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Canada, a huge country i.e. second in number area-wise. All the provinces have a provincial Govt. and a capital city. Although, the country has a bigger size than the USA. To manage Canada properly and helping in governance. The country is provincially divided i.e. into 10 provinces. All these Canadian provinces have been taking policies & measures that are highly valuable for the prevention of COVID-19. There are casualties as well as a huge number of regd. cases of Coronavirus in almost all the 10 provinces, which are huge in their area.

The Canadian Govt. is trying its best to impose strict laws. These include travel restrictions so that they can fight against COVID-19 in the best possible way. Some of the provinces have their borders with the USA as well. A country that is most affected by COVID-19 in terms of deaths. The USA also has the most number of cases regd. till date. However, the Govt.’s policies are subject to change according to the conditions of COVID-19 in Canada.

canadian provinces territories
Canadian provinces territories



Capital City: Victoria

The authorities from British Columbia has introduced emergency funding policies as support for the residents of the province. These are reforms and measures for those affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Govt. of the province announced $3 million in emergency funding in order to help the struggling food banks.

The Food Banks BC will distribute the money to food banks province in order to distribute the food. Also to pay the employees and cover the essential costs for the delivery of the food programs.


Capital: Edmonton

Alberta is one of the provinces that has seen the effects of COVID-19 on a higher side. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced $9 million in funding through United Way Canada. This funding is for the older population in Calgary, one of the biggest cities in Alberta. This funding will help the old people in getting their daily use grocery amid COVID-19, their medication and other items of use that are highly critical and important.

One of the major policies by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the old age citizens showing the love, care and respect Canada gives to their senior citizens. This is in light of the rights of senior citizens of Canada and their mandatory requirements. In addition to this, The Prime Minister also introduced funding for the kids. A ‘$7.5 Million’ funding to the kids help phone is a huge step by the premier as a measure of the children’s rights and rights of minors in Canada.


As part of the travelling measures & policies introduced for Alberta province. The authorities have imposed a denial on domestic flights for travellers testing positive with COVID-19 as well as for intercity passenger trains. Apart from these measures, the Govt. has introduced some strict regulations for social distancing and public gatherings. The govt. imposed a restriction of a maximum of 15 people for a public gathering in the whole of Alberta. This also includes those who are organizers of the gathering or an event. The breaking of rules even for a time being shall result in fines being imposed. People will have to abide by the rules imposed by Govt. of Alberta until next notification for COVID-19. A piece of good news according to a news conference said some relief for renters as they can now relax with rent payments until notified further.

Some more measures & policies in the Province regards to the social distancing included a ban on vehicle access to the provincial parks and recreation areas. The Govt. has also imposed restrictions on sports taking place in the province especially Calgary. A ban imposed in Calgary, mostly a student’s city, with a ban on all kinds of sports including leagues. These sports included cricket, baseball, basketball, Frisbee, and football. Organized tournaments or sports activity or an informal one, doesn’t matter according to sources. All come in the same category for the provincial Govt.


Govt. of Alberta also announced that in Calgary some roads shall be closed for cars. This is for free space for pedestrians and cyclists. Some reforms were also introduced for farmers as part of disaster management & control. Hence, these are in the form of funds known as additional disaster funds for the affected ones due to COVID-19. This is a provision as part of the agricultural reforms regards to COVID-19. As Canada is a country of farmers and peasants since its mediaeval times, the reform for farmers is a huge step in these current times of Coronavirus. In addition to other day-to-day activities, farming and agricultural activities have been also been affected in Alberta.



Ontario is one of the largest provinces in Canada and Toronto the largest city of Canada and largest metropolitan in Canada. A mega total of 18 firefighters were tested positive in Ontario, including six from the capital Toronto. These are the latest figures and are not good for the safety of Ontario in terms of Fire & Safety i.e. a vital branch of the high-rise buildings Ontario. As the physical distancing measures are being increased in other provinces in Canada. Ontario Govt. has designed a 5 person limit to follow physical distancing and prevention of COVID-19. Some added measures and regulations include those for the construction industry for sites in the province of Ontario. Apart from physical distancing measures. COVID-19 is responsible for more improvisations, measures and instructions in Ontario province due to a daily rise in disturbance levels.


Capital: Quebec City

For the pedestrians testing a clinic, the facility has been opened. Cote Saint-Luc is the place in Quebec where the clinic is opened and active for testing. The clinic used is at Place-des-festival instead of its earlier location. Other measures taken all over Quebec especially in Quebec City include travel restrictions in some key areas imposed by police via police checkpoints.

For the sake of physical distancing in Quebec, the Govt. has released instructions that are available in at least dozen of languages which includes Arabic, Creole, & Yiddish. Apart from many languages spoken in Quebec Province, the French language is the second most spoken language after English.


Capital: Halifax Regional Municipality

The province of Nova Scotia has also imposed travelling restrictions and strict guidelines while travelling. People who have travelled outside Nova Scotia needs to self-isolate for a period of 14 days from the day they get to the province. This is a strict implication by the Govt. of Nova Scotia even if there aren’t any symptoms to people. Those who are potentially ill with COVID-19 will need to fill an online questionnaire in order to determine if they need to call 811. This is a telephone line for people who are having the symptoms and need immediate assistance.


CAPITAL: Charlottetown

This is an announcement from the Govt. of Prince Edward Island of $2 million in support of the early learning centres, the staff and parents. The support measures and policies are for families so that they don’t have to pay while centres are closed. This funding covers the 6 weeks period and in addition extra time until the virus effects are active in the provinces of Canada.

