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In many ways the world is split along the lines of Morning people and everyone else. Generally, a “morning person” can be said to be one of those lucky few who are happy, full of pep, and productive in the early hours of the day while you’re still wrestling your snooze button.

Many people will do anything in morning just to make that transition. One of my close friends for instance, has been battling with the seemingly tedious task of transitioning from being a “night owl” to a morning person since last year.

Like I always say; “the night was made for rest, the day for work, and the morning for blessings, creativity and health”. Does that make me a morning person? You could say that. Maybe I am not. But I am one of those people who usually completes fifty percent of their tasks while many people are still tossing on the bed and rubbing their eyes.
I will share a few simple tips that anyone can follow to make that vital transition. With them, you can change from being a night owl, or just a heavy sleeper to becoming a person who maximizes his/her mornings.


The Morning is the most beautiful time of the day. It is a serene and peaceful time. It can also be a very profitable time, but at the very best it is still just time. Time by nature flies and can be up before you even know it has begun.

Taking a few minutes at night to put together the things you will need to do the next day, will reduce the rush in the morning. It also gives your subconscious mind ample time to work on those tasks, and give you ideas on how to go about them. Most importantly, it will give you time to get your act together before leaving the house.

Get your gym bag together. Ready your bike. Pack your office suitcase, and pick out your attire. This way you can devote the morning to exercise, meditation and prayers, time with the family at the breakfast table, and even catch a TV show before the rat race begins.


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin
Sleep at any time has a great deal of benefits. But the benefits of a good night owl sleep cannot be overemphasized. The night was made for only one purpose and that is to rest. The day winds down into darkness, and expects you to follow.
On the average, an adult needs between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep per night. “But many people can function with 6 hours’ sleep, and there also some who need 9 hours or more,” says Sudhansu Chokroverty, MD, professor and co-chair sleep medicine at the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute at JFK Medical Center in Edison, N.J.


Early morning hangovers can be very distressing. The best way to handle them is to avoid them altogether. Don’t drink so much alcohol late at night. Better still; keep away from it as much as you can.

If for some reason however, you consume enough alcohol to cause you a hangover in those precious hours of the morning, don’t panic. The smart thing to do is to explore potent medicinal ways of dealing with hangovers, so you can get on with your day on time.



Passion is the underlying key to success to do anything, especially when you are starting a business. Most people believe that in order to start a successful business one needs major capital and money. However, more important than capital one must have the true passion and desire to succeed.

Passion fuels resilience and provides you with the ambition to learn. Furthermore to strive to become more competent at what you do. More importantly than anything else, it gives you the ability to focus.

My father was a teacher. Growing up, our basic necessities were always taken care of. However, my father had to take additional jobs to earn extra money to supplement his teacher’s salary.

As I became a businessman. I knew that I wanted to ensure I had a career that enabled me to go beyond providing for my family’s basic needs. However, to give us a lifestyle where money was not an issue the only way was business. Hence, I learned from my father, when you do anything, you have to have passion.
In any field or occupation, focus allows you to achieve complex tasks. When you are able to achieve complex tasks, your passion is fuelled by the success that you achieve. Passion is your drive, ambition, and the love of what you do and who you serve. It provides you with a very special view of the world and gives you a daily purpose in your life.

Stop and ask yourself: What is your true passion? What makes you excited about what you are doing? The difference between those who push through difficult times and those who fail and give up – is Passion!

AddÉnergie is getting $4.5 million from Quebec, $1.5 million from Ottawa,
as well as an undisclosed investment from Quebec’s pension fund manager. The Quebec and federal government along with the province’s pension fund manager. They are investing new money into a Quebec City-based company with Govt. back-up. A company that makes charging stations for electric car. Hence, Quebec will invest $4.5 million in AddÉnergie, acquiring a stake in the company. While, the federal government will give the company $1.5 million said the representatives. A statement from both governments at a joint press conference.

At the same time, the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. They also announced an investment in the electric car company, i.e. its second. The dollar value of that investment was not disclosed.

Louis Tremblay, the company’s president and CEO, said AddÉnergie plans to use the money to support a plan. He also claimed that they intend to double the size — and production — of its factory in Shawinigan.

The new investments will also help the company “maintain our competitive advantage”. Furthermore, continue its expansion into the United States, Tremblay said.

In use in Canada and the United States built by AddEnergie are the recharging stations. Hence, there are currently 13,000 electric car recharging stations with Govt. backing.

AddÉnergie also operates the Flo network of electric car charging stations. Step-wise, which it says is the second-largest network of electric car charging stations in North America.

The company also makes charging stations for electric car used by Hydro-Québec in its Circuit électrique charging network.

The federal government announced that it will be giving $5 million to Hydro-Québec to expand that network. A huge step immensely showing the back-up of Govt. w.r.t. the circumstances.



Electric Car is a huge step in terms of the environmental factors and improving the climate change issues. Thus, the backing by the Government in this regards will definitely help in making Quebec a pollution free province. A plan that is for the sustainable future and environment of Quebec making it safe for all. Quebec, is indeed a rich province highly attracted by many migrants.

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