Articles by "digital media"

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Branding & creating a brand image holds vital elements of success if you are a fresh business owner. Hence while reinforcing your brand image you should be creative regards to the initial image of the brand through creative marketing & creating a brand persona. ‘Brand Persona’, a fresh term regards to a brand personality or its personification holds elements of a brand’s success in the world of business & marketing. Your marketing team can use many different platforms for marketing purposes but most reliable & effective these days in the market is YouTube.

It’s indeed a Digital marketing phenomenon that is actually creating positive vibes for businesses. These are entrepreneurs who know well how they can promote themselves. According to many marketers it’s not only the promotions on You Tube that are worthwhile for a product or a business success. It’s indeed the way you demonstrate that product or services, as if dinner is presented on a tray. It’s the presentation indeed that holds elements of pondering for distributors, financiers, consumers and many other channels & modes.


Your distribution channel holds vital elements of success for you and your company in more than one way. Hence, YouTube is a mediator to the language of marketing that you as a business or a brand is using. You have the tool with you, and you must be knowing how you can make good use of it. It’s just like a craftsman who knows well how to use his/her tool in the marketing environment.

Hence, to create a sound marketing environment there should be ingredients of success for further reinforcing of image. In addition to this, trust, truth and meaning in your promotional material created. YouTube is indeed the media where you can show to the end user that your product & services are par others. This is irrespective of the brand reinforcing tools in use.


Here are some of the Tips that can help in building your brand with excellent and impressive YouTube Videos. Marketing your needs the way you want with positive reinforcing of your brand image.

  1. Identification of The Goal:

The identification of the correct goal is a must in the initial phases and should demonstrate elements of inspiration, education or just entertainment. You should identify beforehand the purpose of the video, is it to educate regards to a brand. Furthermore, to inspire the consumers to go for the brand and create brand loyalty and finally is it for entertainment purpose & inspiration will come automatically after that. It can also be debatable as to why you should go for that particular brand & comparatively how can it be advantageous to you?

  1. Creating Quality Videos:

Don’t compromise on making quality videos instead of just fooling people around, and finally making a fool of yourself. When you know you can’t compromise on quality, you will also know what it takes to manage quality for a long term period.

By quality means that video should have elements of promotions & you should know you are targeting the right audience. While you will be offering valuable content to your audience with videos on YouTube, they will position very well in Google. Hence, automatically the visibility elements will be improved and that will reinforce your brand image in very short time. Always try to come up with ways of improving the visibility of your videos on the internet.

  1. Optimise Your Channel:

An incomplete profile always gives a poor and an unprofessional image and that can be destroying as well for the business in the end. The most important information that needs to be completed on your YouTube channel are as follows; 

  • A Profile Photo
  • An appealing header image
  • A trailer for inspiration
  • A Playlist with the most popular videos.
  • Finally, your company logo added to all your videos.
  1. Use of the Right Shade & Lights:

While making your YouTube videos always make sure that you are using the right shade and the lightning provided is absolutely clear and focused. The motive must be to provide the correct image, and not a negative one. It also depends on your audience, if you have a young millennial audience, your tone cannot be formal. The best thing is knowing your audience in the best possible way, so that you know the correct marketing strategy.


In the past several years that the usage of social networking has increased considerably. In addition to that, this usage was notably in the united states. In accordance with the Pew research centre, an enormous 73.5percent of Americans in the USA of America utilize interpersonal networking. Many individuals use social networking to stay associated with friends & family. Holds crucial importance facets particularly for people that live away from their loved one's members and family members. Thus they could still feel attached, in the place of sense independently, upset & isolated as a result of results of social networking on user's mental wellness.

Paradoxically, improves the psychological wellbeing of several men and women who share their adorable experiences which features family holidays. Additionally contains birthdays, and frequent journeys, active the Earth, marriage ceremony, and also other minutes of delights. Social networking marketing e.g. Facebook & Twitter are notably people programs that bring you nearer to a minutes previously and improve mental wellbeing insurance and self-esteem in appreciable ways. We frequently talk about their political perspectives, their adventures, and also their notions about the digital press. Evidently, all these are items that produce them feel relatively more positive. Everybody else holds perspectives that can be crucial for them. Additional their ruling and perspectives may be the way to obtain a significant argument or perhaps even a knowledgeable argument.

