Articles by "mid of september 2020"

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Signifying the significance of Labour Day holds huge prestige and recognition. These are for the rights and respect of labor all over the world. Every first Monday of September celebrated as a national holiday in Canada. The celebrations this year shall be taking place with the same pride and honor on the 7th of September 2020.
The recognition and celebration hold importance this year as well despite COVID-19 and its activities all over Canada. While making celebrations the social distancing laws shall be taken into practice. More considerations include COVID-19 precautionary measures being followed all over Canada.


Significance of labour day
Significance of labour day

Highly regarded are the role and rights of labor in the whole modern world. These are especially in developed countries. Paid huge tribute and acknowledgments with emphasis to the developed world. Hence, this is for their hard work and passion at work every day. Their significant contributions are highly detrimental as construction workers, retail workers, & Supply chain workers. Furthermore, in Railways, and many other sectors of the Canadian economy. Paying tributes in the form of national holidays there is a declared National Holiday in Canada. Closed on the day are most organizations, businesses as well as the post office. Hence, in Canada on this day, schools, colleges, universities, and other educational establishments remain closed. Alternatively, reduced to Sunday services is public transport in Canada. In some places, it comes to a halt as well.

Recognizing the significance of labor contributions to the economy of Canada came as a though on 15th April 1872. It happened when the Toronto Trades Assembly organized the first significant demonstrations for labor rights. These demonstrations took place in the city of Toronto. The government of Canada’s recognition of civil, monetary, and labor rights became necessary. The aim was to highlight and point out that labor’s living standards need improvements. Further signifying that they need to be paid more w.r.t their contributions at work. These are solely for the sake of the Canadian economy & improving the infrastructure.


Construction industry labours
Construction industry labours

Emphasising the rights and significance of labour in the Canadian construction industry. Furthermore, that was also the aim of the movement that started in 1872 and matured gradually. Exposed to the dangers of death for construction & labor workers are common in the industry. These are in the form of life threats, disabilities, or minor or major injuries. Recognizing their rights in the form of safety, and insurance was the key motive of the movement. It was the movement that took maturity at the start of the 19th Century. However, it was later i.e. post-world war. In the form of insurance at work. The right of labor was secured, as this happened slowly with emphasis on the construction industry. Furthermore, providing Safety equipment at work in the form of PPEs. For the sake of underlying paramount significance, many safety parameters have been introduced.

In the construction business, its modern outlook is that is highly reformed. This is where Canadian labor laws have not only protected their workers financially. Furthermore, as well as physically giving them security and safety at work. These are in the form of introductory measures of Health & Safety Workplace regulations. These have reformed and transformed over the years bringing Canada’s construction workers closer to safety.      

In emerging Canadian society the trade unions played a significant role. Yet another parade was organized in Ottawa, i.e. a few months after 15th April. Also passed the house of Canada’s first Prime Minister Sir John MacDonald. This eventually led to the founding of the Canadian Labour Congress in the year 1883. An effort to politically recognize the rights of Canadian labor and their respective laws.


celebrating labour day like holiday
celebrating labour day like holiday

On 7th September, for the labour of Canada. Motivation and passion are the two factors that influence this day celebrations. The passion it holds is huge in terms of the celebrations. This is also because Canada is a rich society with huge contributions from labour. The country has transformed into a highly developed country. This is because, since 1872, the efforts of labour have been highly regarded. It’s not only a sound paradise in terms of finance and trade. Hence, also in terms of the growth prospects in various other sectors in the Canadian economy.

Parties, functions, and parades organized by Unions and workers unions is a huge answer. It is a reply to the respect and dignity that Canada has shown to its labor class over the years. People enjoy the company of each other in the form of social gatherings. As key highlights and sign of unity, parties and get-to-gathers take place commonly. This is especially for the hardworking people of Canada. People’s day is what it is known as just because of the common man. Outlining the fact that the most common people are amongst the labor class.

For schools in Canada, organized sports events, educational trips and parties are a common entity. These signify the Civil rights of labor in children since the start of their academics. Privileged societies are constructed on teachings of respect & dignity.

Labour Day celebrations further signify the importance of sacrifice by the labour workers. The dedicated people who have worked from generation to generation for Canada’s prestige and her pride above all. This day is a symbol that signifies the key importance of hard work in every established society.

Returning to work post-COVID-19 shall not be the same as it used to be Pre- COVID-19. The world has witnessed a unique pandemic that has virtually signified the importance of staying home and working from home. Health & Safety is more significant than it’s ever been especially after the COVID-19 outbreak has been responsible for devastations all over the world. The world was already a global village before the virus. Hence, COVID-19, a pandemic has affected many global operations. Furthermore, it has affected travel, conferences, meetings, social and official gatherings. The factor of human involvement and human interaction has been significantly low than compared with human-computer interactions.

