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Returning to work post-COVID-19 shall not be the same as it used to be Pre- COVID-19. The world has witnessed a unique pandemic that has virtually signified the importance of staying home and working from home. Health & Safety is more significant than it’s ever been especially after the COVID-19 outbreak has been responsible for devastations all over the world. The world was already a global village before the virus. Hence, COVID-19, a pandemic has affected many global operations. Furthermore, it has affected travel, conferences, meetings, social and official gatherings. The factor of human involvement and human interaction has been significantly low than compared with human-computer interactions.

Since we are dealing with scenarios with a perspective that is more inclined towards health and safety measurements. These measurements shall be highly particular in terms of working at the workplace and being with people in corporate interactions. The returning employees must adhere to strict rules and regulations that can be further imposed.

importance of health & safety
importance of health & safety


The importance of health & safety known more commonly in the Western World as H&S has its key importance in the developed and globalized world. In Canada Health & Safety guidelines are very important for contractors working on different locations and sites. This is especially mandatory for those who are involved in technical works, engineering & mechanical works, construction industries, and all sorts of work involving risks. By following the health & safety guidelines workers or employees can easily minimize the risk factors associated with the H&S industry. However, with COVID-19, pandemic being responsible for lockdowns in the majority of Canada, the USA, the UK, and most developed countries. These guidelines have further gone towards precautionary measures to work together. They shall be overlooked deeply by employees while returning to work post-COVID-19.

A huge significance lies in the amount of awareness created through television campaigns. Also, through the newspapers and magazines, other print media, and social media campaigns. All these campaigns have identified the importance that working together is a necessity that must be followed by a huge attitude towards health & safety parameters. These parameters can fluctuate according to the work environment. For example, in an office environment, the general requirements are cleanliness. In addition to these nice clothing, proper health, and reporting straight away to HR or maintenance. This is key reporting to staff regards to any health issues or prospective concerns. If you are having a fever, sneezing constantly, coughing, or want to take a rest. You can let the HR or maintenance staff know that your health is not good enough for the office environment.

Hence, it’s highly expected that these measures will be more inclined towards health & safety parameters after returning back from the virus i.e. COVID-19 outbreak.



The role of HR or Human Resource Dept. is highly diverse. Ironically, in most organizations, the role is just not linked to hiring the employees and maintaining their records. The HR dept. is also highly linked up to have a check on employees’ health issues, stress levels, how good they are interacting & whether they are good for the office environment? This role is more aligned to formulate designed checks on employees. These are especially during the hiring process to know well about their health. While working for a corporate firm or an MNC, the inclinations are more towards what’s happening post-COVID-19.  Furthermore, how well the employee can keep up to the working standards in the organization.

Most of the employees, especially in Canada shall be returning at work after a couple of months. Hence, the HR Dept. should take care of their work pressures as soon as they are back, and the motive should be that they must enjoy their work. Enjoying work above all is also important as employees shall be back after a long time and they are not in the same mind frame. It’s also critical for the HR Dept. to overlook the importance of understanding the mind frame and deal accordingly with key employees.

Back to work post COVID-19
Back to work post COVID-19


It is therefore highly important for employees working in MNCs and big organizations that they realize the importance of returning back to work after COVID-19. As the world has witnessed a huge gap in corporate dealings and transactions like it were before, the awareness should be high. The maintenance of the facts regards to COVID-19 shall be a huge bonus for employees to keep them updated. Prevention is much better than cure and COVID-19 effects shall take a long time to wipe away. Ironically, these are true pictures for countries most affected i.e. the USA, U.K, Italy, Spain, France & Germany.

Hence, new regulations in place will definitely help incorporate proceedings to go well safely while returning. There is always a good hope that Post Covid-19 things will get back to normal. It’s highly important for the big economies of the world to bounce back and help employees in staying at their workplaces safer.

Health & Safety is definitely the supreme order of the united world in times of the pandemic COVID-19.

