Articles by "mid of july"

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The multiple layers of management in large organizations use the title of senior managers very often. This is primarily for outlining the senior manager’s responsibilities, roles and authority with others. There is always a door open for senior managers to move into a director or general manager role.
The flip side is that the position can involve a good many challenges. On top of the challenges, it sometimes brings with it a great deal of responsibility and true mannerism. Being a senior manager is not for the faint of heart and success can depend on your personality and skills.
These professionals coordinate all business activities together. This means they are in charge of overseeing employee performance and budget control. Apart from this, there are roles and responsibilities which is key in establishing the guidelines and key objectives. To make things effective, organized and safe managers make sure they respond with time.


Its the role of the senior managers to finish a list of common tasks, as listed below:
  • Planning organizational activities by establishing tasks, objectives, and priorities
  • Creating a detailed action plan by mapping out the necessary steps and organizing them into a logical pattern
  • Determining measurable organizational goals and defining ways to achieve them
  • Setting explicit guidelines for decision-making and crisis management
  • Communicating the organization’s direction and vision to employees.
  •  Developing, implementing, coordinating, reviewing, evaluating, and improving business procedures and policies. Workings of organizational activities and taking useful initiatives:
    • Formulating, approving, and implementing organizational policies, programs, and other internal campaigns;
    • Work allocation according to the available resources.
    • The right amount of work allocation to the right people only.
    •  Providing directions and explanations, delegating authority as required.
  • Monitoring and project control with key objectives in mind.
    • The objectives include: progress, cost and budget
  • Identification of problems and deficiencies that ensure correct measures are implemented.
  •  Controlling budgets, liaising with partners and investors. On top of this, collaborating with the sales, marketing, and accounting departments to discuss strategies. Also providing assurance to the financial and overall success of the organization’s projects:
    •  Reviewing and interpreting budgetary information and financial data;
    •  Monitoring expenses and performing cost-benefit analysis;
    •  Assessing and managing financial risks; and
    •  Ensuring financial accounting and auditing comply with applicable law.
  •  Overseeing the human activity of all departments, authorizing and organizing the establishment of major departments and associated positions:
    • Selecting managers, directors, and other executive staff.
    • The training, supervising, and managing staff.
    • Instructions to the Human Resources department for training and supervision;
    • Setting guidelines and standards for personnel evaluations, recruitment, and advancement;
    • Monitoring employee performance, writing reports and updating records, as required; and
    • Planning work schedules, if necessary.


Managing relationships in the corporate world is a plus for managers. Relationship management helps in determining internal and external stakeholders.

  •  Managers relationship management internally and externally:
    • Communicating, motivating, and inspiring employees;
    • Gaining influence, trust, and credibility within the organization to build and help foster collaborative work relationships;
    • Liaising with external companies and other third parties; and
    • Representing the organization, or delegating representatives to act on their behalf.
    • Making negotiations, networking events, Public Relations activities, or other official functions.
  •  Overseeing the internal and external event organization and coordination, including promotional events.

  •  Overseeing the maintenance of equipment:
    •  Scheduling periodic inspections, maintenance, repairs, and renovation work.
  • For the smooth running of the organization and problem-solving:

    • Tasks includes giving advice to the Human Resources department on how to handle complaints and inquiries;
    • Giving instructions for conflict management whenever & where ever necessary.


  • Planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating all business activities, ensuring they meet the organization’s goals, objectives, and regulations.
  • Monitoring budgets and progress for all projects and activities.
  • Developing, implementing, and updating procedures and policies.
  • Overseeing the organization’s human activity, including the training, management, and evaluation of employees.
  • Liaising with employees, external companies, partners, and other third parties.
  • Representing the organization or delegating representatives to act on their behalf.


    The managing of large and complex projects is a boost for managers. Their practical knowledge in project management is very helpful for the future. These are the must-have attributes of managers;
  •  Good knowledge and handling of project and program management methodology and techniques;
  •  Good understanding of the wider objectives of the program;
  •  Ability to work positively with the wide range of individuals involved in program management;
  •  Strong leadership and management skills;
  •  Good knowledge of budgeting and resource allocation procedures; and
  •  The ability to find innovative ways to resolve problems.

The preventive evacuation procedures are extremely important to the residence of any community. This usually happens when there is a risk to the community regards to a flood, fire, contamination or other harsh conditions.

All these conditions usually occur if the water levels rise due to heavy rainfalls. Hence, resulting in accumulated snow that melts too quickly, and uncontrollable forest fires.


