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Digital marketing as the word is ironic to have its synergies with the digital world i.e Media and the internet. E-commerce can be termed as the main dynamic tool in modern-day businesses. However, digital media being sub-class has demonstrated how businesses have changed. It’s the commerce industry that is mainly trade and finance. E-commerce is hence the use of the internet for trading & finance. We have already influenced many transformations in the e-commerce industry since its advent from the Main Frame computers. Online selling, marketing, trading, branding, and e-shopping are some examples of e-commerce. All these are common in this modern age, but were not there 30 years from today.

There are many powerful tools of digital marketing in use. They are as follows;

Search Engine Optimization

SEO or search engine optimization is the achieving of E-marketing targets through Key words optimization, in the search engine. In case as an example, we need our search results for a specific keyword. The next thing we would need to do is the optimization of the search engine ratings. The main goal is to bring it in the top 10 or top 20 lists. SEO or Search engine optimization is the solution for obtaining the results. A process that is quite technical for the promotion of website and links.

SEM or Search engine Marketing

A medium used for marketing in E-commerce. SEO is a process or sub-category of Search Engine Marketing. Variables measures are used for achieving this, and it is known as the marketing of internet websites. Mainly, it is SEO as optimization increases the website rank, and also makes it higher. In SEM we prioritize the websites so that they can be utilized & effectively according to how the client needs them.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the marketing of products and services on Social networking websites g. Facebook, mySpace, and Twitter. It not only targets your friends in your listings. But it targets a huge audience, as we can use pictures, videos and other content to promote our services.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing – a powerful tool

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a form of digital marketing. Where focused groups have random emails for marketing purposes. These emails are in the form of campaigns, offers, and seminars information.

Canada, a highly interactive environment for the internet is a marketing hub for digital marketing. The use of the World Wide Web is very effective in Canada. Since there are no boundaries in the modern digital age.

The World Wide Web or the internet spread across like a web, and hence started the most overwhelming journeys i.e. E-Commerce and digital marketing. We use digital marketing tools on a daily basis. Mainly, for promotion, advertising, and market products & services.

There are so many factors & one of them is the use of online shopping without any hassles. is a website that is used mostly for online shopping. Hence, the vast use of worldwide, with various channels of distributions. It is just one example of digital marketing as a powerful tool for e-commerce. Other examples include selling websites of used products, like e-bay, and Gumtree. Hence, no hassle of selling your used cars, mobiles, or laptops to any specified shop. When you can trade on your own terms and pricing. You don’t have to be a pundit or a specialist to sell products online. Furthermore, you can easily do it, by posting pictures of your products and getting profits as well.

E-Commerce Marketing
E-Commerce Marketing – a powerful tool


E-commerce is an absolute celebration in the hotel and tourism industry, as it is all on your fingertips. It’s digital marketing everywhere, as it is a sub-class of e-commerce. Furthermore, there is nothing that can be achieved without e-commerce.

You simply can’t miss the digital world, and its overwhelming benefits. These days mainly all businesses are online. Therefore, they are also marketed heavily in order for people to know that their presence is to compete with the best.

Discussing e-commerce on a more practical platform, competitions have increased. It is too a huge extent you have to identify your competitors. The competitor’s strategy that is critical in competing with you or going global is the hour of the need. Therefore, E-commerce is a highly global phenomenon, and globalization goals are a must while we go ahead in any industry.


A restaurant website must have the attractive elements necessary to appeal to the customer why they just pop in. The charm, the appeal and the elegance of a restaurant website is an essential element these days that must attract the customers. It is more or less the same all over the world especially the North American region. Here are the six key elements;

  1. The clarity in Web-Based Menu- Must have a wide variety and all the ingredients clearly mentioned on the website
  2. Appealing Visuals- Some attractive Pictures of the restaurant attracting the customers.
  3. Social media Reviews and Testimonials- The most recent and acknowledged dining experiences.
  4. Information accuracy- The information should be highly prestigious and should have all the correct and necessary elements as needed.
  5. Online Reservations and Ordering- A unique and highly synchronized system of online reservations and orders that will automatically make the customers, come time and again.
  6. Attractive and Concise Website- An attractive and to-the-point website that holds vital information about the key contents.