In the current scenario, world is dealing with human impacts. Furthermore, the impacts on many different businesses that have been evident globally. The financial concerns and job concerns are one of the first human impacts of the virus. Hence, as the businesses close for the prevention of pandemic COVID-19 and its invariable impacts. The lockdown in many countries has been the cause of an increase in people’s stress levels. The economic impacts are on a larger scale, on a national and international level. It has affected global tourism, travel, hospitality, economic activity, and SME activity to a huge extent. According to the domino effect, all this affects the least well paid. Highly interlinked are all the entities in the economic life cycle of a country. Comparatively, it’s just like a bomb being a cause of huge destructions & human losses.

human consequences
human consequences


As humans all over the world have been facing casualties and devastations due to pandemics and epidemics in the past. Hence, what precautionary measures to adopt in such situations than they were before in the times of earlier pandemics. HIV or AIDS is an example, originated from West Africa, from Chimpanzees. It was termed as the most dangerous diseases that have been transferable sexually or through physical contact in humans. The pandemic was in literal terms incurable and it still is 97%. However, there has been a global awareness through media and campaigns to let people know about AIDS. Awareness campaigns with slogans like, “Have Safe Physical contact”, or “Be Safe in Physical Contact”. All these have been highly critical in people’s knowledge awareness regards to pandemic AIDS.

Talking in terms of COVID-19 human consequences, have related to industries such as manufacturing, tourism, hospitality, and travel. The last three are interlinked, as the tourism industry has directly impacted the hospitality industry and travel. People are facing the psychological impacts of COVID-19. This is largely for sports stars & people who love socializing and exercise regularly in Gym and people who can’t live without their friends or have a significant social life. We have also witnessed the loss of events and cancellations e.g. Tokyo Olympics and Wimbledon Championship. It was during World War II that Wimbledon was canceled.

effects on developing nations
effects on developing nations


There are some Welfare states including Canada that have announced economic measures. The purpose is for the safeguarding of jobs, guarantee of wages, and support for the self-employed. These are countries especially from the developing world and those who have a huge population living below the poverty line. Hence people earn money on a daily wage pattern. These are the ones most affected as there is no such guarantee of funds. Hence, a huge test of the human race lies ahead when the restoration of losses comes into play.

At the same time, it’s important to know the psychological effects. As the ‘Fear of the Unknown’ can make a person’s mindset negative. Fear of the unknown can often lead to panic situations. Hence, the main reason behind the psychological effects especially in the developing nations. Ironically arises from the fear of not controlling the situation. Hence, or a sense of lack of control in the face of uncertainty.

mandatory actions from business communities
mandatory actions from business communities


Anywhere in the world, health measures must be the first and foremost priority for the Govt. Businesses and societies. The society’s self-awareness measures hold supreme impacts for a changing situation. The action of a single human can turn into the action of the whole society with collective measures. In addition to solidarity, working together for the protection of staff, local communities, and the customers. They must also make sure the operations stay active i.e. keeping supply chains, manufacturing, and logistics working. Hence, the power of the internet in this regard is huge.

Daily updates on the company’s website with useful inputs from the scientists and experts are highly recommended. This is a requirement for the general awareness of staff and regular and prospective customers. This is particularly important for large companies as their production levels are higher in comparison to smaller companies. Therefore, constant messages from CEOs and higher management or directors are important. These messages will definitely bring people closer in terms of recovery procedures and mutual efforts. Coming up with new ideas of how businesses can play their role in fighting this cancer. The key is to make people realize to a larger extent. The realizations should be that we need to take a step against COVID-19 before it comes to us.

Coronavirus or COVID-19, in addition to the technology of digitalization, has been the cause of re-shaping the business-tech environment. Employee health and safety is a top priority. Hence, it’s the responsibility of the digital world & leaders to have a consideration regarding the continuity. Also, including the scale, and scope of their digital operations. This is primarily important in the most unfamiliar trading conditions.

