Articles by "end of june 2020"

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During the pandemic COVID-19, most of the companies have been operating from remote environments instead of working from the office. These remote areas are mostly homes for most people even though offices in Canada are now in the opening-up process. Canada, just like the rest of the world has seen some immense amount of setbacks. Situations that have dented the economic conditions of the country. However, the pandemic has revealed many loopholes and has emerged as an opportunity for many people at the same time. This is especially true for people who prefer working from home. Part of the strategies is the motivational strategies that are immensely helpful in bringing waves of change.

It has highly revealed that how people can use their motivations and set positive targets for their future growth. There are many offices in Canada that are still operating and working from home. Hence, they are strictly following the COVID-19 regulations as far as possible.

The motivational strategies to keep improving work from home and for self-improvement purposes is a necessity irrespective of COVID-19. Hence, there are a number of ways people can adopt to work from home effectively. In addition to this intelligently and making it an enriching and a learning experience.



Setting small daily targets helps in a huge manner to move towards getting big targets helps in motivational strategies. Working from home helps in brainstorming at a higher level in making decisions silently and helps in more focus. Setting small goals daily is always a helpful technique in achieving what you are looking for. Hence, this is in the form of personal development plans. Your progress and your attitude highly depend on your positive thinking at work which you can easily practice remotely. Setting small targets also means that you know your responsibilities and you care for your company and your job role. It not only brings diversity in your knowledge outcomes, but it also helps in lifting your attitude of success. This is primarily because your attitude can get hurt easily if you are not working from the office constantly and your deliverables can get affected.

This is precisely because you are missing your team as well as your communication is limited. Communication while working from home is dependent solely on the internet and digital media. Hence, this is a scenario not desirable for some people, even though most people are highly acquainted with digital communications medium.



Carving out time for work and for relaxation and keeping a balance is how it works out while working from home. Work from home sometimes needs more concentration & motivation than while you are working regularly from the office as your environment is consistently placed in your mind. It helps in bringing the attitude and also is a huge boost for your career management options. As there can’t be a replacement, however, there can be a solution in case of scenarios like COVID-19. A pandemic like this needs such a transformation with technical training as a huge necessity.

For some people work from home can be flexible. However, one pro of working from home is that you can fully embrace when it is that you work well. Hence, if you are most productive in the early hours of the morning. You should prefer getting up early while your pace can change later in the day. Hence, working early hours can also help your stay focused as well as you will stay close to your normal 9-5 work routine.



Scheduling a virtual get together with friends and colleagues will always boost your motivational strategies. It is while you work virtually in a team environment. Hence, the power of digital media holds huge significance while working effectively from home. Furthermore, it also helps while taking no business or professional losses. Social distancing doesn’t mean that you have to totally say goodbye to social life. You can’t cut out from the whole world totally, however, you can keep a balance while talking to people especially the colleagues apart from work discussions.

Something that can immensely improve your communications with your team and eliminate any pre-COVID-19 communication gaps. Planning apart from work is good for the concentrations, for example, Planning Zoom Happy hours on Friday evenings to celebrate getting through another week, or virtual game night on Saturday. Hence, making the best use of virtual/digital media with good effect and emotional intelligence is the need of the hour.


Giving huge priorities to your mental health is yet another distinguished task during the pandemic COVID-19. The pandemic has been a cause of huge and significant issues of mental health lately. Hence, due to staying away from work and bringing losses to businesses. Furthermore, a disturbing mental paradigm of many business professionals. While getting free from work, involve yourself daily in meditation and yoga activities. Having a strict walking, jogging or any exercise routine will definitely help you keep yourself focused. Hence, it will improve your productivity from home at the same time.

Thinking apart from the pandemic and training your mind to solve your mental issues should be the priority. Allowing yourself some moderate hours enjoying the television and social media, or playing video games will definitely help your mental health positively.

Finally, it’s important to keep yourself updated and educated regards to your career growth options and motivational strategies. Stay informed from reputable resources, but avoid getting wrapped up in constant news coverage. This is something that will only heighten your anxiety levels and might also give you insomnia. Improve your sleeping habits, as well as work from home, is the best way to stay close to a balanced lifestyle.

The importance of work from home has been highly signified lately especially in circumstances of COVID-19. The importance of personality traits while working from home is a matter of great concern and creates a huge difference. This depends on the type of personality, whether it’s an introvert or an extrovert personality. For an introvert person, it’s something that depends on nature. This nature relates to the nature of employees working. As they can cope with working alone at home due to personality traits.

On the other hand, an extrovert can have some trouble while working from home. Ironically, due to the nature of personality that is more outgoing and friendly. The idea of working from home is an appealing one. It holds its benefits that include lack of supervision and nature i.e. freedom of work.

A study at the University of Toronto shows that it makes sense to think about introversion as being one of the personality traits. This is a trait that can easily help in adapting to working from home. The idea is simple, Introverts generally don’t have any issues working from home in most circumstances as they prefer silent activities. The study has also shown signs that introverts are not people who want to be the ‘Center of Attraction.’ On the other hand, extroverts are people who can have problems working alone as they like mingling at work and being the ‘Centre of Attraction’.

introverts vs extroverts personality traits
introverts vs extroverts personality traits


According to the University of Toronto study, Introverts only prefer a small circle of friends. They are generally found to be shy people who like sticking to their work patterns. Furthermore, they are people who prefer independent activities and likely won’t struggle to be away from their colleagues.

Extroverts, on the other hand, tend to be highly expressive and outgoing. They enjoy their center of attention and their preferences are making broader connections while at work. While working from home, this is a milestone that can be difficult to achieve. On the contrary, extroverts are totally different in their personality trait. They get their energy levels from the outside world. However, it’s important to look for in assessing employee’s skills, that how they can be best suited to work from home. The characteristics of openness can have a huge impact on how a person will behave while they are working from home. This is critical especially if they are doing so for the very first time.