How to achieve social media success is important in the modern world of social networking websites. It can be achieved by building your social personality, representation of your brand, building great content, & talking trends. The main aim is to show your media personality to the audience and be interactive in terms of social interactions. Social media is no doubt a powerful tool that is used globally for the marketing of trends, & having a media presence.


Social media i.e, Instagram, and Facebook, has changed the entire game for the restaurants. This is primarily the reason why the power of the internet is highly active. It is important to realize that, why we need Instagram in the digital world?

Stats have shown that Instagram is a worthwhile tool for marketing. Therefore, it’s a complete promo package mainly because the customers need and their users worldwide. Sets a worthwhile image for the marketers of tomorrow, Instagram has truly inspired restaurant owners in terms of quick and updated information availability.


It is a completely different kind of shopping experience, something that will attract the friendliest, fast & corporate customers. The experience they have is overwhelming in terms of having what you want, nice, easy, fast, and coming up with the selective products on offer. One-third café and Two-Third retail, benefiting the customers for quick early morning snacks or a coffee. The opportunity of marketing is great, immensely in the busy Toronto areas, as a 9-5 worker, it makes your life even faster.


Mansoor Brothers Enterprises
100 Dynamic Dr, Scarborough, ON
M1V 5C4, Canada


People in Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick will be paying more for gasoline and heating fuel. When the federal government’s announced that businesses will carry carbon tax to begin in provinces that refused to impose their own emissions pricing.

Individuals and families will be getting some money back from the federal government under the new carbon tax scheme that began April 1.

In the shadows of darkness are some vital businesses. These are especially small and medium-sized businesses. Hence, the darkness is on what rebates or exemptions may be available to them if any.

From Ottawa’s “climate action incentive payment”, unlike the individuals who are eligible for annual rebates. No compensations expected in the same way for businesses, definitely not at all.



Especially the ones that are “trade-exposed,” Large companies with certain types of operations. Additionally, those that emit 50k mega tonnes or more of greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, the ones that won’t pay the carbon tax on fuel.

Instead, they’ll be subject to a carbon tax on emissions that exceed certain annual limits. Smaller firms that emit 10,000 mega tonnes or more will be able to apply for the same exemption.

But most other businesses, including smaller ones, have no such exemption. There are exemptions for farmers, some fishers and greenhouse operators.

There are high expectations to pay the taxes for a vast majority of small and medium-sized businesses. However, with little or no rebates or exemptions from Ottawa.



The Canadian Federation of Independent Business says. They’re still trying to get answers from the federal government. On what kinds of rebates, exemptions or tax credits may be available to their members, if any.

We still don’t know what these rebates or exemptions are going to look like,” said Jonathan Alward. The CFIB’s director of provincial affairs for Manitoba.

It’s definitely concerning that residents know exactly what’s coming back to them. Even though businesses are footing the bulk of the carbon tax bill and getting pennies on the dollar back. They still don’t know what’s in it for them and largely don’t even know. How the carbon tax is going to be applied? or how their exemptions are going to work?

Handed out to individuals it appears small businesses in the majority of the parts shall be subsidizing the rebates. Returned to the individuals in rebates is approximately 90% of the money from taxation.

The remaining 10% has been earmarked mostly to help municipalities & universities. In addition to these, public schools, hospitals, and small businesses.  Pay for costs like building upgrades to help them become more energy-efficient.

However, whatever does trickle their way will be far less than what they pay out in carbon taxes. The CFIB estimates small businesses. The public sector will together pay about 50% of the carbon tax bill. But it will receive only 7% back in grants and rebates.

Passion is the underlying key to success to do anything, especially when you are starting a business. Most people believe that in order to start a successful business one needs major capital and money. However, more important than capital one must have the true passion and desire to succeed.

Passion fuels resilience and provides you with the ambition to learn. Furthermore to strive to become more competent at what you do. More importantly than anything else, it gives you the ability to focus.

My father was a teacher. Growing up, our basic necessities were always taken care of. However, my father had to take additional jobs to earn extra money to supplement his teacher’s salary.

