Articles by "end of may 2020"

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Canada, a huge country i.e. second in number area-wise. All the provinces have a provincial Govt. and a capital city. Although, the country has a bigger size than the USA. To manage Canada properly and helping in governance. The country is provincially divided i.e. into 10 provinces. All these Canadian provinces have been taking policies & measures that are highly valuable for the prevention of COVID-19. There are casualties as well as a huge number of regd. cases of Coronavirus in almost all the 10 provinces, which are huge in their area.

The Canadian Govt. is trying its best to impose strict laws. These include travel restrictions so that they can fight against COVID-19 in the best possible way. Some of the provinces have their borders with the USA as well. A country that is most affected by COVID-19 in terms of deaths. The USA also has the most number of cases regd. till date. However, the Govt.’s policies are subject to change according to the conditions of COVID-19 in Canada.

canadian provinces territories
Canadian provinces territories



Capital City: Victoria

The authorities from British Columbia has introduced emergency funding policies as support for the residents of the province. These are reforms and measures for those affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Govt. of the province announced $3 million in emergency funding in order to help the struggling food banks.

The Food Banks BC will distribute the money to food banks province in order to distribute the food. Also to pay the employees and cover the essential costs for the delivery of the food programs.


Capital: Edmonton

Alberta is one of the provinces that has seen the effects of COVID-19 on a higher side. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $9 million in funding through United Way Canada. This funding is for the older population in Calgary, one of the biggest cities in Alberta. This funding will help the old people in getting their daily use grocery amid COVID-19, their medication and other items of use that are highly critical and important.

One of the major policies by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the old age citizens showing the love, care and respect Canada gives to their senior citizens. This is in light of the rights of senior citizens of Canada and their mandatory requirements. In addition to this, The Prime Minister also introduced funding for the kids. A ‘$7.5 Million’ funding to the kids help phone is a huge step by the premier as a measure of the children’s rights and rights of minors in Canada.


As part of the travelling measures & policies introduced for Alberta province. The authorities have imposed a denial on domestic flights for travellers testing positive with COVID-19 as well as for intercity passenger trains. Apart from these measures, the Govt. has introduced some strict regulations for social distancing and public gatherings. The govt. imposed a restriction of a maximum of 15 people for a public gathering in the whole of Alberta. This also includes those who are organizers of the gathering or an event. The breaking of rules even for a time being shall result in fines being imposed. People will have to abide by the rules imposed by Govt. of Alberta until next notification for COVID-19. A piece of good news according to a news conference said some relief for renters as they can now relax with rent payments until notified further.

Some more measures & policies in the Province regards to the social distancing included a ban on vehicle access to the provincial parks and recreation areas. The Govt. has also imposed restrictions on sports taking place in the province especially Calgary. A ban imposed in Calgary, mostly a student’s city, with a ban on all kinds of sports including leagues. These sports included cricket, baseball, basketball, Frisbee, and football. Organized tournaments or sports activity or an informal one, doesn’t matter according to sources. All come in the same category for the provincial Govt.


Govt. of Alberta also announced that in Calgary some roads shall be closed for cars. This is for free space for pedestrians and cyclists. Some reforms were also introduced for farmers as part of disaster management & control. Hence, these are in the form of funds known as additional disaster funds for the affected ones due to COVID-19. This is a provision as part of the agricultural reforms regards to COVID-19. As Canada is a country of farmers and peasants since its mediaeval times, the reform for farmers is a huge step in these current times of Coronavirus. In addition to other day-to-day activities, farming and agricultural activities have been also been affected in Alberta.



