for you. Hence, you will always be ready for future challenges and agendas.


It was since the last decade when social media was made significant & prominent globally.  Therefore, achieving self-worth through the involvement of social media has been very common lately. As a businessman you are always busy showing your daily activities, sharing your business party pics and videos.

Simply, you have a reason to move ahead and compete with your competitors whether it’s through social media e.g. Facebook or Twitter.

Social media gives energy, a vision for the future, and vibrancy to be active with your professional and personal goals. It is the modern-day platform for sharing your business agendas and being active daily for your marketing strategies.


Making a mentor in life or the following someone improves self-worth. This means you know how to move ahead and whom to look up to as a mentor.

Mentor ship can determine your road map and make your pathway easier and more inclined towards your success agendas. More technically speaking, it acts as a fuel to your vehicle.

A pay raise or moving to another stage in your business is always a positive development. It will definitely make you realize where you are in comparison to your mentor ship guide and your future benchmarks.


Living a healthy life and eating healthy is an ultimate source of improving your self-worth. Just like the phrase goes “Health is Wealth”. Hence, your health is precious for your well-being. If you acknowledge your healthy lifestyles you will definitely know how to increase your passion for moving forward. It’s not exactly about thinking beyond, it’s about thinking in the right direction.

Exercising daily generates motivational and happy hormones that are good for future developments. It also helps in making yourself good fortunes in your professional life and your business goals.


Having a hobby, e.g. reading, writing, or researching on a business prospect. Furthermore, any other hobby gives you the feeling of self-actualisation. This will make sure that you achieve beyond your wildest dreams.

Improving your time management for self-actualisation is a necessity for future objectives and missions. It always gives you a feeling of never having a dull moment in your life. Working with busy life patterns and always thinking of moving forward.  


Building self-esteem for your self-worth is an approach of visionaries. It gives you self-pride, increases your drive and hunger for success, and always getting to your targets. Increasing self-esteem means there is an ignition that needs to be ignited through hard-work and taking proactive and targeted measures.

It’s a highly acknowledged & dedicated target-oriented approach.

For example, making your own company analysis means you have a good attitude for your business. You know how to make analysis work. You can determine what the percentage increase is this year. For building self-esteem its important to make analysis and comparisons from previous years.

The calculations are important for you in the form of stats. Or values e.g. cost-push inflation, sales revenue, and percentage points. Everything is an asset in building self-esteem, self-worth, and making you realize where you stand in the competitive markets.


Nadine Roberts and her husband Conn both have full-time jobs outside of their roles as c-store owners, but they still find time to make staff appreciation and engagement a focal point of their business.


Nadine is a nurse practitioner and Conn is a school principal, which perhaps helps explain why they don’t seem to have trouble connecting with their employees at Suri’s Convenience in Springdale, a small community in central Newfoundland.
When you run a convenience store in a small town, there aren’t always a whole host of candidates beating down your door for jobs. But based on the Roberts’ experience, you can still find staff members who want to work hard and pay it forward.
Here are four tips from Nadine Roberts for creating a positive work environment for your employees:

 Look for someone who wants to put in that extra effort.

“Being from a small town, it’s sometimes difficult to recruit employees. You don’t have many options, as there are job wanted ads throughout our small town. For me, I’m looking for somebody who’s friendly with the customers and other people on staff, and reliable with a good work ethic, means a lot,” says Roberts, who has 15 employees on staff, two of whom are part-time, while the rest work full-time hours.
“We’re a small business in a small community, so our staff, for the most part, will go above and beyond. Sometimes our grocery stores are closed and customers will come in at night and say, ‘do you have this here?’ We might not sell it on our shelf, but we might have it out back for use in our bakery, and we’ll always try to package it for them.”

 Take the time to let new hires get comfortable.

At Suri’s Convenience, all new hires are initiated into the business during a session with either Roberts, Conn, or their manager, Nikki.
“We usually take the employee around on the first day and tell them what our expectations are,” says Roberts. “It’s never too stressful; it’s kind of laid-back, and we tell them what we want and what we’re looking for.”
From there, employees are paired with senior employees for the rest of the training process to help them learn the ropes in their area of focus.
With a full in-store bakery, deli bar, pizzeria, and eat-in café, Roberts requires employees with the right foodservice training. She says they either come to her with the appropriate background, or they’ve worked in other parts of the store and are ready to venture into this new territory.

 Give them the chance to try something new.

“Cross-training is proven to be very great for this business, because if they can work in different areas, it’s more satisfying for them, and they’re not always in the same role all the time. We try to do that whenever possible.”
Roberts says this approach helps ensure her employees are always engaged, because not every staff member is perfectly suited for every task.

 Take the opportunity to show them you care.

Roberts doesn’t have a specific incentive or rewards program in place, but she’s always eager to demonstrate to her employees how much they matter to her business.
“If any of our employees are having concerns or questions, we just try to help them out as much as possible. We give them raises based on how well we feel they’re doing, and sometimes I’ll go to the store and pick up a card to give as a thank you,” says Roberts.

All of us need confidence and that will come with the full knowledge, practical experience, and most importantly eagerness to learn by experience people regardless of age. To achieve success one should be confidence enough to be presentable with confidence and should know how to impress other with the ideas which are practical, honest and result oriented. It is not easy to influence anybody, one should know how to talk and what to talk, where to stop, and how logical you talk in your discussion than you will concur the meeting with good results and success, and this comes with the experience. A successful person is one who has ability to talk confidently with full knowledge and experience and one who know how to start any meeting, and one who does not lose control while discussing and one who is a good listener and gave fair opportunity to the other person to talk.

