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The Pandemic COVID-19 in Canada has affected all provinces and territories to a certain extent including the capital Ottawa. The provincial Govt. has taken measures in terms of announcements of incentive programs and subsidies for stability. It’s the role of the Provincial Govt. to bring stability to the Canadian territories and provinces.


It’s the Capital city of the country and being the Federal capital, steps taken are more concrete & robust. This is evident as each level of the government takes a variable approach in containing the spread of the pandemic.

The federal Govt. has been injecting funds like seeds for the sake of national needs, the prosperity of Canada, and fight against COVID-19. These are into Health Care research, medical supplies, and the economy of the country. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also imposed travel restrictions i.e. domestic and international. Following a humble request from the Canadian Prime Minister to stay home in isolation and maintain strict social distancing measures. However, the Prime Minister hasn’t still declared a state of national emergency in Canada.

Since 15th April, each province is taking its own measures. Hence, key announcements with respect to financial aids and combined efforts with the federal GOVT. Similar warnings are issued at the Municipal level as public health emergencies have been imposed provincially.

Following are the ‘Top Eight’ Canadian provinces;


On the 17th of March, the Govt. of Alberta declared a state of public health emergency within the province due to the pandemic. Hence, also imposing a ban and a fine on the mass gathering of more than fifteen people.

A huge step for the social distancing measures in Alberta province reducing people to fifteen only. All kinds of businesses that are not essential including physiotherapy, and dental clinics. In addition to this, as well as facilities including gym, arenas, museums, galleries, libraries, and casinos. All the facilities to limit the effects of COVID-19 were ordered to be closed.

Govt. of Alberta extended the state of the public health emergency until 15th June.


In the province BC, just after the declaration of Public Health Emergency the Govt. declared a state of emergency. Something that happened after 3 years, as it happened in 2017 due to wildfires. This emergency gives the Govt. powers to restrict travel. Also, access land and assets and price controlling of food, fuel, and clothing. Disrespect to social distancing laws will result in the closure of bars, clubs, and restaurants. Hence, the rules are a mandatory application in British Columbia.

Hence, British Columbia Govt. has extended the state of emergency to 29th April.

provinces & Territories
provinces & Territories


Premier Brian Pallister announced the declaration of State of emergency on 20th March. He said further that this shall help the Govt. of Manitoba react considerably fast to fight the pandemic. This is for imposing supportive measures due to COVID-19. The premier also ordered the closure of all non-essential businesses. Violation of the law shall result in fines of up to $50K. Hence the addition of 6 months jail depending on the contempt. A $500,000 for the businesses violating the guidelines imposed by provincial Govt. The laws of isolation from travel are the same for domestic and international travel country-wide.


In New Brunswick, the 19th March was the day when the State of emergency was declared officially. Hence, the first orders issued were for Retail services to close except essential services only. The provincial authorities imposed travel restrictions on domestic and international flights. The public gatherings were restricted to ten people as part of the new obligations.

Strict penalties on the violation of laws of social distancing. The Govt. of New Brunswick announced the extended date of the state of emergency as April 30th. The self-isolation post-travel period is the same i.e. fourteen days as in other provinces.


The province of Ontario declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 on 17th March. Ordered by Ontario Premier Doug Ford, the closure of all non-essential businesses for fourteen days and closure of public facilities. The Ontario Govt. & Premier Ford further announced that only fifty people is the restriction for public gatherings. He also added that just five people can be present in social gatherings as part of new social distancing laws.

The Govt. also limited the playing areas and fields by temporary closure, including the beaches. Furthermore, the Govt. under the premiership of Doug Ford announced an extension of the State of Emergency due to pandemic until 12th May.     


Happened for the first time in history that the govt. imposed a Public health emergency similar to other provincial Govt.’s. An important step by the Premier Francois Legault’s administration in the interest of the residents. Closure of all non-essential businesses until April 13th including social gatherings. Although, its the largest of the Canadian provinces.

Hence, in case of breaking the rules, the fines applicable are $1,000 for individuals. The state of public health emergency has been renewed until 4th May.


Premier of Nova Scotia, Stephen McNeil announced the state of emergency on 22nd March in a press conference. Similar implications as in other provinces regard to social distancing & closure of non-essential businesses. However, with exceptions of some shopping malls only with people’s guidelines of social distancing orders. The domestic and international travel bans are similar i.e. fourteen days of isolation.

However, strict applications of fines for $1,000 on social distancing and $7,500 for small businesses. The extension of the state of emergency was until April 19th.


The declaration came on the 18th of March. For the general public, only the essential doors remained open, i.e. Pharmacies and grocery stores. Ordered to close were the rest i.e. all non-essential business services. The same rules applied for traveling as in other provinces and the state of emergency was extended until April 30th.

Canadian Emergency Response Benefit
Canadian Emergency Response Benefit

The Govt. of Canada has been playing its role responsibly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has also been evident to a huge extent in the financial sector and while making things economically stable. A well-planned strategy so that businesses esp. SME’s can recover themselves in the wake of the recent happenings regards to ‘COVID-19’. It’s not only a national level threat. But, it’s a global challenge that has affected many lives as well as the economies. Unemployment can be a major cause that needs to be dealt with, as there have been huge financial losses. The traveling and tourism sector in Canada has also been affected. This has been to a larger extent than in a couple of decades.