THE Feel Great EFFECT --' THE Social Networking INGREDIENTS':

The utilization of social media is becoming popular daily. Thus, an enormous reason behind that is that societal networking marketing causes you to feel well. It was not popular enough when Facebook was not there. Nevertheless, the prevalence of Facebook climbed since 2007, whilst it had been initially formed some 17 decades ago from 2004. A very important thing was that it generated a 'feel-good Effect', one of those who wanted a stage very similar to Facebook. Your pal's circle, no matter just how much you're from the family and friends makes you really feel good.

The technical & personalized preferences on societal networking have shifted things in life for all. Every who is currently a new ambassador of this own profile also holds a mindset of possessiveness and sense beneficial to themselves. Like a career-oriented individual, it also increases your competitive advantage over others. Notably, your Facebook friends and activates on mind your motives to raised extents.

Thus, only it increases your motivation degrees and also transforms your own thinking more into inspirational treatment. Generates your hormones that are joyful and you also would like to seem outstanding only for the interest of one's digital media image.


The donations of social networking to melancholy in a universe full of melancholy are tremendous. This is linked with all the political states of earth. Thus, in addition to the typical media wars which have been a serious normal argument on interpersonal networking. In reality, the excess usage of social networking may also contribute to high degrees of depression, stress, and problems with sleep.

As per a report, young adults from interpersonal networking use two or more hours each day. Ergo, they are sometimes classified as poor or fair concerning emotional wellness. That really is really as compared to individuals that are occasional societal networking users. For an instance, fifteen minutes each day, or even one hour weekly can be referred to as intermittent.

Your using social media ought to be a lot more balanced. Thus, social networking habits directly influence your psychological wellbeing in negative ways also. But, you may utilize it in order to steer clear of the unwanted effects in your own life as well as your emotional wellbeing. A good illustration comprises avoiding being lonely or whenever you're really missing your buddies or loved ones. Second, you wish to find a household occasion on the web, like a live graduation service of an in-depth friend, or even perhaps a marriage service of one's own cousin.

HOW Social Networking CAN BE A DISTRACTION for You?

How excess usage of press frees you in this electronic age. Notably, in an era in which you have many sources of entertainment, it's really a futile matter. If you're students, giving an excessive amount of time and energy to societal networking marketing can prove to be overly expensive. It may be debatable in way too many ways when it's providing you emotional health problems on your evaluations. If routine scrolling through societal networking leaves you feeling stressed, stressed, sad, or maybe mad. Thus, then you definitely will need to generate a re-evaluation of one's own usage. For the interest of good, something, which ought to be considered a little more balanced or even more precise.

Coronavirus, the pandemic that has been a cause of many deaths lately in the world. It has significantly revealed the power of social networking e.g. Facebook. The site Facebook has been in constant use for media exposures, awareness campaigns, online buying, and selling. Most likely due to lockdown and many other campaigns that are active daily on Facebook.

Despite the fast spreading of the pandemic, people took early action to protect themselves, their families, and their communities. Hence, social media & networking especially Facebook played a huge role in the early awareness campaigns for the pandemic Coronavirus. Some people reacted with a panic buying and stockpiling of goods that revealed the fragile nature of COVID-19. Social media also helped communities in mobilizing themselves in reaching out to isolated areas and people to solve their problems. Whatsapp & Facebook are the platforms mostly used for group centered awareness. A global application of the two platforms in various geo-locations for the pandemic control measures.

‘Group sourcing’ is a term that is derived from ‘outsourcing’ that has been used to describe this phenomenon. An act of making groups and creating a group awareness. Social network communication systems is an entity most Facebook users are well aware of. Especially, the friend network they need is already in place for an awareness network.