The Ministry monitor’s an area where they feel the people could be at risk of such conditions surrounding their community. The evacuation of Kashechewan in 2019 was due to the rising waters of the river. The selection of the City of Timmins was because of a strong relationship with the Indigenous community.

Therefore, the Federal Govt. is working to resolve this is a more sustainable way. The reason is because the residence of this community have to leave their homes. The warnings rise almost on yearly basis, the reason being severe weather conditions.


This process was an overall success. All possible facilitation was made for the evacuees, including the recreational services. Hence, kids were also provided with the schoolwork continuity services.

Related: Thanks Giving Day

They were missing their school due to the contingency procedures. Therefore, a facility was set up that restored the life of the residents with activities. All these activities for kids included re-creation, educational, playing and teaching kids.

Preventive Evacuation
The Preventive Evacuation Process : A key Highlight

Precautionary Expulsion – Preventive Evacuation

Huge credit goes to the emergency management services and Met Office. The reasons that flooding could have resulted was forecast rise in the water levels. The two firms involved are INAC and Gervais Emergency Consulting. They are one of the best consultancy firms working together with the government for future damage control procedures. The rise in water levels can be dangerous in extreme weather conditions. Therefore, key measures are taken for the prevention and mega disturbances. The main aim is reductions in risk. So, as part of flood management all was made possible. The risks could have been damage to property, the risk to life, and incurring huge financial losses.

The awareness of Health & Safety procedures is an integral part of the flood management & evacuation process, especially during the preventive stages of an evacuation. Water-borne diseases are mostly related to floods. Floods can happen because of rises in water levels. Therefore, there should be aware of all diseases. The diseases are typhoid fever, cholera, lepidopterist & Hepatitis A, and people should have the know-how to tackle them.


The Senator Hotel together with the Federal Govt. has played its part in the housing of people. They have also provided food and provisions to the evacuees.

Hence, they have been efficient in playing their roles by accommodating evacuees and treating them well. Also providing them services in Hotel as they have worked together with INAC i.e. Indigenous & Northern Affairs, & private sector firm Gervais Emergency Consulting.

They have also worked with the Canadian Red Cross to give support services to the evacuees on international grounds. It is indeed a big achievement for the Senator hotel, as they have been an example in making sustainability efforts.


The damage control priorities & services to evacuees have set benchmarks for the hotel & hospitality industry. Hotel management played a devastating role in the provision of services. It is a mandatory factor to ‘Manage Resources ‘in such adverse conditions. The management has risen to the expectations in a highly efficient manner.


Hence, they have not only managed resources. They have also demonstrated good staff management in key hours. Accommodating 400 people, naturally not an easy task. The Hotel higher management did all efforts to make things possible.

They worked long hours with the staff in solving issues of accommodation along with the Canadian Red Cross. The efforts should be appreciated on a larger scale, as they made an example in the Hotel Industry.

Certificate - Preventive Evacuation
The Certificate of Acknowledgement from ‘The City Of Timmins’, Mayor George Pirie. A recognition of the Efforts during the 2019 Kashechewan Evacuation. It is deep thanks from the City to the Senator Hotel, highly recognizing their efforts in solidarity with Kashechewan Evacuation 2019 Process. preventive evacuation


The Hotel was awarded a certificate in recognition of the preventive evacuation efforts. Honorary Mayor of Timmins, George Pirie highly acknowledged the services of the Hotel Staff. The certificate mentions and deeply acknowledges the help & support provided during the 2019 Kashechewan Evacuation. The process was a tough one. Therefore, the City of Timmins acknowledged the efforts of the residents of the community. All of them were highly respected and accommodated in the Senator Hotel. They really showed how Canadians help their citizens when needed.




The trends in the online shopping industry are changing radically for the sake of customers and their satisfaction levels. Retail industry e.g. Amazon has used personalization settings for online shopping. Therefore, the logistics details of customers are being streamlined for shipping purposes.

Reasons that are apart from Customer satisfaction are loyalty and personalizing things. It is merely for customer’s sake, to determine their specific likes and dislikes. In other words, it is an integration of dynamic Customer Relationship Management.

Websites like e-shipper use personalized options available. Another website is SmarteLogistix that updates your inventory and streamlines all business shipping needs.


The acquisition of the Senator Hotel Timmins by MBE Group is one of the biggest acknowledgement of the group. A great conference Hotel is ideally located. Hence, also considered as a great holiday destination for many people. Making in-roads into the hospitality business as MBE Group always aims higher in their respective and variable businesses.