The factor that is highly determinant in assessing the type of personality traits is the emotional stability factor. ‘Emotional stability’ holds paramount importance due to the personality of the person and how it’s affecting the work from the home syndrome.

Remotely working
Remotely working


Working remotely during a global pandemic can be challenging and interesting at the same time. It’s a matter of fact that the pandemic is a situation that is highly regarded as a health issue that needs social distancing and quarantine. Hence, for people working from home, a balance in personality trait i.e. introvert and extrovert shall help people with both types of personalities. Whether it’s the ‘need of the hour’ or a Govt. order, people need flexibility at higher levels for better impacts. Hence, in times of extreme and prolonged stress such as working from home in isolation. There are huge chances that the psyche of a person is highly affected and may begin to flip.

This is another aspect that can be a cause of changing behaviors that are opposite to their original personality. Hence, this can also affect energy levels especially for people who are extroverts and enjoy their energies through mingling with people.


Introverts are people who often become too absorbed in their work patterns. This can easily lead to lacking a balance between work-life and personal life. Such a situation can arise even if introverts are working from an office environment instead of working from home.

The best thing for introverts is to take usual breaks during the day, even if you have to extend your original working hours. The key is to start working with a relaxed mindset and a positive attitude. Stay in touch with your colleagues most often, especially the ones that are more extroverted. This will help you work positively with a balanced attitude.


Employers play a huge role in determining who needs to work from home and who is best suited to stay in the office environment. This is mainly according to the current pandemic situation that can change with the passage of time. However, a good analysis will definitely be of great help in similar circumstances in the future. Managers must think strategically while making a decision as to who should be working from home.

Managing stress situations in the office is also a highly critical and determining factor for employers. Employees with lesser emotional stability should be catered differently especially to manage stress at work. A better way is to involve employees with more proactive communication in the form of weekly phone calls. Also, making sure that employees are enjoying working at home and have adequate technological resources.

Coronavirus, the pandemic that has been a cause of many deaths lately in the world. It has significantly revealed the power of social networking e.g. Facebook. The site Facebook has been in constant use for media exposures, awareness campaigns, online buying, and selling. Most likely due to lockdown and many other campaigns that are active daily on Facebook.

Despite the fast spreading of the pandemic, people took early action to protect themselves, their families, and their communities. Hence, social media & networking especially Facebook played a huge role in the early awareness campaigns for the pandemic Coronavirus. Some people reacted with a panic buying and stockpiling of goods that revealed the fragile nature of COVID-19. Social media also helped communities in mobilizing themselves in reaching out to isolated areas and people to solve their problems. Whatsapp & Facebook are the platforms mostly used for group centered awareness. A global application of the two platforms in various geo-locations for the pandemic control measures.

‘Group sourcing’ is a term that is derived from ‘outsourcing’ that has been used to describe this phenomenon. An act of making groups and creating a group awareness. Social network communication systems is an entity most Facebook users are well aware of. Especially, the friend network they need is already in place for an awareness network.


In the shortest possible time, Facebook has demonstrated the true powers of social media. Facebook live, Facebook chat and Facebook constant posts have helped in the awareness campaigns. It is for those millions of users who are high-users of the social networking giant. It has through campaigns helped people in remote areas during COVID-19. Created awareness campaigns at a globalized level and has been a significant stakeholder in charity campaigns. Many businesses during the lock-downs have used Facebook for media campaigns. Hence, marketing of their products and buying and selling activities during the lock-down.

Public gatherings of media gurus and press conferences from the global leaders are the most viewed segments on Facebook most recently. People can easily share their thoughts regarding a live program. While fighting against the pandemic, people’s suggestions are a necessity. Highlighting a significant question as to What else can be done? Also, global level awareness campaigns on what pandemic are generally. All these measures have been a phenomenon in controlling the amount of death rate in many countries. These countries include the United States and some European countries that include U.K and Italy.

The social media giant Facebook gave a new dimension to what exactly social awareness is and preventive measurements that are a necessity. Being part of the daily life of many people, through Social media, people are able to highlight the thoughts of most influential people, their daily routines in these current times of Coronavirus, and how they have tackled the situation with respect to career aspects. COVID-19, a cause of many job losses has not only been devastation, but also a trendsetter in determining the power of digital media and social networking mediums.

why global awareness is necessary
why global awareness is necessary


The global awareness regards a pandemic and the history that relates to it is necessary to highlight the associated trends and behaviors during the disease. What happened in the past? How it happened? And how most people were able to react to changing situations during a pandemic is important to know. What’s more important is the awareness of the unseen. As it is medically proved that social distancing & washing hands constantly for 20 seconds. Furthermore, wearing a mask, especially in public places. All these measures have been a huge factor in controlling the pandemic. It has its similarities to a history of pandemics that came in the past that includes E-bola, Bird-flu, HIV Aids, and many others that shook the world by surprise. However, COVID-19, the pandemic that originated from Hubei Province, China caused most devastations in history than any other pandemic known.

According to most facts and figures, Social media has never made aware of a pandemic at such a globalized level before then it has done for COVID-19. This is significant because the pandemic is active in the era of the ‘Power of social media’. Additionally, it is equipped with the most destructive intensities as compared to other pandemics. However, while we are fully aware of the symptoms and the consequences of Coronavirus, it is a necessity to keep updating ourselves on social media regards to the hazards of the pandemic. Also, finally, the measures that can be taken to combat its fatal consequences. “Health Is Wealth’, a phrase that will always help in taking self-measures and protective campaigns against COVID-19.

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