Canada’s 17th Prime Minister John Turner died at the age of 91 on 18th September 2020. Regarded as one of the sad days in Canada as the news circulated in the press all over the country. Mr. John Turner, a highly regarded politician was the 17th Prime Minister and a well-known Ex-leader of Canada. According to an Aide speaking on behalf of Turner’s relatives Marc Kealey. He told media that the Ex-PM died peacefully in sleep on Friday night. Mr. John Turner ruled Canada as a Prime Minister for just a period of 78 days in the year 1984.
Moved to Canada in his youth days, John was born in England in 1929 in Richmond. His movement from England to Canada happened while Turner was still a young kid. Turner grew up in Ottawa and later moved to British Columbia. It is a Province named after Great Britain while Turner & his family remembered his birthplace England. He was a very active person since his young days. Later, he was a decorated athlete who held a Canadian record for the 100-meter dash. He later qualified for the London Olympics of 1948, while he was still a student at The University of British Columbia. It was due to an injury that Turner couldn’t participate in the event i.e. London Olympics of 1948.
John Turner first entered Politics in 1962 when he won a Montreal seat for the Liberal party. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Lester Pearson, John was highly regarded. While he was still a young man, although not in his youth. Due to his attitude in Politics and consistency, has was called the “Golden Boy” of politics. It took him just five years, i.e. in 1967 and he entered the Cabinet. He was made the Minister of Consumer & Corporate Affairs later on in his career.
Hence, it was later on in his political career, he ran for the Liberal Leadership in the year 1968 and was the youngest person in the race at the age of 38 years.
It was later under the leadership of Prime Minister Trudeau, father of current Prime Minister Mr. Justin Trudeau, he changed his profile. A position that John Turner held for a period of four years was The Minister of Justice. Because of his sound knowledge in the field of Finance. In the progression towards the honorable seat of the 17th Prime Minister of Canada. Most deserving again, the Ex-PM of Canada was made the Minister of Finance, a huge honor for him. Furthermore, he held his position for a considerable period of three years. Most part of his next 10 years i.e. a decade he worked for a Toronto Law Firm before he returned back to politics.
John Turner took the office of the Prime Minister on June 30th, 1984 without holding a seat in the House of Commons himself. His term as the PM of Canada just lasted for 78 days and is the shortest in the history of Canadian politics just after Sir Charles Tupper.
According to the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, the passing away of Ex-PM John Turner was a sad day to happen in Canada’s political history. He was really a dedicated servant of Canada who dedicated his whole life to the service of Canada and the Canadian people. Always worked with full dedication to make Canada a better place to live.
The way COVID-19 has affected this world has been significant. This is mainly in the form of deaths i.e. loss of life and financial losses. The financial losses include economic devastations, no or least business activities, and complete lock-downs. It also includes major effects on the tourism industry and trade. The proof is in the form of total mortalities i.e. 114,254 deaths globally. US, Italy, Spain, UK, and France are the most affected countries in terms of death losses. It also includes, Europe’s 4 giant countries and mega economies from the Eurozone in terms of the GDP.
The United Kingdom is not part of the Euro. However, still the losses it has incurred will take lots and lots of relief efforts. This is similar to devastations in an earthquake, however, the only difference is no loss of physical infrastructure. The deaths from Italy counts 19,899, Spain: 17,209, France: 14,393, U.K: 10,612 and Germany: 3,022 i.e. Total count from the Big Five from Europe is 65,135 i.e. 57% of the World’s Population death counts from ‘COVID-19’.
The largest of the European economies are known as “Big Five” in economic terms. These are countries with GDP Total in the Top 10 list of 4 countries. These countries are France, Germany, Italy, and the U.K. As of 2018, in the Top 10 list Germany is number 4 & the United Kingdom ranks number 5. Hence, preceded by France at number 6 and Italy ranking number 8. Spain is the only economy that is not in the Top 10 list. Although, Spain is a country from the big five and top 5 of Europe’s economy. Hence it is a mega holiday and tourism destination for the rest of the world.
Considered as most people’s favorite holiday spots. Truly a beautiful continent with gorgeous landscapes and scenic beauty. The continent consists of many beautiful countries, with gorgeous climate, landscapes, History museums, war museums and Science museums. It is an incredible continent with beautiful countries and holiday destinations. The likes of Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the U.K., Germany, France, and Ireland. There are five more countries in Europe that are good for the tourism industry and academics. The countries together are known as Scandinavia. The Scandinavia consists of Finland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden and is part of the most gorgeous Europe.