I would like to say by giving two kind examples:
When you meet someone first time and you have no idea about his/her temperament or the personality and you have a challenge to conduct a meeting and get positive results which benefits mutually. If I am in this particular situation, than I will be first good lessoner and try to understand what he/she wants, try to understand

the personality, their attitude.
While in the meeting it is important to understand what the priorities are with each individual and how you can advise them, as it differ from case to case. As pointed out earlier first be good lessoner and then give your point of view if you are in that particular situation than you would have handle that situation in your way which should be logical and be real and give honest advice through which confidence will be develop and relationship will be established and you will have good impression. It is also important to understand that in the first meeting we will not get the business, we must not get disappoint and never think it was a waste of time you never know some time it take months or years to establish the relationship. The requirements to get into any business relationship you must first establish a relationship of “Trust & Confidence” this will happen only with your first impression which should be the best one as that is the roots to build that particular relation- ship.

If the situation is different, if you know each other and you are meeting first time to discuss business and might be entering into a business relationship then you have to be very careful, be original and give honest and true advice.

Introduce your business although he/she might know you in person , give them overview of your business and show them how you can help them and give them time to think, don’t rush and do not get upset when they ask you questions be ready to reply them as a true professional with respect .

Finally I would like to conclude with a message that a great line will open doors a bad one will cause those doors to shut off so to get achievement in your life you need to get those word which not shows artificial but look original and honest which touches heart and give first impression the best..

Instilling motivation isn’t easy, but it’s necessary if you want your employees to grow and stay satisfied with their jobs. It’s the driving factor that leads people to work harder, meaning more productivity for your organization. Furthermore, the most important contributing factor to overall satisfaction, which leads to higher employee retention.
Everyone is unique, with unique values and ideas. Hence, if you want to be successful in instilling company-wide motivation. Therefore, you have to find multiple strategies to reach each individual.


By understanding the reasoning behind employees’ actions, and using those results to motivate them, you can improve business performance. In addition to being more highly engaged, motivated employees, handle uncertainty more easily; are better problem-solvers; have higher levels of innovation, creativity, and customer-centricity; are more profitable; create higher levels of customer satisfaction, and increase employee retention rates.


Here are nine motivation secrets that can help you keep your workforce happy and driven to succeed.

    While teamwork is an important element of company success. Hence, grouping your employees together has advantages in building that “team” mentality. Hence, nothing beats individual attention when it comes to individual motivation.

    People tend to feel stifled when their job becomes repetitive or stagnant. Going too long in the same position, with no changes or hope for change. Hence, it will eventually demotivate even the most ambitious employees.

    How you shape your work environment has a major effect on your team’s mentality. There’s no right or wrong way to go about this, since every company is going to have a different culture, but it is important to include both opportunities to “get away” from the traditional work environment and pieces of colour or flair that make the office interesting.

    Trying to make everyone in the office best friends is a bad idea for a number of reasons, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have meaningful conversations outside of a typical work environment. Being friendly with your work-force builds bonds and a collective sense of teamwork, and makes work seem less machine-like and more like an organic team effort.

    Creating an environment of transparency, where you speak openly about your business to your employees and they feel comfortable coming to you with anything that’s on their minds can do wonders for the collective motivation of your workplace. That’s because transparency builds trust; when people understand that you aren’t hiding anything, and that you’ll listen to anybody, they’re far more likely to respect you as an authority and appreciate you as a leader. It also opens inter-departmental channels, giving employees and supervisor’s greater clarity and more opportunities to openly communicate.


The acquisition of skilled and dedicated workers will help create a strong foundation for your business. To bring these individuals on board, it helps to have some tangible benefits that differentiate your business from the masses. Rather than offering the bare minimum, give your employees benefits like paid vacations and holidays, health plans, and retirement plans to make your business more attractive. A survey showed that attracting and retaining talent was the biggest reason that companies offered employee benefits. Offering solid benefits also demonstrates that you believe in your company enough to invest in your employees, and proves that you’re stable, which can help you acquire A-list talent.


It’s difficult for a business to make serious progress when
employees are constantly coming and going. When this happens, it’s hard to establish a veteran team of experts, and the overall talent level will lack. Fortunately, offering benefits packages is often enough to make employees stick around for the long run. By investing in your employees, it shows that you have their best interests in mind and value their job performance. This can help you build a tight-knit team of professionals that will stay for years.


Assuming you offer some type of health/dental plan and sick
leave, your workforce should be in relatively good health. If your employees have solid health insurance plans in place, there is a better likelihood that they will have regular checkups and take preventative medical steps, which should help in ensuring they don’t take many sick days. By offering sick leave, workers who are sick and may be contagious won’t infect others. The end result should be a healthier workforce.


By offering benefits, you give employees more of a reason to care about your company and remain loyal. As a result, they should be willing to work harder, which can lead to greater productivity and higher quality. According to Insurance Quotes, 57 percent of private employers offer more than the legally required benefits. For this reason, providing benefits can put you above 43 percent of competitors who don’t offer extra benefits. While offering employee benefits may cost a bit more initially, the long-term advantages can greatly outweigh those costs and contribute to your overall success. Your business will be poised to acquire true professionals who are in it for the long haul. This will help create a stable workforce and position your business as an industry leader.

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