Obviously, we can’t ignore the devastations that COVID-19 has been the cause of. However, what’s more, important is that we don’t lose sight of the digitalization & digital business opportunities emerging right now in the tech world.

big data in health care
big data in health care


As the consumer focus has increased testing is mandatory and the order of the day. The main key reason is safety and people’s well-being. Hence, testing is prescribed more commonly by healthcare organizations. Furthermore, individuals do it for their own necessity and peace of mind. In addition to this, also the consumers who are opting to use private companies. Ironically, so that they can test themselves for different medical conditions. Hence, with the right privacy limits in place, AI & tech specialists are developing useful solutions. These will help reduce the risk of contagion. Hence, also relieve the anxiety of the consumers and provide them reassurance to survive in these tough times. The increase in data-enabled health care initiatives means a lot as health care is the primary objective these days. The scenario will definitely increase as awareness for pandemics has risen as well as digitalization.

COVID-19, the recent pandemic has definitely changed the way people are working these days. Significantly, as it has forced people to change their work behaviour. This is in particular with the way businesses conduct travel, tech and remote working.     


The digital business models shall be the new replacement instead of product-focused operations. Because of the pandemic COVID-19, there has been pressure on the supply chains of big companies. These include Best Buy, Wayfair, Nike and Gap, all MNCs and huge companies. All these will start to build resilience in their businesses by complimenting the product-focused models. This will also include the diversification of the businesses from their core offer. Mainly, to sell data and AI assets to third parties. The huge supermarkets that also includes the US Grocery and supermarket chain Walmart. They sell point-of-sales data to the brands i.e. P&G and Unilever ensuring adequate stock of the product in their warehouses. Also ensuring the availability of the product in grocery stores.

The strategy is to accelerate the process of digitalization in B2B or Business to Business more quickly and rapidly. This is because the pressure on businesses is urgent. The urgency is to find smartness in tech and quick ways of slashing costs and monetize the existing assets.


 The self-isolation due to the pandemic has resulted in a guaranteed use of e-commerce to a higher extent. In other words, it has been the cause of an increase in the pace of digitalization. Normally the customers who prefer going to the stores are buying products online using the tech. Especially, the tinned food, pasta, health and sanitary products. This use of e-commerce will become permanent and is expected to rise if the people‘s behaviour doesn’t change. Hence, increasingly there are replacement in-shop visits than online sales.

The pandemic is a significant cause of this in current times. However, still in normal days, the trends have shown a rise in the number of people preferring to buy online. We use the term ‘renaissance’ because of the logistics platforms like Bringoz. These are the ones revamping their concepts to match the new market circumstances & trends. They are doing this by enabling the retailers to scale the home delivery fast. In other words fast and immediate action once the order has been placed.

Increased in valuation of digital entertainment tools
Increased in the valuation of digital entertainment tools


The increase in the valuation of digital and entertainment tools is due to the rise in usage. Hence, the usage has increased with the changing market trends and behaviours. The increase and promotion in remote working have increased the use of Microsoft Team, Google Hangouts and Zoom. The usage of Zoom only has increased by 50%. This is huge, due to an increase in its share price since the start of the year.

Something more interesting is the AR and VR experiences i.e. instead of visits to concerts, museums and events. The consumers are preferring to stay in the comfort of their homes and enjoying similar usage. Hence, they are doing this by the use of virtual technology and AI. Preferences are given to social media, gaming, news, video streaming and books or e-books instead of face to face socializing. Hence, many ways to relieve boredom are available rather than socializing and mingling in public gatherings.

In this age, it is highly important for companies and businesses to create and maintain a highly strong digital culture. The winning culture is a source of trust in people. Obviously, this is what people are looking more apart from remote work culture. This culture includes caring for others, transparency in working styles and continuous learning.

However, a good nurturing in these key values during the times of COVID-19. Therefore, it will definitely ensure that firms are able to retain digital talent. The aim is to get things done and continue to thrive.

There are many industries worldwide that have stopped their hiring in the midst of COVID-19 and its global effects. However, the swift change in the business and the change management strategies are timely. It doesn’t mean that companies are not hiring or companies have stopped their hiring. There are companies in some key sectors that are still hiring. Furthermore, they are taking new recruits as their needs are not hindered even by the devastations of COVID-19.