Ontario is one of the largest provinces in Canada and Toronto the largest city of Canada and largest metropolitan in Canada. A mega total of 18 firefighters were tested positive in Ontario, including six from the capital Toronto. These are the latest figures and are not good for the safety of Ontario in terms of Fire & Safety i.e. a vital branch of the high-rise buildings Ontario. As the physical distancing measures are being increased in other provinces in Canada. Ontario Govt. has designed a 5 person limit to follow physical distancing and prevention of COVID-19. Some added measures and regulations include those for the construction industry for sites in the province of Ontario. Apart from physical distancing measures. COVID-19 is responsible for more improvisations, measures and instructions in Ontario province due to a daily rise in disturbance levels.


Capital: Quebec City

For the pedestrians testing a clinic, the facility has been opened. Cote Saint-Luc is the place in Quebec where the clinic is opened and active for testing. The clinic used is at Place-des-festival instead of its earlier location. Other measures taken all over Quebec especially in Quebec City include travel restrictions in some key areas imposed by police via police checkpoints.

For the sake of physical distancing in Quebec, the Govt. has released instructions that are available in at least dozen of languages which includes Arabic, Creole, & Yiddish. Apart from many languages spoken in Quebec Province, the French language is the second most spoken language after English.


Capital: Halifax Regional Municipality

The province of Nova Scotia has also imposed travelling restrictions and strict guidelines while travelling. People who have travelled outside Nova Scotia needs to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from the day they get to the province. This is a strict implication by the Govt. of Nova Scotia even if there aren’t any symptoms to people. Those who are potentially ill with COVID-19 will need to fill an online questionnaire in order to determine if they need to call 811. This is a telephone line for people who are having the symptoms and need immediate assistance.


CAPITAL: Charlottetown

This is an announcement from the Govt. of Prince Edward Island of $2 million in support of the early learning centres, the staff and parents. The support measures and policies are for families so that they don’t have to pay while centres are closed. This funding covers the 6 weeks period and in addition extra time until the virus effects are active in the provinces of Canada.

Another announcement by the provincial Govt. is of $500,000, as relief package. This includes money for the United Way food banks, the Salvation Army and helping the organizations.  The innovation PEI is providing the self-employed islanders $500/week. A remuneration package for the self-employed in the times of COVID-19 as financial support.

The pandemic has influenced many small businesses in the province. Hence, they are eligible by the Govt. for loans up to $100,000. In addition to the Govt. WSP or Wage Subsidy program, there is the eligibility for hourly workers. The eligibility is only for those with reduced working hours due to COVID-19 of $200/week allowance. There are many people who work on an hourly basis, that includes, Construction workers, Bus Drivers, Security Staff, Govt. Workers, technicians, plumbers, electricians, and many other especially in the services industry in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

There are many industries worldwide that have stopped their hiring in the midst of COVID-19 and its global effects. However, the swift change in the business and the change management strategies are timely. It doesn’t mean that companies are not hiring or companies have stopped their hiring. There are companies in some key sectors that are still hiring. Furthermore, they are taking new recruits as their needs are not hindered even by the devastations of COVID-19.

These industries are the key industries and include Pharmaceuticals industry & Teleworking Software. In addition to these, Grocery Stores and Tech Support or Call Centre, Staff. The employees in this industry are one of the sharpest and most hardworking people. They are people who have made a huge reputation worldwide through sheer hard work and determination. The basic necessities of health, care and food provisions are a must during the times of Coronavirus. Useful strategies are being adopted at national and international level by these industries following strict change management programs.

Rationally, it’s important to earn bread and butter still in the times that are hard and have been a cause of deaths in many countries. The pandemics in the past are proof of the robustness and efficiency of the health care system. This is especially in countries like USA, Canada, UK and France.


Here are the four industries or businesses that are still hiring in the middle of Coronavirus; these are:

pharmaceutical industry
pharmaceutical industry


Health is a huge priority in today’s world even though most countries are affected by the pandemic that has caused global devastations. According to a study, 44% of the Americans today are taking at least one prescription medication, while 17% taking three or more. The pharma industry is far from closing their doors as medicine and health care has been the priority that should be overlooked apart from other priorities. It is, on the contrary, the influx in health as a priority has sent the pharmacies, health companies, generally the pharmaceuticals industry into a new wave of needed support. It is one of the most wanted industry especially in current times as most people are running everywhere to get a prescribed medicine or to a doctor while they have even the slightest symptoms of COVID-19.

