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The extension of the closure of the Canada-US border is yet another setback news in the wake of ‘COVID-19’ updates. The border is the longest border in the world is used every day for commuting by millions of people. This is due to the good friendly relationship enjoyed by Canada and the USA. Especially, in terms of bilateral trade, and playing a strong part in the North American region. North America is full of bounties for those who know how to reap the fruits of hard work. Commuters use the border on a daily basis for deliveries, going for vacations, trade purposes, and many other useful means.

The border closure dates are being extended till 21st June 2020. This is due to COVID-19 and it has come as a surprise in the wake of the pandemic. The most surprising is the amount of time that the extension is made until. Hence, for a busy and long border like the magnitude of Canada and the USA seems too much.

Effects to businesses
Effects to businesses


Apart from Coronavirus pandemic affecting the businesses. The extension for the closure of the border shall be hugely damaging the businesses. Furthermore, hurting the economy of both countries. This will also make people realize that both countries have devastations due to COVID-19 especially the USA. The country has already seen over 90,000 deaths. These are huge figures and highest in terms of the number of deaths in the world. The main concerns have been the health & safety of the employees involved in the tourism industry and the communities where they live.

According to the tourism industry CEO Gordon Orr. regards to the extension. The visitors from the United States are not wanted in these critical times especially. These are hard times due to the pandemic and the health & safety protocols don’t allow people especially unwantedly in Canada through US-Canada borders.  The tourism industry management still thinks that the end of June shall be the best time. President and Prime Minister shall be in a much better position to decide. Hence, they should hold good opinions for the opening up of the US-Canada borders back again.

agreement for closure
agreement for closure


Both countries made an agreement for the closure of the border in the health & safety of people i.e. citizens of both countries. This started when the virus became a huge threat, especially in the United States. The Govt. of both countries came to an agreement in the first week of April until the end of May. Furthermore, then extending the dates further to June 21st, 2020. The Govt. specified that all non-essential travels from Canada to the USA and vice versa shall be restricted. Precisely means banned until the period from April to May and then it was further extended. The extension came in the midst of unfortunate deaths due to the pandemic especially in the USA where almost 90,000 people gave their lives.

Justin Trudeau said in a press briefing that we are very careful and particular in the opening of the border services for international travel. This is for both the United States and Canada’s people’s well-being and is a measure that shall be taken seriously as a health measurement. Both countries share the longest undefended border in the world. The closure is a huge example of mutual collaborations towards the recovery process. The extension is due to the pandemic that has taken too many lives in the USA alone.

The virus that started from Wuhan Province from an animal market in Hubei was the first started to show its impacts in the United States. The country imposed all sorts of travel restrictions and bans from China to the USA and further bans from other countries as well. After a series of events the next closure was the border of US-Canada until May, and then further.


A brief of the challenges due to the extension of the closure of the border includes deliveries especially online deliveries and business transactions coming to a halt. Some challenges faced by the SMEs who deal in import and export businesses across the borders. It is indeed a challenge for the retailers as well as the supply chain and logistics being affected. Canada and the USA, the twin North American countries have been using the borders for businesses, trade, and all kinds of activities that involve the mandatory usage of the borders.

The Govt. of both countries have positive vibes in terms of bringing the situation back to normal after the extension depending on how the pandemic moves forward. What’s important is to minimize the number of losses to businesses and individuals.

Canada Day’ is celebrated every 1st of July likewise it will be celebrated this year. Hence, this is despite the COVID-19 happenings it will be COVID-Wise. The day is celebrated all over vast land Canada and by Canadians all over the world. Canadians all over the world consider this day as their national symbol. Its importance in terms of honor, prestige, and patriotism may not be evident this year. This is true even though it’s the 153rd birthday of Canada. However, it was evident the previous year in 2019 in the form of huge celebrations. While following the strict implications of coronavirus. ‘Canada Day’, celebrated with high prestige for the people of Canada. It includes emotions, compassion, and passion of the people with their motherland. Also with very limited celebrations all across the Canadian region.