These industries are the key industries and include Pharmaceuticals industry & Teleworking Software. In addition to these, Grocery Stores and Tech Support or Call Centre, Staff. The employees in this industry are one of the sharpest and most hardworking people. They are people who have made a huge reputation worldwide through sheer hard work and determination. The basic necessities of health, care and food provisions are a must during the times of Coronavirus. Useful strategies are being adopted at national and international level by these industries following strict change management programs.

Rationally, it’s important to earn bread and butter still in the times that are hard and have been a cause of deaths in many countries. The pandemics in the past are proof of the robustness and efficiency of the health care system. This is especially in countries like USA, Canada, UK and France.


Here are the four industries or businesses that are still hiring in the middle of Coronavirus; these are:

pharmaceutical industry
pharmaceutical industry


Health is a huge priority in today’s world even though most countries are affected by the pandemic that has caused global devastations. According to a study, 44% of the Americans today are taking at least one prescription medication, while 17% taking three or more. The pharma industry is far from closing their doors as medicine and health care has been the priority that should be overlooked apart from other priorities. It is, on the contrary, the influx in health as a priority has sent the pharmacies, health companies, generally the pharmaceuticals industry into a new wave of needed support. It is one of the most wanted industry especially in current times as most people are running everywhere to get a prescribed medicine or to a doctor while they have even the slightest symptoms of COVID-19.

Whether you need a mask, a sanitizer or medicine to fight flu, you got to rush to your nearest pharmacy. Pfizer, the US Multinational pharmaceuticals industry is a huge example as they have been witnessing mixed sales. However, they have still not halted their hiring procedures, especially in the United States. Other examples of companies in the pharmaceuticals industry are;


The Company is hiring approximately 20,000 positions across its infrastructure from pharmacy technicians to customer service people. The ongoing hiring is an example of the work in progress to fight the pandemic and making people aware at the same time. The company is a US-based company and was formed in 1901. It is high in demand with regards to the pharmaceutical industry requirements.

  • CVS:

CVS is another American pharmaceuticals company that is hiring in the current financial crisis. They plan to hire approximately 50,000 full-time, part-time, and temporary employees. The company has partnered with hospitality companies like Hilton & Marriot to support the hiring workers.

teleworking software industry
teleworking software industry


Industry apart from pharmaceuticals that have not stopped their hiring. The industry has seen a steady incline with remote work increasing by 44% since the last 5 years, and especially in times of Coronavirus. As many countries are under lockdown for a couple of months. The social distancing measures are being imposed in most countries, therefore, people are working remotely from home and staying in touch with their day-to-day task management. For effective remote working, the employees need a broader reach through video conferences, online meetings, chat and mobile collaboration services. Here are some telecommunication companies that are still hiring amid COVID-19 outbreak.

  • ZOOM:

The Company is hiring in almost all its key functions and departments. This include tech support, engineering, finance, & above all customer care as according to stats the usage of Zoom has been the most since last few months.

  • SLACK:

The company Slack has just added hundreds of new vacancies and openings in accounting, customer care and the sales teams.

grocery stores
grocery stores


The shopping markets and supermarkets are always busy while serving their most honourable customers. However, during COVID-19 and lock-downs this trend has seen a downward slope, as more people are now relying on online purchases if they are available. These shopping markets these days are the only outing while following strict quarantine, especially in dedicated times. The large groceries are the ones that are stepping forward with a huge need for swift and high headcount. They are the ones who can easily afford to hire people even in the COVID-19 outbreak. The big supermarkets are constantly looking for support workers for stocking shelves all the way to managing supply chain logistics as well as handling public relations. The companies that are still hiring in the grocery chain industries are;


The grocery chain Krogers is still hiring with over 10,000 positions in their current listings.


The American Multinational Supermarket and Grocery chain are known as Walmart all over the world, and as ASDA in the United Kingdom and Ireland as a subsidiary chain. The company is looking just over 150,000 workers in North America only and the superstore has streamlined the process of application from 2 weeks to 24 hours. This is just due to the impacts and hazards of COVID-19 as Walmart needs more people currently in its chains worldwide than any other supermarket chain.

tech support
tech support


The tech support teams and the Call Centre industry people are still being hired all over the world especially in the United States and Canada. Call Centre and Tech Support industry is huge and holds a huge job market as well. With the close of the physical call, centres closed down as offices are under the lockdown in most countries.