Whether you need a mask, a sanitizer or medicine to fight flu, you got to rush to your nearest pharmacy. Pfizer, the US Multinational pharmaceuticals industry is a huge example as they have been witnessing mixed sales. However, they have still not halted their hiring procedures, especially in the United States. Other examples of companies in the pharmaceuticals industry are;


The Company is hiring approximately 20,000 positions across its infrastructure from pharmacy technicians to customer service people. The ongoing hiring is an example of the work in progress to fight the pandemic and making people aware at the same time. The company is a US-based company and was formed in 1901. It is high in demand with regards to the pharmaceutical industry requirements.

  • CVS:

CVS is another American pharmaceuticals company that is hiring in the current financial crisis. They plan to hire approximately 50,000 full-time, part-time, and temporary employees. The company has partnered with hospitality companies like Hilton & Marriot to support the hiring workers.

teleworking software industry
teleworking software industry


Industry apart from pharmaceuticals that have not stopped their hiring. The industry has seen a steady incline with remote work increasing by 44% since the last 5 years, and especially in times of Coronavirus. As many countries are under lockdown for a couple of months. The social distancing measures are being imposed in most countries, therefore, people are working remotely from home and staying in touch with their day-to-day task management. For effective remote working, the employees need a broader reach through video conferences, online meetings, chat and mobile collaboration services. Here are some telecommunication companies that are still hiring amid COVID-19 outbreak.

  • ZOOM:

The Company is hiring in almost all its key functions and departments. This include tech support, engineering, finance, & above all customer care as according to stats the usage of Zoom has been the most since last few months.

  • SLACK:

The company Slack has just added hundreds of new vacancies and openings in accounting, customer care and the sales teams.

grocery stores
grocery stores


The shopping markets and supermarkets are always busy while serving their most honourable customers. However, during COVID-19 and lock-downs this trend has seen a downward slope, as more people are now relying on online purchases if they are available. These shopping markets these days are the only outing while following strict quarantine, especially in dedicated times. The large groceries are the ones that are stepping forward with a huge need for swift and high headcount. They are the ones who can easily afford to hire people even in the COVID-19 outbreak. The big supermarkets are constantly looking for support workers for stocking shelves all the way to managing supply chain logistics as well as handling public relations. The companies that are still hiring in the grocery chain industries are;


The grocery chain Krogers is still hiring with over 10,000 positions in their current listings.


The American Multinational Supermarket and Grocery chain are known as Walmart all over the world, and as ASDA in the United Kingdom and Ireland as a subsidiary chain. The company is looking just over 150,000 workers in North America only and the superstore has streamlined the process of application from 2 weeks to 24 hours. This is just due to the impacts and hazards of COVID-19 as Walmart needs more people currently in its chains worldwide than any other supermarket chain.

tech support
tech support


The tech support teams and the Call Centre industry people are still being hired all over the world especially in the United States and Canada. Call Centre and Tech Support industry is huge and holds a huge job market as well. With the close of the physical call, centres closed down as offices are under the lockdown in most countries.

However, with remote work more popular these days most people need tech support help due to setting up, the pairing of devices and troubleshooting help. Most people in North America, especially in the United States and Canada, just have a basic know-how of technical devices and mostly they need help.


The Company have announced lately that they are hiring unlimited people for their remote support agent roles. All these hiring positions will fill the demand for technical and call centre support. These are openings for people who enjoy customer service, working with people and like problem-solving roles.