27th March 2020 was the date of the announcement made in public. This was related to banks and financial institutions that shall be offering loans that will be 1-year interest-free. Hence, the amount shall be based on the requirements of the businesses. In the same announcement PM, Justin Trudeau also said about the loan forgiveness. He emphasized that the Govt. can waive off $10K if the businesses and SME’s are unable to pay. This is only for those businesses who can provide proof of their circumstances and losses. This loan shall be beneficial for SME’s mainly to pay off the operating costs. The operating costs can’t be deferred due to the pandemic COVID-19.

The interest of the employees in managing the loans holds huge priorities for the Govt. & Justin Trudeau. These priorities are regards to job security and retention as govt. policies are strictly in favour of employees all over the great country Canada. The recruitment and retentions policies all over in Canada has seen many changes and fluctuations. The main reason for this movement is the level of risks that companies have then it was Pre COVID-19.

Canada, as a country has shown a huge fighting spirit against ‘COVID-19’, as most economists agree on the same accord. They are specific and precise that it’s a great threat to the Canadian economy especially affecting the real estate. The real estate sector has been most affected by the current pandemic and its effects are growing every day in terms of losses.

However, scenarios can fluctuate and things can normalize but it highly depends on how quickly the world can be free from coronavirus. Although, the pandemic is highly deadly and dangerous in terms of loss of life. It has also been the cause of many financial losses in parallel.


For the businesses to take full advantage of the current policy developments it has to fulfil the eligibility requirements set by the Govt. of Canada.

As part of the eligibility, the business should be an operating company that is based in Canada. It should have an annual payroll i.e. between $50K and $1million to fall in the category of small businesses. The primary bank is the one that businesses use for their daily activities. Hence, the business’s primary bank account should be used for taking the loan payments.

The eligibility for all SME’s is highly important making things easy for the most deserving candidates and companies. It definitely eases things for the Govt. in the long run as the Govt. doesn’t want to spend their resources on those who are fake or not deserving.

Business eligibility means, either the business shall be able to return the amount within the decided time or convert the loan into the convertible loan option. However, the chances to end up being a loan defaulter are the least in the current policy framework.

Canadian Govt. offers covertible loans
Canadian Govt. offers covertible loans


In case if the loan cannot be paid by the 31st Dec 2022 the loan can be converted into a 3-year term loan i.e. with an interest of 5%. Making it a good recovery option for the SME’s due to the convertible loan benefit. The flexibility options associated with this loan is a huge advantage for the most affected businesses in the current financial crisis.


The loan shall be available for the public at the beginning of the 6th of April 2020. All the financial institutions and the banks shall not accept any applications until that time. Its availability amid coronavirus makes it one of the most featured options for business sustainability and recovery.

MBE Accounting is playing a huge part in this regards i.e. the financial recovery through loans provided by the Govt. The company MBE accounting is providing its services of consultancy, paperwork and taxation matters, as well as rest of other mandatory tasks needed for the loan application. It is providing very useful information and helps in the processing of loans through a diverse team of experts and accountants. MBE accounting has always proved in the past. MBE accounting is a highly motivated and dedicated company. This is just for the sake of client needs and demands.

The financial industry lacks the trust factor, however, goodwill is a key attribute. It’s the reputation in the financial industry after years and years that counts most for clients.

This world’s history has witnessed many plagues, epidemics and pandemics. Also, in the recent past and the industrial revolution age. Furthermore, it happened during the World Wars and the medieval ages. These include swine-flu, AIDS pandemic, Ebola and the Zika Virus. The pandemics according to locations are the Russian, Spanish and French pandemics. Ironically can’t forget the current pandemic i.e. COVID-19, easily can feature in Top 20 list of global diseases.

Hence, there is no doubt that Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been one of the most dangerous and life taking pandemics. The Top 20 list of the global pandemics is what COVID-19 truly deserves due to its global impacts. This is the list that the world has seen since the first known in history. It happened very early i.e. prehistoric times, i.e. 3000 BC. Originated from a prehistoric village some 5,000 years ago in China. This prehistoric epidemic is known as circa and is the oldest and most ancient in history. 

history of pandemics
history of pandemics


The origination of these different pandemics and epidemics has been from many different countries. These are the likes of AIDS or HIV i.e. a deadly pandemic that originated from West-Africa. It is still present and incurable in most circumstances. It’s important in the current times to have know-how and history of these viruses and pandemics. The main reason is that they took many lives and has been linked with huge devastations globally. These pandemics and epidemics also have a huge significance in medical history with relations to research & development for scientists of the modern ages. 

Medical science is now far more equipped with technology and research. Therefore, it can identify far better how we can get ourselves safe from a pandemic threat. ‘COVID-19’, the medical name of coronavirus has already taken over 90,000 lives. These are global facts from all over the world and it is also a cause of lockdowns in most countries. However, the fight persists with most deaths in Italy, Spain, United States, China, and the United Kingdom. 