In the shortest possible time, Facebook has demonstrated the true powers of social media. Facebook live, Facebook chat and Facebook constant posts have helped in the awareness campaigns. It is for those millions of users who are high-users of the social networking giant. It has through campaigns helped people in remote areas during COVID-19. Created awareness campaigns at a globalized level and has been a significant stakeholder in charity campaigns. Many businesses during the lock-downs have used Facebook for media campaigns. Hence, marketing of their products and buying and selling activities during the lock-down.

Public gatherings of media gurus and press conferences from the global leaders are the most viewed segments on Facebook most recently. People can easily share their thoughts regarding a live program. While fighting against the pandemic, people’s suggestions are a necessity. Highlighting a significant question as to What else can be done? Also, global level awareness campaigns on what pandemic are generally. All these measures have been a phenomenon in controlling the amount of death rate in many countries. These countries include the United States and some European countries that include U.K and Italy.

The social media giant Facebook gave a new dimension to what exactly social awareness is and preventive measurements that are a necessity. Being part of the daily life of many people, through Social media, people are able to highlight the thoughts of most influential people, their daily routines in these current times of Coronavirus, and how they have tackled the situation with respect to career aspects. COVID-19, a cause of many job losses has not only been devastation, but also a trendsetter in determining the power of digital media and social networking mediums.

why global awareness is necessary
why global awareness is necessary


The global awareness regards a pandemic and the history that relates to it is necessary to highlight the associated trends and behaviors during the disease. What happened in the past? How it happened? And how most people were able to react to changing situations during a pandemic is important to know. What’s more important is the awareness of the unseen. As it is medically proved that social distancing & washing hands constantly for 20 seconds. Furthermore, wearing a mask, especially in public places. All these measures have been a huge factor in controlling the pandemic. It has its similarities to a history of pandemics that came in the past that includes E-bola, Bird-flu, HIV Aids, and many others that shook the world by surprise. However, COVID-19, the pandemic that originated from Hubei Province, China caused most devastations in history than any other pandemic known.

According to most facts and figures, Social media has never made aware of a pandemic at such a globalized level before then it has done for COVID-19. This is significant because the pandemic is active in the era of the ‘Power of social media’. Additionally, it is equipped with the most destructive intensities as compared to other pandemics. However, while we are fully aware of the symptoms and the consequences of Coronavirus, it is a necessity to keep updating ourselves on social media regards to the hazards of the pandemic. Also, finally, the measures that can be taken to combat its fatal consequences. “Health Is Wealth’, a phrase that will always help in taking self-measures and protective campaigns against COVID-19.


Digital marketing as the word is ironic to have its synergies with the digital world i.e Media and the internet. E-commerce can be termed as the main dynamic tool in modern-day businesses. However, digital media being sub-class has demonstrated how businesses have changed. It’s the commerce industry that is mainly trade and finance. E-commerce is hence the use of the internet for trading & finance. We have already influenced many transformations in the e-commerce industry since its advent from the Main Frame computers. Online selling, marketing, trading, branding, and e-shopping are some examples of e-commerce. All these are common in this modern age, but were not there 30 years from today.

There are many powerful tools of digital marketing in use. They are as follows;

Search Engine Optimization

SEO or search engine optimization is the achieving of E-marketing targets through Key words optimization, in the search engine. In case as an example, we need our search results for a specific keyword. The next thing we would need to do is the optimization of the search engine ratings. The main goal is to bring it in the top 10 or top 20 lists. SEO or Search engine optimization is the solution for obtaining the results. A process that is quite technical for the promotion of website and links.

SEM or Search engine Marketing

A medium used for marketing in E-commerce. SEO is a process or sub-category of Search Engine Marketing. Variables measures are used for achieving this, and it is known as the marketing of internet websites. Mainly, it is SEO as optimization increases the website rank, and also makes it higher. In SEM we prioritize the websites so that they can be utilized & effectively according to how the client needs them.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the marketing of products and services on Social networking websites g. Facebook, mySpace, and Twitter. It not only targets your friends in your listings. But it targets a huge audience, as we can use pictures, videos and other content to promote our services.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing – a powerful tool

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a form of digital marketing. Where focused groups have random emails for marketing purposes. These emails are in the form of campaigns, offers, and seminars information.