The sufferings in the tourism industry to Europe are mainly because of Italy, Spain, U.K, and France. All countries are economically strong, with rich infrastructure. In addition to this, they are rich in tourism, technology and arts and culture. Ancient buildings from history and richness in architecture make Italy the most popular. Preserved just for the attraction of people and for researchers, the buildings are from the era of the Roman Empire. The Vatican City, i.e. the pope’s residence is also very near to Rome. Considered as a sacred place for orthodox Christians from all over the world. Spain is known for its gorgeous places like Ibiza and museums. Includes, holiday destinations that are most favorite for people all over the world.
Due to ‘COVID-19’, these 4 countries have suffered especially in terms of financial losses and due to the fear factor and lock-downs associated with COVID-19. Primarily because of no business activity and an increasing number of mortalities. Hence, the prices for tourism have been lowered and numbers traveling for tourism are almost negligible. Governments of most countries have requested their citizens to stay in their homes so that they can control the situation.
We can look more closely at how the COVID-19 has been a cause of financial and life losses to Europe ‘Big Five’.
The most affected economy in Europe with a death toll nearing 20,000. Not happened in Italy in more than 3 weeks, the least number of deaths has been reported lately. This control has only caused the United States number of deaths passing Italy, but the numbers are still huge i.e. almost 20,000.
The director of infectious diseases Massimo Galli from Milan Sacco Hospital said in an interview to a T.V channel that things are going better now, with few people needing an intensive care bed. Hence, some signs of positivity while the numbers are still huge.
However, a huge impact on the Fashion and trade industry in Milano. The effect takes place amid COVID-19 with effects on Italy’s fashion industry. Known as Europe’s fashion hub and fashion capital. The gorgeous city Milano is under a complete lockdown just like the rest of the country. Very few numbers can be seen in downtown Milano and the City Centre, making it clear that the country is under a crisis amid ‘COVID-19’ disaster. One of the worst-hit pandemic for many decades has made things worse for the Milan fashion industry and the migrations to Italy especially the number of students coming to Italy has declined.
The current deaths from the U.K are 10,612 and stats have shown that approximately 65% of the deaths are from England. The Prime Minister of the U.K., Boris Johnson spent at least 3 days in intensive care. Was taken to a hospital in London, after testing positive a week before. Boris Johnson, also the Ex-Mayor of London is now out of danger and is back in 10 downing street. A respiratory treatment was given to the Prime Minister to get out of breathing issues.
Other sufferings to the economy are in-form of immigrations and people coming annually to the U.K. for academics, research, and higher education.
Spain, a country that has a history of pandemics, one of them being the Spanish flu that occurred from 1918-1920. The number of new infections was raised to almost 4,200. However, the last 24 hours count of deaths mounted to 620 in Spain. The total deaths are 17,209 i.e. 2nd highest numbers after Italy highly affecting many industries.
According to the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the efforts by the Spaniard to stay at home has helped a huge deal in the control over the spread of the virus. Spain’s construction and heavy industries are in preparation to resume work as work restrictions since the last two weeks have been lifted. People should start with their normal life soon. This is after a series of positives from Madrid. The positive efforts have helped Govt. of Spain a great deal in terms of restoring the economy.
Meanwhile, France is the 3rd largest hit country from COVID-19, in Europe after Italy and Spain. As number speaks for itself i.e. 14,393, the efforts are increasing every day to reduce the number of intensive care patients. There have been positive results with reasonable drops in the number of intensive care patients.
According to a statement from Health ministry, Paris. They said that the observance is high, however, the vigilance should be increased as hospitals and ICUs are still taking care of huge numbers of patients. The confinement measures shall be increased by the Govt. soon until Mid-May as president Emanuel Macron said in his interview and will announce later in his speech.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany is the country that has suffered the least in terms of deaths from the ‘Big Five’ European giants. Solidarity has been the motto of the Govt. and Chancellor Angela Merkel has laid a huge emphasis on solidarity and united efforts.
The current death toll is 3,022, which is a mere 4.63% of the total counts registered from the ‘Big Five’ European nations. The people most at risk from COVID-19 are the elderly and people who are chronically ill or are having a pre-existing condition. Mostly they are in need of support from the community and the Govt. services are readily available for everyone. The stats truly proves the strength of the German economy as compared to the rest of the ‘Big Five’ is capable enough to handle similar extreme scenarios.
The chancellor has requested people to stay at home and the decision to watch a concert, football matches in stadiums or working in the office is no longer personal. They are all decisions that are precisely in the hands of the German Govt. and the Health Ministry. As the Health Minister Spahn, said while laying emphasis in a Press conference that people should realize their corporate social responsibility to fight against COVID-19. Germans must make sure that they take the least risk and avoid all social contacts.
