Articles by "mid of october 2020"

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Canadian Thanksgiving day is a celebration & part of the Canadian culture. It is also celebrated as an official holiday in the majority of provinces in Canada. The day is celebrated on the second Monday in October, i.e. the 12th of October this year. However, the sole of the observance is to give thanks for the provisions. As Canadians hold values of patriotism for their country. Global celebrations take place on the day. It is also a celebration of love & harmony for the great country of Canada.

In Canada, the day is observed in form of an official holiday. This is an exception for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. In the province of Nova Scotia, Thanksgiving Day is a designated Retail closing day. This means that it’s not a paid official holiday, however, some retail businesses are prohibited from opening.

traditions associated with thanksgiving day
traditions associated with thanksgiving day


On the Canadian Thanksgiving day, people give thanks for a successful year and the harvest of the year passing. It is part of their traditional history when it was first recognized as a national holiday in Canada in 1879. The origin of the day and its history dates back a very long time. It is in medieval days when the English explorer Martin Frobisher landed in Canada. It happened while he was in search of a Northern Passage to the Orient. He was the first one on his third voyage in 1578. Therefore, he held a formal ceremony for the thanksgiving. Hence, in this official and formal ceremony, he particularly gave thanks for surviving the long journey.

Martin made the celebrations with salt, beef, and peas. The day took place years before its American counterpart, the key reason behind this is related to the harvest. The harvest takes place earlier in Northerly Canada than it does in The United States of America. In the year 1957, there were some key decisions that were made regarding the day. Hence, there was a mandate that celebrations of the day shall take place on the 2nd Monday of October. However, its initial celebration since it started in 1879 took place on a different date.


The core aim and the theme of the observance in October 2020 is to celebrate life in Canada. On top of this, the culture of Canada, the Provisions, the economic values, social values, and history of the great nation. Thanksgiving Day gives Canadians internal peace and tranquillity. Also, gives them a realization that even though life is a celebration, thanksgiving is a must. In most provinces of Canada, a formal thanksgiving meal is the main part of the celebration. This is in addition to gatherings and parties. The meal usually includes turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and many other dishes.

While provincially speaking there are some regional variations in the meal. However, in most Provinces and territories the meal is the same formal one. It’s not just a meal or a celebration, it’s indeed a tribute to the cultural and economic values and prestige of Canada. A celebration of the moral and social values of Canada and what the country has given to its people and the innumerable migrants from all over the globe.

With true compassion and spirits for Canada. Thanksgiving day is part of the regional celebrations. Hence, the local amenities and most Govt. offices shall be closed on a particular day. Public transport is most likely to operate, however, the banks will be closed along with the Toronto Stock Exchange. In the three provinces i.e. New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island & Nova Scotia where the day is not a holiday, therefore, most families celebrate this day a day before, i.e. on Sunday.

Celebrations of thanksgiving day during COVID
Celebrations of thanksgiving day during COVID


The day is taking place on the second Monday of October 2020 with the same passion and patriotism for Canada. However, this year Canadians will be celebrating Thanksgiving day while giving thanks that most of Canada have safely dealt with the pandemic, COVID-19.

It was indeed a test of nerves, economic values & the Canadian health system. Canada had to bear huge financial devastation and losses during the recent pandemic. Hence, the 12th of October is the day of formal celebrations this year. These are ongoing measures of social distancing, wearing masks, and regular sanitizing. As Canada is a country highly aware of the current global situation due to COVID-19, which is not over as yet.     

Huge efforts from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Premiers of all major provinces while fighting for COVID-19 are worth Thanksgiving. It is indeed a representation of Canada’s spirit, particularly in crucial times.

Canadian housing markets are highly dependent on Mortgage, mortgage term, and mortgage insurance. This is vital as part of their real estate and property environment. In current times of the pandemic and its most common sufferings. Many experts have given the verdict that the old reliable five-year plan may not be the ideal choice. This is because of the effects of a pandemic on the real estate sector in Canada. Hence, especially impacting Ontario and British Columbia. How to look out for the best deal with lower rates?

According to many Mortgage experts and property research analysts in the era of COVID-19. Standards may not be the best option as the deviation from the standard is a necessity of the current hour. This is financially true especially with the lenders offering fixed rates as low as 1.99%. This is the best time of re-examining the assumptions. Furthermore, how to choose the best term for today and into the future.