However, with remote work more popular these days most people need tech support help due to setting up, the pairing of devices and troubleshooting help. Most people in North America, especially in the United States and Canada, just have a basic know-how of technical devices and mostly they need help.


The Company have announced lately that they are hiring unlimited people for their remote support agent roles. All these hiring positions will fill the demand for technical and call centre support. These are openings for people who enjoy customer service, working with people and like problem-solving roles.



When conducting the main goal customer service training should be kept in mind. Identify the results you expect and use them to focus your training. Some key aspects are taken into consideration while running a restaurant franchise. Ironically, you expect that the customers coming must be received well. Furthermore, it is necessary that orders are delivered according to Quality standards. Hence, any issues should be resolved according to the housing policy and QA policies.

Identifying what results in you expect will make your training more effective. If you want to know more information about customer service you can check at Zoetalentsolutions.

effective management - customer service
effective management


The maxim professionals are mostly hired for their technical skills. However, they are turned off because of behavior issues. This statement reflects a change in business management. Today it is understood that people constitute one of the great strategic differentials of a business. The factors that include IQ or extensive technical knowledge should give way to EQ or Emotional Intelligence Quotient. Hence, EQ also includes skills that are for good and healthy relationships with others.


Don’t assume that everyone knows what you expect in terms of service and standard of care. Be very specific, mentor your new employees by letting them know what you expect. In your On-boarding process, be sure to include training that makes these issues clear. This helps engage employees from the outset to provide efficient service. Hence, of course, it will reflect on your customers’ experience.

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success hr management - customer service
success hr management


Provide the resources your employee needs to serve your customers well and teach them how to use these tools. An example is the sales consultant who goes out in the field most of his workday. A smartphone will facilitate prospecting and communication with customers and headquarters. Provide the tools and train your employees to make the best use of them.

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logistics management - customer service
logistics management


The setting of some boundaries is highly important for all employees. The main reason for this practice is dealing with customer expectations and complaints. The more flexibility that you can offer and the more these service guidelines are communicated. Hence, more employees will be able to quickly resolve issues that arise and make customers happy. Managing the conflicts is important without resorting to the famous, “I want to talk to your manager.”


Real customer service and customer service situations need to ground your training. Gather real examples and, if possible, involve your best employees in conducting training for new employees. The experience can help in highlighting good and bad examples and best practices. Naturally, this should be the practice while dealing with the customers. Hence, also helps stimulate cases in real-life situations. Therefore, when it really happens the team is prepared to understand the reasons for complaints. Hence, finally, the aim is to create solutions to avoid them and having empathy for customers.

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leadership and mangement
leadership and management


The toughest, most demanding, most complaining customers can be valuable sources of information and insights for your customer service. Knowing how to handle the customers would be the best approach. Satisfying other customers will be even easier in future.

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content management
content management


Don’t just focus on team success or failure. A strong customer service culture depends on balancing these factors. It is preferable not to treat the failure of your employees as a punishment. Hence the failures of employees can also be used as an upcoming learning opportunity.

Why did it fail and how to prevent the recurrence of the error?  The opposite scenario can also happen upon any conditional variance. Celebrate the achievements and share them. The best training sometimes is to show your team everything that can be done from good and bad situations.


Training should not be just in theory. Your attitude towards consumers counts many points. Your attitudes towards your customers and employees reflect on serving your business. Be a good example and guide the leaders of your company to do the same. This will be the best daily training for your team!

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project management
project management


In order to implement customer service training. There is an immense need to identify the needs of your customers. Therefore, the key tasks hold assessing the skills of your employees. In addition to this, design and implementing the ongoing training methodologies. Finally, regular monitoring a huge necessity. How service and customer service perform the necessary adjustments and gain insights to update the pieces of training. A good tool to help you with this topic is the Hidden Client methodology, such as that offered by you, which is a benchmark in customer service and auditing. Through it, your company will have a diagnosis of how the service occurs. This will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your internal training.

pillars of management - client service
pillars of management

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