Hence, the positive results of the outbreak are that people are reaching their neighbors and asking if they need assistance. Ironically, the biggest European economy has not seen a melt-down is a huge positive for Germany.
People in Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick will be paying more for gasoline and heating fuel. When the federal government’s announced that businesses will carry carbon tax to begin in provinces that refused to impose their own emissions pricing.
Individuals and families will be getting some money back from the federal government under the new carbon tax scheme that began April 1.
In the shadows of darkness are some vital businesses. These are especially small and medium-sized businesses. Hence, the darkness is on what rebates or exemptions may be available to them if any.
From Ottawa’s “climate action incentive payment”, unlike the individuals who are eligible for annual rebates. No compensations expected in the same way for businesses, definitely not at all.
Especially the ones that are “trade-exposed,” Large companies with certain types of operations. Additionally, those that emit 50k mega tonnes or more of greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, the ones that won’t pay the carbon tax on fuel.
Instead, they’ll be subject to a carbon tax on emissions that exceed certain annual limits. Smaller firms that emit 10,000 mega tonnes or more will be able to apply for the same exemption.
But most other businesses, including smaller ones, have no such exemption. There are exemptions for farmers, some fishers and greenhouse operators.
There are high expectations to pay the taxes for a vast majority of small and medium-sized businesses. However, with little or no rebates or exemptions from Ottawa.
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business says. They’re still trying to get answers from the federal government. On what kinds of rebates, exemptions or tax credits may be available to their members, if any.
“We still don’t know what these rebates or exemptions are going to look like,” said Jonathan Alward. The CFIB’s director of provincial affairs for Manitoba.
It’s definitely concerning that residents know exactly what’s coming back to them. Even though businesses are footing the bulk of the carbon tax bill and getting pennies on the dollar back. They still don’t know what’s in it for them and largely don’t even know. How the carbon tax is going to be applied? or how their exemptions are going to work?
Handed out to individuals it appears small businesses in the majority of the parts shall be subsidizing the rebates. Returned to the individuals in rebates is approximately 90% of the money from taxation.
The remaining 10% has been earmarked mostly to help municipalities & universities. In addition to these, public schools, hospitals, and small businesses. Pay for costs like building upgrades to help them become more energy-efficient.
However, whatever does trickle their way will be far less than what they pay out in carbon taxes. The CFIB estimates small businesses. The public sector will together pay about 50% of the carbon tax bill. But it will receive only 7% back in grants and rebates.
We all should know well why we should save energy of electricity. Hence, to lower our energy costs and help reduce harmful emissions as well as improve our operating performance. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the time to research. As well as choose from the most energy-efficient options, not to mention finding room in the budget. The Save on Energy efficiency programs, offered by the Independent Electricity Systems Operator. In conjunction with local hydro companies, can also help reduction in electricity.
From decoding your power bill to suggestions for seasonal holiday savings. The Save on Energy website has many excellent suggestions. There are resources as well for food service operators looking to reduce their energy usage. Well worth exploring, the site offers concrete advice. There are examples of how businesses like yours can benefit from energy-efficient practices and upgrades.
Saving on energy doesn’t have to be dramatic. It can be incremental and part of your daily routine. Small reductions can add up to savings in both cost and power usage. They are both good for you, your bottom line and the environment.
Examine your bills to learn not just how much your power costs, but also how much power you use. When you know how and when you use power, you can plan your strategy. Time of use is also important: shifting non-urgent tasks to off-peak hours can provide immediate results.
LED bulbs to use up to 75 per cent less power than regular incandescent bulbs, and last much longer. The best thing is to have a switch to LED. Therefore, to save electricity the bulbs in fridges, stoves and hot food holding units should be switched to LED.
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Refrigeration can be one of the largest single consumers of energy in food service. It accounts for up to 40 per cent of electricity use. Efficiency is key when it comes to reducing costs and energy. Keep coils and fans clean and dust-free, and ensure they’re kept away from heat and direct sunlight. The lower the ambient temperature near the motors, the less power they’ll need to use.
The Small Business Refrigeration program provided by Save on Energy can provide financial incentives to improve and fine-tune your system.
A recent study proved that storing frozen food at -15 degrees Celsius had no impact on food safety or quality. That three-degree difference can add up to substantial energy savings.
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It may seem counter-intuitive or unwelcoming. However, keeping the cool inside during the summer and outside during the winter. This is a simple and easy way to lighten the HVAC load. If you need to retrofit from residential-style HVAC to a more efficient commercial set up. Then save on Energy Heating and Cooling program might be able to help.