The hotel loyalty programs are most suited for customers. It is mainly for the reasons so that they get the best from business trips. Making the trip a worthwhile one in more than one ways. A good night’s sleep in cozy hotel rooms, good perks and being paid at the same time. It is indeed difficult to ask yourself what is the best pick for your loyalty program. It is a loyalty program that suits you better. Therefore, it is also suitable for all your business trips, while you enjoy the luxurious hotel stay.


The MBE Blog Privacy Policy is the policy for data protection, use of personalized data. Privacy policy like any other authoritative policy is for the consumers. Therefore, it is the reader’s responsibility to use the data according to blog privacy measures.  The usage shouldn’t be for illegal purposes, hence it must be specific and for positive reasons.


There is immense importance that holds with regards to Canada Day. Thus, the importance is also paramount due to its significance to the history and heritage of Canada. Hence, it is in the memory of 1st July 1867, when the three major provinces of Canada i.e. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Colonies of Canada. The two provinces Ontario and Quebec (Not split in 1867), were merged into one country. Truly, MBE has also celebrated Canada Day and there are fruitful contributions that MBE has made to Canada.

Canada got its full independence and sovereignty from England in the year 1982. That’s the reason why we can’t ironically confuse it with Independence Day. Canadian day has larger significance with the three merged provinces. The day is known as ‘The Dominion Day’ Officially was declared a holiday in 1879. However, the observance is all over the country with the same patriotism and national pride. Referring to the Act of Parliament 1982, it was later changed to ‘Canada Day’.

A day that holds patriotic importance and a symbol of Canadian sovereignty. In all over the country, in cities, towns and villages parades take place as a celebration gesture of Canada Day. Other traditions associated with the day are picnics, festivals, sporting events and fireworks. On top of this, literally festivals, promoting Canadian arts and literature, and cultural festivals. Canada, an enriched country is an observer of this day. On top of this, it marks key importance for Canadians all over the world.




RMA MBBP Services  -MBE
RMA MBBP Services

MBE, since 1996, the day it was formed, has aligned its goals and policies. This alignment of goals and policies are with the legislation and constitution of Canada. Therefore, our aim while working in the country, is for the economic well being of the gorgeous land.

Additionally, we aim to provide our share of intelligence and vision for the citizens. We have made decent contributions to the Canadian economy. MBE is strict to follow the laws, and abide by the rules of business in the resource-rich country. We feel proud to be based in Canada.

It is truly a beautiful country full of landscapes, and scenic beauty, as well as landmarks. All these unique natural attributes make it apart from the rest of the world. We hold a vision of prosperity and integrity. This vision will definitely align our goals for the people of the huge country. The proud citizens who are the ingredients of success for the country and its growth.



Thereafter, our major contributions to the Canadian Economy are in the form of our services i.e. MBE Advertising, MBE ATM, MBE POS, MBE Business Magazine, MBE Global, MBE Insurance, RMA/MBBP (Loyalty program), MBE Accounting MBE Mortgage, The RoyalLe Page & The Mansoor Naqvi Team, MBE Hospitality & MBE Credit Counselling Services.

Through all these services in Canada working effectively. Hence, we also aim to deliver high-performance targets and goals that will cater to the needs of the Canadians. Also, the aim of working in alignment with the migrant’s policy. Our merger with Royal LePage is a demonstration of our efforts in the Canadian Real Estate. Just recently we have contributed to the Canadian hospitality industry by acquiring The Senator Hotel and Algonquin Inn. Our steps and goals for the Hospitality industry are very evident. They have given us an opportunity to contribute to Canadian Tourism and Hospitality industry with significant impact. The main aim is to provide excellence in services, and giving a huge boost to the Canadian economy.


On Canada Day, i.e. the 1st July 2019, a significant date. MBE is united with the vision for the success of Our Prime Minister Mr Justin Trudeau. Justin is a young and dynamic leader that holds huge importance in Canada’s vision of growth. Therefore, Justin’s agenda for the country has made people of many different cultures, religions and thoughts, work and live together. The motive is for people to live with more ease and ownership.

Mansoor Naqvi
Mansoor Naqvi


I have always believed that Canada, i.e. the happiest country in the world according to stats. It is a country full of Economic growth, GDP, and immense benefits for its people. The massive improvements in all sectors in Canada have enabled us to live with more passion, pride and sense of responsibility.

On Canada Day, I always feel more passionate for the people of Canada and wish everyone Happy Canada Day. As, the President of MBE, I have a message on this patriotic day. I believe that we strictly abide by the laws and Respect the Law in every possible way. In whatever field of work we belong, we must always feel proud to be the true citizens of Canada. On top of this, taking care of its prestige in all aspects.