Since we are dealing with scenarios with a perspective that is more inclined towards health and safety measurements. These measurements shall be highly particular in terms of working at the workplace and being with people in corporate interactions. The returning employees must adhere to strict rules and regulations that can be further imposed.

importance of health & safety
importance of health & safety


The importance of health & safety known more commonly in the Western World as H&S has its key importance in the developed and globalized world. In Canada Health & Safety guidelines are very important for contractors working on different locations and sites. This is especially mandatory for those who are involved in technical works, engineering & mechanical works, construction industries, and all sorts of work involving risks. By following the health & safety guidelines workers or employees can easily minimize the risk factors associated with the H&S industry. However, with COVID-19, pandemic being responsible for lockdowns in the majority of Canada, the USA, the UK, and most developed countries. These guidelines have further gone towards precautionary measures to work together. They shall be overlooked deeply by employees while returning to work post-COVID-19.

A huge significance lies in the amount of awareness created through television campaigns. Also, through the newspapers and magazines, other print media, and social media campaigns. All these campaigns have identified the importance that working together is a necessity that must be followed by a huge attitude towards health & safety parameters. These parameters can fluctuate according to the work environment. For example, in an office environment, the general requirements are cleanliness. In addition to these nice clothing, proper health, and reporting straight away to HR or maintenance. This is key reporting to staff regards to any health issues or prospective concerns. If you are having a fever, sneezing constantly, coughing, or want to take a rest. You can let the HR or maintenance staff know that your health is not good enough for the office environment.

Hence, it’s highly expected that these measures will be more inclined towards health & safety parameters after returning back from the virus i.e. COVID-19 outbreak.



The role of HR or Human Resource Dept. is highly diverse. Ironically, in most organizations, the role is just not linked to hiring the employees and maintaining their records. The HR dept. is also highly linked up to have a check on employees’ health issues, stress levels, how good they are interacting & whether they are good for the office environment? This role is more aligned to formulate designed checks on employees. These are especially during the hiring process to know well about their health. While working for a corporate firm or an MNC, the inclinations are more towards what’s happening post-COVID-19.  Furthermore, how well the employee can keep up to the working standards in the organization.

Most of the employees, especially in Canada shall be returning at work after a couple of months. Hence, the HR Dept. should take care of their work pressures as soon as they are back, and the motive should be that they must enjoy their work. Enjoying work above all is also important as employees shall be back after a long time and they are not in the same mind frame. It’s also critical for the HR Dept. to overlook the importance of understanding the mind frame and deal accordingly with key employees.

Back to work post COVID-19
Back to work post COVID-19


It is therefore highly important for employees working in MNCs and big organizations that they realize the importance of returning back to work after COVID-19. As the world has witnessed a huge gap in corporate dealings and transactions like it were before, the awareness should be high. The maintenance of the facts regards to COVID-19 shall be a huge bonus for employees to keep them updated. Prevention is much better than cure and COVID-19 effects shall take a long time to wipe away. Ironically, these are true pictures for countries most affected i.e. the USA, U.K, Italy, Spain, France & Germany.

Hence, new regulations in place will definitely help incorporate proceedings to go well safely while returning. There is always a good hope that Post Covid-19 things will get back to normal. It’s highly important for the big economies of the world to bounce back and help employees in staying at their workplaces safer.

Health & Safety is definitely the supreme order of the united world in times of the pandemic COVID-19.

Stop Multitasking:

‘Multitasking’ or working on more than one task at a time is something that bothers the time management. Managing time at work is most effective. It holds vital importance when a person is managing their task one at a time. The person knows well how to be good at managing tasks on a daily basis professionally. Multitasking needs lots of special attention. It needs huge dedication and incredible focus. This is more than you are working for a certain task at a time.


Highly needed especially in professional life is a focused approach. Therefore, it’s better to focus on just one thing to get the desired results that you need. What’s more fruitful is that you don’t let the small tasks interrupt the big ones. Making an appointment with your work will definitely make priorities. Set in an individual’s mind, these priorities matter a lot. Hence, you should eliminate all interruptions which are highly necessary to move forward.


Set Reminders:

While we determine what is important for time management, setting up regular reminders is very important in moving forward professionally. It’s important that we set our priorities. Priorities are important before getting towards our goals in an aligned manner. Making short term plans and achieving them will not only give self-motivation but also enhance your future visions. Setting up reminders also triggers your mind with things to do and determining the right time. It’s just like managing a professional project while having a strategy in mind. Setting reminders help in task management that is helpful in achieving your goals of time management.

Huge demand for achieving time management objectives is making a true analysis. The analysis includes your work analysis properly. Furthermore, which part or element needs more time and focus. Time management and setting reminders are not only important for work schedules. They also train your brain to get smartly to the finish line. Time management needs to determine work patterns while you keep setting reminders. Hence, keep triggering yourself what needs doing and when it needs to be completed. Having a goal in mind and making your targets easy will definitely help in achieving your objectives. This is crucial as objectives hold priorities on the pathway of your journey.

Making fruitful strategies are important while you determine technically and professionally what you need from your time. Setting up reminders will also trigger in your self-belief, and how to fix the problems and become a problem solver. Setting up expectations and delivering at the right time needs huge determination and constant motivations. Start investing in people whatever you can to determine the importance of time management. People who can be valuable to you should be the one with whom one can spend their time. Hence, Time is very precious indeed.