Canada, a highly interactive environment for the internet is a marketing hub for digital marketing. The use of the World Wide Web is very effective in Canada. Since there are no boundaries in the modern digital age.

The World Wide Web or the internet spread across like a web, and hence started the most overwhelming journeys i.e. E-Commerce and digital marketing. We use digital marketing tools on a daily basis. Mainly, for promotion, advertising, and market products & services.

There are so many factors & one of them is the use of online shopping without any hassles. is a website that is used mostly for online shopping. Hence, the vast use of worldwide, with various channels of distributions. It is just one example of digital marketing as a powerful tool for e-commerce. Other examples include selling websites of used products, like e-bay, and Gumtree. Hence, no hassle of selling your used cars, mobiles, or laptops to any specified shop. When you can trade on your own terms and pricing. You don’t have to be a pundit or a specialist to sell products online. Furthermore, you can easily do it, by posting pictures of your products and getting profits as well.

E-Commerce Marketing
E-Commerce Marketing – a powerful tool


E-commerce is an absolute celebration in the hotel and tourism industry, as it is all on your fingertips. It’s digital marketing everywhere, as it is a sub-class of e-commerce. Furthermore, there is nothing that can be achieved without e-commerce.

You simply can’t miss the digital world, and its overwhelming benefits. These days mainly all businesses are online. Therefore, they are also marketed heavily in order for people to know that their presence is to compete with the best.

Discussing e-commerce on a more practical platform, competitions have increased. It is too a huge extent you have to identify your competitors. The competitor’s strategy that is critical in competing with you or going global is the hour of the need. Therefore, E-commerce is a highly global phenomenon, and globalization goals are a must while we go ahead in any industry.


A restaurant website must have the attractive elements necessary to appeal to the customer why they just pop in. The charm, the appeal and the elegance of a restaurant website is an essential element these days that must attract the customers. It is more or less the same all over the world especially the North American region. Here are the six key elements;

  1. The clarity in Web-Based Menu- Must have a wide variety and all the ingredients clearly mentioned on the website
  2. Appealing Visuals- Some attractive Pictures of the restaurant attracting the customers.
  3. Social media Reviews and Testimonials- The most recent and acknowledged dining experiences.
  4. Information accuracy- The information should be highly prestigious and should have all the correct and necessary elements as needed.
  5. Online Reservations and Ordering- A unique and highly synchronized system of online reservations and orders that will automatically make the customers, come time and again.
  6. Attractive and Concise Website- An attractive and to-the-point website that holds vital information about the key contents.


How to achieve social media success is important in the modern world of social networking websites. It can be achieved by building your social personality, representation of your brand, building great content, & talking trends. The main aim is to show your media personality to the audience and be interactive in terms of social interactions. Social media is no doubt a powerful tool that is used globally for the marketing of trends, & having a media presence.


Social media i.e, Instagram, and Facebook, has changed the entire game for the restaurants. This is primarily the reason why the power of the internet is highly active. It is important to realize that, why we need Instagram in the digital world?

Stats have shown that Instagram is a worthwhile tool for marketing. Therefore, it’s a complete promo package mainly because the customers need and their users worldwide. Sets a worthwhile image for the marketers of tomorrow, Instagram has truly inspired restaurant owners in terms of quick and updated information availability.


It is a completely different kind of shopping experience, something that will attract the friendliest, fast & corporate customers. The experience they have is overwhelming in terms of having what you want, nice, easy, fast, and coming up with the selective products on offer. One-third café and Two-Third retail, benefiting the customers for quick early morning snacks or a coffee. The opportunity of marketing is great, immensely in the busy Toronto areas, as a 9-5 worker, it makes your life even faster.


Mansoor Brothers Enterprises
100 Dynamic Dr, Scarborough, ON
M1V 5C4, Canada

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{picture#} I provide quality services relating to DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICE, like SEO, SMO, PPC, Web Development, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense, Google Web Master Tool, Facebook Pixel, Google Events, Google Tag Manager. {facebook#} {twitter#} {pinterest#} {youtube#} {instagram#}

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