Be aware of your Corporate Social Responsibility values while working in Canada. We all must be strict in our CSR values and align them with our country’s vision. Hence, making it more powerful to compete in all areas.

I, as the Vice President of MBE, wish everyone a Happy Canada Day. It’s my wish that every year we get ourselves nearer to our company’s vision of success for the future of Canada. Furthermore, we being in the business world must align our policies with that of our country. We must also focus on creating success with the people of Canada. We are for the people, by the people, and with the People.


The title of senior manager is most often used and encountered in large organizations with multiple layers of management. A senior manager has responsibilities and authority that are broader in scope than a front-line manager, and a door is typically open for senior managers to move into a director- or general manager-level role.


The flip side is that the position can involve a good many challenges and it almost always brings with it a great deal of responsibility. Being a senior manager is not for the faint of heart and success can depend on your personality and skills.
These professionals coordinate all business activities, meaning they are in charge of overseeing employee performance and budget control, establishing guidelines and objectives, and ensuring things are getting done in an efficient, organized, cost-efficient, and safe manner.

Primary Responsibilities

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of common tasks Senior Managers are required to complete.
  •  Planning the organizational activities by establishing tasks, objectives, and priorities:
    •  Creating a detailed action plan by mapping out the necessary steps and organizing them into a logical pattern;
    •  Determining measurable organizational goals and defining ways to achieve them;
    •  Setting explicit guidelines for decision-making and crisis management;
    •  Communicating the organization’s direction and vision to employees.
  •  Developing, implementing, coordinating, reviewing, evaluating, and improving business procedures and policies, as well as organizational activities and initiatives:
    •  Formulating, approving, and implementing organizational policies, programs, and other internal campaigns;
    •  Determining how resources should be distributed, ensuring the right amount of work is assigned to the right number of people within the right department(s); and
    •  Providing directions and explanations, delegating authority as required.
  •  Monitoring and controlling project progress, objectives, and costs against the established schedule and budget: o Identifying problems and deficiencies, ensuring necessary corrective measures are implemented.
  •  Controlling budgets, liaising with partners and investors, as well as collaborating with the Sales, Marketing, and Accounting departments to discuss strategies and ensure the financial and overall success of the organization’s projects:
    •  Reviewing and interpreting budgetary information and financial data;
    •  Monitoring expenses and performing cost-benefit analysis;
    •  Assessing and managing financial risks; and
    •  Ensuring financial accounting and auditing comply with applicable law.
  •  Overseeing the human activity of all departments, authorizing and organizing the establishment of major departments and associated positions:
    •  Selecting managers, directors, and other executive staff;
    •  Training, supervising, and managing staff, or instructing the Human Resources department to do so;
    •  Setting guidelines and standards for personnel evaluations, recruitment, and advancement;
    •  Monitoring employee performance, writing reports and updating records, as required; and
    •  Planning work schedules, if necessary.
  •  Building relationships with both internal and external parties:
    •  Communicating, motivating, and inspiring employees;
    •  Gaining influence, trust, and credibility within the organization to build and help foster collaborative work relationships;
    •  Liaising with external companies and other third parties; and
    •  Representing the organization, or delegating representatives to act on their behalf, in negotiations, networking events, Public Relations activities, or other official functions.
  •  Overseeing the internal and external event organization and coordination, including promotional events.

  •  Overseeing the maintenance of equipment:
    •  Scheduling periodic inspections, maintenance, repairs, and renovation work.
  •  Dealing with problems as and when they arise so as to ensure the organization is running smoothly and effectively:
    •  Advising the Human Resources department on how to handle complaints and inquiries, assisting with conflict resolution, when necessary.

    Daily Tasks

  •  Planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating all business activities, ensuring they meet the organization’s goals, objectives, and regula- tions.
  •  Monitoring budgets and progress for all projects and activities.
  •  Developing, implementing, and updating procedures and policies.
  •  Overseeing the organization’s human activity, including the training, management, and evaluation of employees.
  •  Liaising with employees, external companies, partners, and other third parties, representing the organization or delegating representatives to act on their behalf.

    Skills and attributes of the senior manager:

    The senior manager must have strong practical experience in project management, which was gained through managing large and complex projects. He or she must have the following:
  •  Good knowledge and handling of project and program management methodology and techniques;
  •  Good understanding of the wider objectives of the program;
  •  Ability to work positively with the wide range of individuals involved in program management;
  •  Strong leadership and management skills;
  •  Good knowledge of budgeting and resource allocation procedures; and
  •  The ability to find innovative ways to resolve problems.

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