Focus on what matters
Focus on what matters

Only Focus on What Matters:

Managing time every day can be hard. However, the focus is what will keep you on the right track in your profession. To increase your focus exercise every day or do meditation. Hence, any other mental exercise holds importance that will help in determining your focus. How to professionally determine your pathway? A true focus helps in determining your pathway and also increases your vision in the long run. How it influences Time management is the question. Therefore, the simple answer is, it trains your brain automatically for your profession.

Things that are necessary for achieving your goals. These are things that will help you in taking calculated risks and focusing on what matters. Until your goals are achieved, it is similar to keeping an eye on the goal. In terms of ‘Time Management,’ it is good for the concentration of professionally speaking. Also, increases your intelligence of taking a task or a project. In a skill development program, it’s not only wise to realize that your determination depends on your focus. Also, matters are how well one can gel it with the ‘value of time’. Focus always makes you realize what’s lacking in your pathway. Secondly, how you can make a deep strategy to overcome the obstacles.

Breaking Tasks into Steps:

Breaking tasks into steps not only help in achieving the goals with ease. But, it also helps in getting close to your goals step-wise. The importance to make things easy rather than achieving them the hard way will only create diversions in visions. For a proper brain functioning the breakdown of tasks into steps holds priority not only for smooth time management. It also increases the calculations you need to do for achieving your goals professionally.

Convert tasks into steps
Convert tasks into steps

The motivations to getting to achieve a certain task in the desired time management. It needs the fruitful strategy of breaking tasks into steps. What’s important is taking consistent actions as actions speak volumes. This is while you break tasks into steps to achieve a higher target. Similarly, it’s best to create practical deadlines and set of fruitful targets in the vision accomplishment. While we talk of the vision, it is also important to have a vision board, planner, or calendar. Achieving your tasks step-by-step must also ensure that everything should be professionally planned.

Get More Organized:

While achieving the ‘Time Management’ milestones, more emphasis must be laid on organizing things smoothly. This includes the synchronization of work, organizing things on a daily basis, and putting important dates in a calendar. Being more organized holds ironic importance as you need to keep a to-do list. Another significant aspect of getting things more organized being mentally organized. While achieving your targets you have to be highly determined in your profession. Fitness, therefore, is a key element.

Remove The Distractions:

Putting more concentration at work, you need to remove the distractions and move in an aligned manner. Have a focused mind and remove the crappy habits that are undercutting your wellness. At the start of the day, prioritize your importance of having a clear mind. Especially, as you don’t want to waste your time on crap and unwanted thoughts. Clean your workplace to work professionally. Especially your desk and keep sorting things with your work station i.e. a necessary element. For concentration think inside closed doors, manage your tasks time and again. Hence, go the extra mile so that you can keep pondering on your future agendas.

Planning Your Day:

Planning is always an integral element in determining what you need and how you want to accomplish. Task accomplishment is an important necessity. Therefore, planning your day means huge business for you for the rest of the day. Keep planning now and then as planning gives focus and energy to determine your targets. It saves a lot of time as you would know how much time investment you need. Hence, secondly, it gives you a huge motivational attitude and a positive boost for the future. It helps in monitoring and control and helps a great deal in cost management and money matters. People prefer planning to save their time and energy as on every step they know what next they would do. Hence, otherwise, if they lack a plan they would have a contingency plan to move ahead.

Writing Down Your Priorities:

Prioritize your tasks for better results and hence activating your energy levels and making realistic priorities. Listing down makes things easy and clearer in your head. Making priorities means you know what holds more importance for you. Therefore, as in business or at work your accomplishments are the key determinants. It also is a factor that makes you more organized and target-oriented.

Make a “Stop-Doing” List:

For the sake of effective time management, most people prefer making a “Stop-Doing” list for their future betterment. It is also the best way to encounter bad habits and to keep a healthy environment at work and business. Have in mind the importance to make an analysis of your growth or business growth. ‘Not needed’ and ‘Needed’ is something that needs determining and decision making. Attaining your desired benefits in a fast and easy way is what you must always look for. Making such lists for the sake of effective time management also brings you closer to perfection. Everyone knows their strengths, but the successful ones should know their weaknesses.

Check Your E-mails Only Two Times A Day:

A good approach for managing your e-mails and having more authority at your workplace. Having the desired fitness of ‘Task Management’ comes from making yourself highly organized. Known as a decent activity just for the sake of better time management and activity management. Your frequency of seeing your e-mails. This can be an evaluation in a 9-5 work schedule and should hold importance in a professional’s mind. With focus, the element of time management gets better and effective. However, this can change according to circumstances. Ironically, the best thing is managing work and prioritizing tasks more than e-mails.

Refresh Your Mind
Refresh Your Mind

Have Breaks and Refresh Your Mind:

Having regular breaks is good for concentration and focus. According to a survey, an average concentration time of a human mind is just 50-55 mins. Therefore, a person needs the mind refreshing in the form of a break. It’s similar to fueling your car after constantly driving on a highway. Taking regular breaks is part of the time management and gives you positive energy to tackle difficult situations. It also increases the motivation level, increases the focus, and gives you a regular interval of mind refreshing exercises.

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