Its history dates back to 1st July 1876 when officially the nation’s birth took place. It happened when the Constitution Act joined three provinces into one country i.e. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Canada province which split into Ontario and Quebec. The country Canada being a monarchy of England wasn’t completely independent from England until 1982. It happened on 1st July 1982 when Canada officially declared its independence from England. Declared as the official independence day of Canada. Honored as ‘Canada Day’, it happened later in October 1982, i.e. the same year of independence. The holiday known as Dominion Day was officially established in 1879. Many Canadians earlier considered themselves as British Citizens until the official declaration happened. Due to a bill that was put forward in 1946 in parliament. ‘Dominion Day’, the official name was changed to ‘Canada Day’.

COVID-19 will be part of the rich history of Canada day for the very first time.



As a symbol of national patriotism and love with Canada. Officially observed every calendar year and marked as a national celebration. A country of diverse nationalities from many different countries and immigrants from all over the world. Having huge responsibilities as a different premier for every province. The provinces of Canada are divided into 10 provinces and territories. These are apart from the roles and responsibilities of the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. The biggest province area-wise is Quebec is a French-speaking province. It also comprises a huge number of people from various different nationalities. The spirit of Canadian patriotism saw its height in 1967 and the Dominion Day celebrations really began to take off. It was declared as ‘Canada Day’ later in October 1982 officially. Hence, the year was the same as the independence day from England.



There are a number of  COVID-Wise ways to celebrate Canada day which holds values in terms of Canada’s prestige. It also includes moral values and respect for the nation in the form of patriotism and a sense of ownership. Prior to COVID, they were in the form of parades, celebrations take place in various cities and regions.  Furthermore, towns and villages all over Canada were participants. There are some other celebrations that are unofficial. These are in the form of formal and informal public gatherings. It also includes picnics, beach parties, festivals, sporting events, and fireworks. In the biggest cities of Canada, celebration events have highly planned. These cities include Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, Quebec. Furthermore, are Calgary, Edmonton, London, Victoria, and Vancouver.


While celebrating Canada day, the government is urging its citizens to be COVID-Wise especially in times of Coronavirus. Canada is celebrating its 153rd Birthday, this is not the same as it has been before. Most of the cities in Canada are under full or partial lockdown and are in the opening-up process. Due to pandemic COVID-19, some of the events have been cancelled. These events include festivities on Parliament Hill at Major Hill’s Park across Ottawa. With strict imposition, a max. of 10 people is the Govt.’s restriction. This restriction is in public gatherings due to the pandemic coronavirus and its fatal consequences.

According to Dr Etches, an expert on COVID-19. The best thing we can do is continue to care and protect each other by being COVID-19 wise. Hence, particular care is a huge necessity, especially during celebrations taking place. This might be the first and only time that Canada Day will be celebrated mostly from homes. People watching T.V programs on the history of Canada. Especially, the know-how of how Canada has formed itself into one of the most developed nations in the world.


The expert’s opinion holds immense values in terms of the three tips during the celebrations of Canada Day. These are during the pandemic COVID-19 to stay safe and prevent it from happening.

  • Try to keep the celebrations outdoor especially in places where physical distancing can be followed.
  • Avoidance of potentially crowded areas is a necessity above all at all costs. These include parks and beaches.
  • Make celebrations mostly within family and friends. Keeping in mind the close connections and the maximum 10 people restrictions.
  • ‘COVID wise’ is the best way to move into ‘stage 3’. Vitally, being the next stage in the opening up procedures in COVID-19.

For the sake of mingling on the beaches. There is some special attention to detail that needs taking care of. Please be aware of the COVID-19 laws on beach interactions. Hence, remain cautious of communal areas that include washrooms and high-touch surfaces.


W- Wear a Mask

I –   Isolation in Sickness

S –   Stay Two meters apart from others.

