Human Resource Professionals all over the world have faced a number of different challenges during the pandemic COVID-19. These challenges are many in number if counted, however, the nature of the challenges do vary accordingly. In the first place HR is a highly technical field and holds a huge number of challenges already. Well, attached with COVID-19, you can actually double the amount of efforts. Hence, as well as the amount of fatigue and stress taken to resolve the issues. As COVID-19 started to spread all over the world. Therefore, its impacts showed the amount of efforts needed to combat the pandemic. Hence, as well as the number of preventive measures that needs to be taken.
Managing human resource became a bigger level challenge for HR Professionals as they communicated on board. Primarily, the importance levels attached to safety management activities from Corona virus.
Communicating across the boards regards to the activities and procedures during COVID-19 is one of the biggest challenges. During the COVID-19, being part of the Human Resource professionals duties is to make sure that all procedures are followed. Especially, during COVID-19, and not in the middle of lock downs, i.e. in-office procedures.
Taken on a universal basis, while making sure about the preventive measures. Everything gets communicated across the boards when necessary. Thus, this is something that needs to be made sure. Part of the preventive measures includes wearing masks, using sanitisers and having a distance of at least 4-6 feet.
What’s more important during COVID-19 or Corona virus is the maintenance of safety procedures. Taken as a challenge by HR Professionals are the procedures that are followed. Furthermore, maintained in office during the working hours. The necessary maintenance is highly important. Particularly, as following the protocols is the only way to minimise the spread and effects of COVID-19. Imposed by the Govt. of Canada, these are not only strict procedures. Hence, but also procedures that will be highly important for the employees. As well as all the other stakeholders at work.
Those who are not following the procedures during the pandemic COVID-19. According to the time that the law hasn’t been followed, a fine should be imposed by HR. This can be a huge challenge as it is difficult to keep a check on all the employees. This is with regards to wearing masks, using sanitiser and checking temperatures regularly at work. As these practices became highly critical and part of the workplace ethics. Termed as minimal outlaws, this is an important declaration to find those individuals. Employees at the workplace can get away with regular safety procedures. However, there should be a strict way to maintain these procedures. Significantly, to avoid any possible irregularities during COVID-19.
HR Professionals role is to manage the activities of human resources. On top of this, control and monitor work place disturbances and employee issues. Hence, during the COVID-19, it is indeed a challenge for HR Professionals. On a routine basis, to maintain their daily tasks and day to day routines. With respect to the responsibilities related to COVID-19, the work load of HR Professionals can get affected.
To have an eye on this challenge and make sure that it doesn’t affect their daily tasks and routine activities. Hence, they need to make proper usage & proper utilisation of time. Time is a huge constraint once the responsibilities at work are increased, and it needs to be monitored effectively.
During the lock down stage in the pandemic times. The remote working became a normal course of procedures for employees all over the world. Hence, it has been a challenge for the HR Professionals to monitor the remote working procedures. Also, keep an eye on the attitudes of employees at the workplace. All employees need to be on Zoom or Skype on time. Furthermore, properly dressed irrespective of them working from home or working remotely. Apart from the HR professionals’ duties, it is also mandatory to keep a good eye on the employee behaviours. Also, how they are managing daily routine tasks. Whatever problems they are encountering while working remotely needs to be addressed by the HR Professionals. Hence, this is part of their growing responsibilities during the pandemic.
HR should be observant enough to make sure that all sort of work is conducted with a highly professional attitude. In addition to this, the employees are not taking leverages of working from home. Obviously, they can feel a bit relaxed, but they should feel the responsibility with the same intensity of working in-house. Ironically, it’s also the responsibility of HR professionals to make the employees feel their responsibility. This is mainly with regards to their assignments or their deadlines. They must also act as a motivating catalyst apart from the role played by leadership. This role is highly significant in control and management of the company.
This is vitally true that HR Challenges have been extended at least 30%-35%. Hence, in the wake of the Corona virus happenings. However, internationally speaking they can easily comprehend to all the challenges. Furthermore, as working as a HR Professional is indeed a tough job. It’s not just keeping an eye. It’s like keeping a good open eye, and making sure that things get along smoothly. The challenges can always be minimised once HR strategy is mixed with a highly sophisticated COVID-19 encountering strategy. A strategy that will also be an influence for similar diseases in future.