As I became a businessman. I knew that I wanted to ensure I had a career that enabled me to go beyond providing for my family’s basic needs. However, to give us a lifestyle where money was not an issue the only way was business. Hence, I learned from my father, when you do anything, you have to have passion.
In any field or occupation, focus allows you to achieve complex tasks. When you are able to achieve complex tasks, your passion is fuelled by the success that you achieve. Passion is your drive, ambition, and the love of what you do and who you serve. It provides you with a very special view of the world and gives you a daily purpose in your life.

Stop and ask yourself: What is your true passion? What makes you excited about what you are doing? The difference between those who push through difficult times and those who fail and give up – is Passion!

The Question is about: Why cutting oil production seems utterly UN-Albertan? That’s why the choice by the provincial government to order a production cut. By the industry flies within the face of what percentage Albertans self identify.

The province’s free-market spirit is set aside when money and jobs are on the line. Alberta is meant to be the house of the free-market in the province of privatization. It’s a wide open-market to sell brew-age, wine, cannabis, and insurance of each kind.

Take a test for your driver’s license and the person in the right-hand passenger seat works for a business, not the government. The province is often seen as a libertarian hotbed with the common view that less government is better government.


Ralph Klein Alberta advantage mystique as he served up massive government cuts and promoted a free-enterprise ethos in the 1990s. It’s the place wherever business ought to thrive, and there is no want for government assistance.

That’s why The Canadian provincial government choose the industry that appears rather UN-Albertan to cut compulsory production.

The move flies in the face of how many people in the province self-identify. It’s especially uncharacteristic if one pictures what’s happened in recent weeks. The majority of the oil patch pleading with the left-leaning NDP government to interfere in the market.


Mandatory production cuts to be on the oil sector by Alberta. A measure aimed at reducing an oil glut that’s punished the price of Canadian crude. Mandated oil production cuts are the kind of thing that’s expected from Saudi Arabia and OPEC, not Canada. 


To have a government intervene in a free market, which will create winners and losers, is just such a big step from the past 30 years of a deregulated marketplace. 

An executive fellow at the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy who has three decades of experience in oil sands development, energy marketing, and finance. 

He said, “It’s right up there with the most difficult things Alberta has ever had to do”. In recent years, the oil industry has aired complaints about government policies driving away investor confidence. Now, it’s the majority of the oil patch wanting government intervention, precisely what investors traditionally dislike.



It’s like inviting poker players to a casino where the dealer might change the game on the fly. It seems free-market beliefs are set aside when tens of millions of dollars are being lost every day and job losses are set to mount.

Make no mistake, the financial pain was already starting to hit the oil patch and experts say widespread say-offs, spending cuts, and company bankruptcies were on the horizon. 


There is a feeling in Alberta that the economy is fragile. While the province has slowly climbed out of a recession. It’s hit associate degree slick with the recent oil worth collapse. Therefore the economy could fall straight back into a downturn. 


There are times when the government has to act. Vice-chairman of public relations firm Hill Knowles Strategies Canada. He points to former Prime minister Stephen Harper putting aside his free-market beliefs to bail out General Motors in 2009. 


The fact about why cutting oil production is. Canadian oil costs fall so much below costs elsewhere in North America somewhat oftentimes. Former premier Alison role player represented it. Because the “bitumen bubble” in 2013 as oil prices were about $35 US lower per barrel in Alberta compared to the U.S. benchmark.

In January 2018, the outage of the Keystone pipeline was one reason the differential swelled to recently. Canadian oil sold-out at a reduction of over $50 North American nation per barrel. However, it’s narrowed in recent days to around $30 North American nation.

Over the last decade, the oil discount has become more than $20 US per barrel at least 10 different times. 


Alberta does have a history of government intervention, whether it was former premiers William Aberhart printing money during the Great Depression of the 1930s or Peter Lougheed’s government owning several Crown corporations including an airline during the 1970s and 1980s.

Lougheed, too, mandated boring cuts in his battle with the central. Still, the newest boring cut by the government would seem to run counter to the Canadian province psyche.

Free markets area unit the answer to each drawback that society faces. That’s simply not true. Even a few months ago, most observers would not have guessed the majority of Alberta’s. Oil-patch would lobby the provincial government to meddle with the market.

It looks everybody needs government out of their method, till there’s one thing. The government will do to assist them, even in Canadian province.


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