COVID-19 has been the cause of many fatalities and has caused some major financial devastations to the Canadian economy. The pandemic has also affected the life of fresh students and graduates. Coronavirus is the other name of the pandemic COVID-19. It has been the cause of lockdown in Canadian provinces and territories. The emergency situations in Canada have resulted in the closing down of universities. At this peak time, these are the most drastic and unwanted circumstances witnessed globally. Students are the ones under special considerations from the Govt. in the form of support programs and loan offers.

Just as the pandemic has dented the Canadian economy. It has also affected to a huge extent the number of people coming to Canada to study and job purposes. Canada holds paramount importance for students coming to study. It comes 4th in the list of overseas & International student countries after the USA, UK and Australia.

Student’s withdrawal from courses in universities is the aim of the Canadian Govt. as it needs to be stopped. Hence, as the Govt. of Canada is sure that they would soon be out of this situation and would definitely be able to re-engineer their academic system through radical change management.


According to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the future of Canada’s economy and prosperity lies in the hands of our students getting ready to take over the huge economy. These students, the talented and outspoken people of Canada are suffering from a hard time due to COVID-19. Hence, due to the closure of universities, mental pressures, and financial pressures for those who self-finance themselves while they work and study.

Candidates also include those coming to Canada from countries like China, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Bangladesh and many other countries from the rest of the world. The Prime Minister also said that for a sustainable economy there needs to be a strong workforce and good job opportunities, especially for young people. It highly means that giving the students the support they need to continue their studies and giving them encouragement to serve their respective communities.

comprehensive financial support for students
comprehensive financial support for students


The Govt. apart from their measures for self-employed and affected business owners has also announced for the student’s comprehensive support. This support is for $9billion and these are for the post-secondary students and the recent graduates. Apart from this comprehensive plan, there are additional measures for the students including;

CESB or Canadian emergency students benefit would provide immediate support to the fresh students and new graduates. The beneficiaries of this program will be the ones who are most eligible and affected due to the pandemic COVID-19. Furthermore, this benefit provides $1,250 for the most eligible students and $1,750 for the eligible ones with dependents or disabilities. Hence, these benefits are available from May to Aug this year.

The New Canada service grants are yet another support program or measure that will help students gain valuable work experience and skills while they can be helpful for their communities during COVID-19. Therefore, for the most willing students who chose to volunteer and work for the national service and serve their communities. Hence, the announced is for the Grants that provide funds of $5,000 for their education in fall this year.


The Govt. of Canada has announced additional Grants and measures for those students so that they can continue their studies in fall. These are student’s sustainability measures for future growth and their placements.

  1. Canada’s student’s grand shall be doubled for the eligible full-time students. This is an amount of up to $6,000 and up to $3,600 for the part-time students in the year 2020-21. The announcement also doubled the grants for those students with permanent disabilities. Furthermore, for those who have dependents as well.
  2. Another key measure is the Canada student loan program. An increase in the weekly amount for students in 2020-21. This means from $210 the new amount shall be $350 per week This is a significant rise of $140 per week which means a lot for affected students.
  3. An extension for students undergoing research programs in the research scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships.
  4. Provision of $291.6 million to the federal granting councils. Also, a provision of work opportunities for grad students and post-doctoral research. This shall be achieved through a body known as The National Research Council of Canada.

students programs and measures
students programs and measures


A huge 700,000 grads took advantage of the Canadian student’s Loan Program and these were from all over Canada. Exceptions included Quebec and Nunavut and the Northwest territories. The 71% of the 700,000 got these grants as they stated to the Canadian Govt. that they belonged from middle-class and lower-income families. However, there shall be additional compensations that would be provided to students from Quebec, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

The Govt. of Canada introduced a six month interest-free period on the 3rd Of March 2020. This was for the repayment of student loans for the ones currently under the repayment process.

Hence, for the betterment of students who are about to pass out and enter the job market. The Govt. of Canada has introduced some temporary changes to the Canada summer jobs program. This program will help in the hiring of the summer staff and help them get jobs they need during the summer. A program that will help create 70,000 jobs for the grads between 15 – 30 years old.

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