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Environment and environmental sustainability is the intense need of the world. For Canada, the goals and demands have extensively changed. Canada’s Climate change plans need many environment teams and efforts that are aligned for the sake of attaining climate change plans for Canada.
Environmental teams in the North American nation live in a very fantasy world. If the govt. thinks that it will meet its greenhouse-gas guarantees. They can do it while not reducing what quantity oil and gas the country produces.
Environment groups told the planet at a worldwide conference on temperature change weekday. Environmental Defense and Stand. Earth used international organization climate talks in Polska to unleash a replacement report. Hence, accusatory the oil and gas trade of undermining Canada’s climate plans.
Dale Marshall said: Oil and gas are the foremost obstacles to the North American nation. He laid emphasis on saying, really being a climate leader and not simply talking concerning being a climate leader. (national program manager for Environmental Defense)
The report accuses the trade-off with success lobbying the North American nation. This is to water down climate policies or exempts them from them. Furthermore, delaying cuts to gas emissions from oil-production facilities. Also, exempting up to eighty % of oil sands emissions. These emissions are from the federal carbon worth because of a kick in next year.
Canada’s policies to permit oil sands production to expand. Even shopping for the Trans Mountain pipeline to facilitate that growth, is counter-intuitive for a government that keeps claiming. It desires to be at the forefront of world climate action. Sustainable development for the environment.
The director of the climate for the Canadian Association of Oil Producers, unemployed the report. He did that as a “targeted effort by interest teams. Patrick further said that the efforts are staring only at our trade i.e. Canadian oil and gas trade. He said that it is just one within the whole world. Innovations are being carried out i.e. scale back. Hence, these are the emissions that were subjected to a carbon tax.
“We’ve been terribly active and really environment accountable,” he said. The report, however, says about the emissions from every barrel of oil made in North America. It adds that the nation has full-grown twenty % between 1990 and 2016. A great effort and another good measure for the environment. Hence, these collective efforts for environment and sustainability are the immediate demand for vast land Canada.
“There are heaps of states WHO, like the North American nation. Hence, they appear to be underneath the impression. The impressions are that their fossil fuels are somehow completely different from everybody else’s fossil fuels.” Catherine Abreu
The chief director of Climate Action Network North American nation. Aforementioned at a press conference at the meeting in Polska weekday. That even, if the trade will use technology to scale back emissions per unit of oil, gas, or coal made. This is simply a brief fix in a very world. The goal is the prevention of fossil fuels entirely, this is wherever the semi-permanent setup is present.
She was aforementioned that there are heaps of states WHO, like the North American nation, appear to be underneath the impression that their fossil fuels are somehow completely different from everybody else’s fossil fuels.
“As if their coal, oil, or gas is as by magic non-emitting and truly smart for the climate. In the Paris agreement, the worst of the temperature change. Hence, it meant the moving of the Paris treaty. This is in the agreement as everyone’s fossil fuels matters. In the cutting down of carbon emissions, all nations of the planet took the same oath. This is especially from fossil fuels. Therefore, the quantity of carbon pollution at bay within the atmosphere enough to stay the common world temperature from rising.
No quite a pair of C compared to pre-industrial times. It was important to get to 5C as an attainable temperature. Hence, kept trying hard, imagined to keep the increase constantly. The distinction between the 2 is important. Hence, with millions a lot of individuals displaced at a pair of C because of rising ocean levels. Furthermore, extreme temperatures, and severe storms. Hence, similarly, it has serious impacts on the world’s food offer and bigger unfold of UN-wellness. In addition to this in line with the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on temperature change.
Right now the world’s environmental policies have it on the right track. The goal is to exceed three C in warming by the top of the century. North American nation is presently about to trim its emissions by concerning two hundred million tonnes a year. They appreciate what’s made by concerning forty-four million traveler cars. However, a recent international organization report from dozens of revered climate scientists aforementioned. They said that if the one 5 C target has any hope of being met. Hence, Canada’s share of the required emissions reductions would be a lot of, as an example, four hundred million tonnes.
The oil-and-gas sector is one amongst the few are, as wherever emissions are still increasing in the North American nation. Tzeporah Berman, a global program director at, aforementioned if oil-sector emissions continue to grow. North American nation can get to “squeeze” each different province and trade to urge them to chop even a lot of.
Since most of the present set up address the best and most cost-effective reductions. Hence, we are able to get to cutting those different sectors. Therefore, more would need a lot of expensive and tough rules and policies of the environment, she said.
Finally, the Canadian province government is staring at capping, oil sands emissions at one hundred million tonnes a year. Hence, as a part of its climate set up, assuming to expand production. This is in addition to the technological advances to scale back the emissions from every barrel of oil made. However, no such environment-related policy has however been enforced.
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