E-   Exercise proper hand hygiene.

People from around the world, not only Canada hold responsibility for wearing a mask. This is due to the fast-spreading COVID-19 pandemic. Another important aspect being COVID-wise even though it’s Canada Day is isolation in sickness. This is for the sake of preventing the disease from spreading or even during its symptoms. A safe distance is necessary as these celebrations shall turn out to be unique. By unique it means one of its kind apart from the Yester year’s celebrations of Canada Day. Exercising proper hand hygiene is one of the most essential parts of COVID-wise measures. Primarily, as the pandemic is transferable through human touch or close interactions.

Minimizing the associated risks while getting back to normal is part of the opening up procedures. Canada has been in lockdown for a long while. Hence, this is necessary to keep an eye on how to minimize the huge number of risks associated with the pandemic. As most of the Provinces in Canada are lifting their respective lockdown measures. The Canadians are adjusting very slowly to the realities of life i.e. in simple words back to normal life.

However, just as the businesses are opening up Coronavirus continues to spread. Hence, the impact of the initial start is still hurting in opening-up procedures. During a press conference held by Health Canada. The Chief Public Health Officer Dr Theresa Tam has shown fear of a fast spread of the pandemic. She emphasized that COVID-19 can spread if opening up in Provinces in Canada didn’t happen with caution. Outlaying the huge importance that relates to caution she was emphatic about the importance of minimizing the risk factors.

The current stats associated with Canada makes it 96,653 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Hence, more than 33,000 are active cases which means almost approximately 35%. The number of deaths accounts for 7,897 who died from Coronavirus in Canada. This is almost 8% which is not significantly high. Hence, mainly due to the precautionary measures and improved health services in Canada.




As part of the precautionary & minimizing measures in the whole country. It is important to know the status of cases in the region you live in Canada. Not only important for good know-how. Hence, but this is also detrimental to know to make yourself and your family safe from COVID-19. You can’t make it 100% safe, but at least you can minimize risks & whatever else you can to avoid the pandemic. This is not only important for your own health, but also for the health and hygiene of your family members.

A regional acquaintance means you know well how to deal with the regional issues in your area that can arise due to COVID-19. These include travelling & commuting issues, shopping problems, Non-operational educational institutions, Financial Institutions and Banks not working & other provincial challenges associated with COVID-19. This is also vital to know so that people can avoid travelling in areas where they shouldn’t be travelling due to high COVID-19 activity.


Avoiding unwanted movements is also another mandatory part of the COVID-19 minimizing risks measures. According to Bowdish, a health expert, every province has a different level of associated risk due to the pandemic COVID-19. There are many tourist destination areas that have very low risks and very safe for the locals living there. Going to those areas and bringing the infection with us will definitely increase the risk of re-infection in the areas. This is a huge reason why it is necessary to halt all travel plans including holidays and stay within the region of residence as much as possible.



Spending time outdoors means you are in movement while minimizing the risks with close contact. The chances of spreading are higher especially in close contact for a prolonged time. For example, while working in a factory the workers are more prone due to the close proximity. Hence, not taking care of the distancing laws. The risk of transmission is much lower outdoors. Ironically, the objective should be in minimizing the transmission and the rate of transmission.

While you are hosting a small gathering that is with close friends and members of the family. Expert’s claim that maximizing the level of physical activity as you can do outdoors. This is important for minimizing the risks as it expands the social distancing.



The maintenance of open dialogue for minimizing risks and social and physical distancing. It is found to be the best way to reduce the associated risks with the pandemic. According to Colin Furness an infection control epidemiologist. Ironically, everyone should be treated the same regards to the protocol and expectations keeping in mind the man-handling aspects.

Keeping consistency in approach for everyone will make sure that you are creating trust with people. Hence, while making them realize the importance of physical distancing. Also, minimizing the uncertainty as far as possible. According to Furness, it’s important for people to know certainly how you will behave regards to physical distancing measures.

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