Another announcement by the provincial Govt. is of $500,000, as relief package. This includes money for the United Way food banks, the Salvation Army and helping the organizations.  The innovation PEI is providing the self-employed islanders $500/week. A remuneration package for the self-employed in the times of COVID-19 as financial support.

The pandemic has influenced many small businesses in the province. Hence, they are eligible by the Govt. for loans up to $100,000. In addition to the Govt. WSP or Wage Subsidy program, there is the eligibility for hourly workers. The eligibility is only for those with reduced working hours due to COVID-19 of $200/week allowance. There are many people who work on an hourly basis, that includes, Construction workers, Bus Drivers, Security Staff, Govt. Workers, technicians, plumbers, electricians, and many other especially in the services industry in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

The Pandemic COVID-19 in Canada has affected all provinces and territories to a certain extent including the capital Ottawa. The provincial Govt. has taken measures in terms of announcements of incentive programs and subsidies for stability. It’s the role of the Provincial Govt. to bring stability to the Canadian territories and provinces.


It’s the Capital city of the country and being the Federal capital, steps taken are more concrete & robust. This is evident as each level of the government takes a variable approach in containing the spread of the pandemic.

The federal Govt. has been injecting funds like seeds for the sake of national needs, the prosperity of Canada, and fight against COVID-19. These are into Health Care research, medical supplies, and the economy of the country. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also imposed travel restrictions i.e. domestic and international. Following a humble request from the Canadian Prime Minister to stay home in isolation and maintain strict social distancing measures. However, the Prime Minister hasn’t still declared a state of national emergency in Canada.

Since 15th April, each province is taking its own measures. Hence, key announcements with respect to financial aids and combined efforts with the federal GOVT. Similar warnings are issued at the Municipal level as public health emergencies have been imposed provincially.

Following are the ‘Top Eight’ Canadian provinces;


On the 17th of March, the Govt. of Alberta declared a state of public health emergency within the province due to the pandemic. Hence, also imposing a ban and a fine on the mass gathering of more than fifteen people.

A huge step for the social distancing measures in Alberta province reducing people to fifteen only. All kinds of businesses that are not essential including physiotherapy, and dental clinics. In addition to this, as well as facilities including gym, arenas, museums, galleries, libraries, and casinos. All the facilities to limit the effects of COVID-19 were ordered to be closed.

Govt. of Alberta extended the state of the public health emergency until 15th June.


In the province BC, just after the declaration of Public Health Emergency the Govt. declared a state of emergency. Something that happened after 3 years, as it happened in 2017 due to wildfires. This emergency gives the Govt. powers to restrict travel. Also, access land and assets and price controlling of food, fuel, and clothing. Disrespect to social distancing laws will result in the closure of bars, clubs, and restaurants. Hence, the rules are a mandatory application in British Columbia.

Hence, British Columbia Govt. has extended the state of emergency to 29th April.

provinces & Territories
provinces & Territories


Premier Brian Pallister announced the declaration of State of emergency on 20th March. He said further that this shall help the Govt. of Manitoba react considerably fast to fight the pandemic. This is for imposing supportive measures due to COVID-19. The premier also ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. Violation of the law shall result in fines of up to $50K. Hence the addition of 6 months jail depending on the contempt. A $500,000 for the businesses violating the guidelines imposed by provincial Govt. The laws of isolation from travel are the same for domestic and international travel country-wide.


In New Brunswick, the 19th March was the day when the State of emergency was declared officially. Hence, the first orders issued were for Retail services to close except essential services only. The provincial authorities imposed travel restrictions on domestic and international flights. The public gatherings were restricted to ten people as part of the new obligations.

Strict penalties on the violation of laws of social distancing. The Govt. of New Brunswick announced the extended date of the state of emergency as April 30th. The self-isolation post-travel period is the same i.e. fourteen days as in other provinces.


The province of Ontario declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 on 17th March. Ordered by Ontario Premier Doug Ford, the closure of all non-essential businesses for fourteen days and closure of public facilities. The Ontario Govt. & Premier Ford further announced that only fifty people is the restriction for public gatherings. He also added that just five people can be present in social gatherings as part of new social distancing laws.

The Govt. also limited the playing areas and fields by temporary closure, including the beaches. Furthermore, the Govt. under the premiership of Doug Ford announced an extension of the State of Emergency due to pandemic until 12th May.     


Happened for the first time in history that the govt. imposed a Public health emergency similar to other provincial Govt.’s. An important step by the Premier Francois Legault’s administration in the interest of the residents. Closure of all non-essential businesses until April 13th including social gatherings. Although, its the largest of the Canadian provinces.

Hence, in case of breaking the rules, the fines applicable are $1,000 for individuals. The state of public health emergency has been renewed until 4th May.


Premier of Nova Scotia, Stephen McNeil announced the state of emergency on 22nd March in a press conference. Similar implications as in other provinces regard to social distancing & closure of non-essential businesses. However, with exceptions of some shopping malls only with people’s guidelines of social distancing orders. The domestic and international travel bans are similar i.e. fourteen days of isolation.

However, strict applications of fines for $1,000 on social distancing and $7,500 for small businesses. The extension of the state of emergency was until April 19th.


The declaration came on the 18th of March. For the general public, only the essential doors remained open, i.e. Pharmacies and grocery stores. Ordered to close were the rest i.e. all non-essential business services. The same rules applied for traveling as in other provinces and the state of emergency was extended until April 30th.

Canadian Emergency Response Benefit
Canadian Emergency Response Benefit

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