Hence, the most recent of the pandemics in history are discussed below with key facts;


Zika Virus is a current-day pandemic in the region of Central America and South America. However, the impacts of Zika won’t be known in several years. The main reason is as scientist faces a huge race against time so that the virus gets under control. 

It spreads through the mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, however, the virus can also be transmitted sexually in humans. The virus might not be harmful to adults and children. But, it can attack infants’ i.e. newborn babies and infants who are still in the womb. It can be a huge cause of birth effects and complexities in childbirth. 

The mosquito type that carries the Zika virus can flourish and survive in warm weather and humid conditions. That’s why it flourishes in South America, Central America, & parts of Southern United States. 


E-bola, the most recent epidemics in history that started in West Africa in 2014. The existence is no more but has been the cause of many deaths. According to stats approximately 11,500 and 29,000 reported cases in the world. Just like AIDS or HIV this epidemic also originated from the African continent. The disease was quick in its spreading as it started from Liberia and Sierra Leone. Hence, there was a huge bulk of cases and reported deaths especially from these two developing countries. A report of some minor cases also came from parts of Europe, USA, Senegal, Mali and Nigeria. 

According to scientists, the virus may have originated in bats and still has no cure.  

SWINE FLU PANDEMIC- H1N1- 2009-2010  

Swine Flu pandemic has been more fatal in terms of deaths as compared to the current pandemic COVID-19. It originated in 2009 from Mexico as it spread in the rest of the world. Swine flu’s stats show its one of the most dangerous of the pandemics in history. The death counts were somewhere between 150,000- 575,000 people from all over the world. These facts are according to the CDC and are fact-based.  

The pandemic caused more deaths in young people i.e. children and young adults. 80% of the deaths that occurred were people younger than 65 years old. This has something to do with the immunity. Although the immunity for elder people to fight against a pandemic is lesser than in younger people and children. A vaccine for the H1N1 virus that caused the swine flu is now an inclusion in the annual flu vaccine. 


The pandemic that originated from West Africa, known medically as HIV. It is still one of the deadliest and most feared of the diseases in history. One of the most deadly since it was identified, has taken approx. 35 million lives all over the world. The disease likely developed from a monkey virus to be exact a chimpanzee virus from West Africa in the 1920s. Stats show that 64% of the estimated 40 million people living with AIDS live in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

ASIAN FLU: 1957 – 1958

Another deadly flu known as the Asian flu pandemic was a cause of many deaths globally. The roots were in China and claimed 1 million lives. Initial reporting of Asian flu cases started in the year 1957. Singapore, was the first country to report the first case, followed by HongKong. Finally, later in 1957, the third country reporting Asian flu was States. The total toll went up to 1.1 million all over the globe and the USA alone reported 116,000 deaths. 

spanish flu
spanish flu

SPANISH FLU: 1918-1920

There were an estimated 500 million people. Huge numbers ranging from the South Seas to the North Pole that fell victims. The flu that started during World War 1, was named Spanish flu. This was due to some errors although Spain was a neutral country in World War. 

However, other countries were also involved and highly impacted. Incidentally, its name ended up being the Spanish flu. One-fifth of the population that were victims of the flu died. Significantly, there were huge losses apart from the destruction during World War 1. 


It started in New York City in the USA. According to numbers was not such a huge  devastation. However, but still caused 6,000 deaths and 27,000 cases reported. The Polio epidemic was mainly in children and sometimes was a cause of permanent disabilities. The Salk vaccine developed in 1954 reduced the number of deaths. Hence, since its arrival the polio epidemic cases in the USA became low. The last case of the Polio epidemic in history was reported in the USA in 1979. 

FLU PANDEMIC: 1889-1890  

It started from Russia from Saint Petersburg and made its way to Europe and the rest of the world. This happened despite air travel that didn’t exist as yet. It was in just a week during the industrial revolution. The pandemic spread and killed 1 million people, most mortalities in Europe. 

Hence, took 5 weeks to reach peak mortality.  Those were the times when medicine and medical science were not advanced enough as compared with today.

 RUSSIAN PLAGUE – 1770 – 1772 

Another disease that originated from Russia in 1770 and started exactly from the current capital Moscow. By the time the plague came to an end. Ironically, it proved devastating in 2 years and took 100,000 lives. This is nearly the count of pandemic COVID-19. The empress of Russia, Catherine II, ordered fast restoration. Hence, in desperation, she ordered the movement of all the factories from Moscow.


This plague originated from Marseilles, France and is known as the Great Plague of Marseilles. It started from a ship that quarantined and docked in Marseilles, France and was a cargo vehicle. The plague got into the city through infected rodents and spread quickly killing 100,000 people in Marseilles alone.

The figures and stats according to historians are claiming huge numbers of perishments. It says 30 % of the population of Marseilles may have perished within 2 years of the plague. Apparently, this is apart from those victims who died of the plague.

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