Mortgages’ and ‘Mortgage Insurance’ are common terms regards to the Canadian economy and real estate sector influences. Most of the property in Canada is either taken on a mortgage or is rented. Hence, the period is known as ‘Fixed Term’ in case of property bought on the mortgage. In a deal with a private mortgage insurance corp., a credit union, a major bank, or a lender. It is formally in form of a legitimate deal between the two parties. A length of time usually taken in years during which the parameters of a mortgage has its legal effects is mortgage term.

‘Amortisation’ is yet another key term from the mortgage and insurance industry. It is the total number of years that a consumer will take to pay off its mortgage. This is in a deal with a financial instrument or an organization. Lifetime term is what it is known as if the person’s age is above 40-45 years. This is mainly as well due to the length of the term which is high. This is also because the most common term is of 25 years, especially in Canada. Connected with ‘Life Expectancy’ i.e. A mathematical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live. Hence, the result is based on demographics, age, and year of birth. Hence, over this span of time the consumer shall be spending multiple terms. This is with various lenders or negotiations shall take place with the same lender.

Similar to how a loan works out, hence automatically, lengthier terms come with higher rates and vice versa. This is primarily because of the fact that the consumer is protecting himself. Protection from big interest rates hikes i.e. for a longer time period. The length of time is a critical period in determining the solvency concerned with the mortgage.


There are many solutions that are related to higher rates. Generally speaking, if the rates are low the best option is to choose a longer-term for bigger sustainability options. Hence, alternatively when the rates are high needs shifting to a shorter term. Hence, this is for the sake of renewals to come up in time. This is mainly for the purpose of taking advantage of low rates once they come around again.

How eating habits are affected during COVID-19? An answer many people are looking for as it improves mood and helps in lowering the stress levels. Food is always the best way to generate your happy hormones, especially helps to encounter the stress due to COVID-19. Naturally, it is something many people haven’t experience but keep a generalized idea of how things can change during the pandemic. Because of social distancing and lockdowns, children and entire families are home together all day. This has also caused work and school schedules disrupted, loss of daily routine increasing anxiety, and disturbing the healthy routine. A huge reason for anxiety is because of uncertainty or having very low knowledge of what it is about.

There are hardships in coping with COVID-19 and not reaching your favorite salty, crunchy snack because of the boredom factor that arises due to COVID-19.


It’s necessary indeed to make healthy and good food choices while fighting the COVID-19 from home. Also important for the sake of improving your mood while you are addressing COVID-19.

  • Making Schedule Or Daily Meal Plan:

    Making a daily meal plan will always be a huge factor in controlling moods. Hence, also you will know in parallel what you are eating every day. It is something that is more predictable for you and everyone in your household.

  • Staying Connected Through Computer Apps:

    Staying connected through apps while you can’t socialize or mingle with people will always help you enjoy your food. Its either being connected through Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime with your close friends and family will help you stay connected. It will also help you share recipes and even cook together. Interestingly, as a hobby or something to keep you busy mentally.

  • Planning For Groceries:

    Planning your groceries is yet another identifying factor that shall keep you mentally busy and happy. The best thing is to buy fewer processed, high sugar snacks, and high-salt.

  • Managing The Environment:

    It’s true that you shall be having some environmental restrictions i.e. you will be eating alone and enjoying your food on your own. You have to enjoy your media options that include T.V. or computer. Furthermore, your Digital apps on phone and laptop or while watching your favorite football match. If the candy is missing from the cupboard than simply you can’t eat it.

  • Saving Money:

    At the same time isolation is the best way you can save money as well. You can skip the high-sugar soda and juices, instead, have flavor water with edible citrus or berries.

  • Load Up:

    Load up yourself with a variety of vegetables while you enjoy your favorite ones along with mixed vegetables. Also enjoy the variety of whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins to keep you fit. This is because sitting at home constantly can make you lethargic and unhealthy due to a lack of movements. At the same time destroys your eating habits.



The things that are best to improve your immune system and your mood & stress in parallel is Citrus fruits and red bell peppers. Citrus fruit is both rich in Vitamin C which is good in improving the immune system. Hence, so that you can fight any disease easily from the inside. Adding spices to soups, stews, or salad dressing can be highly helpful in terms of taste as well as health. Try to use food that holds its richness in Zinc, this includes Oysters, clams, cashews, liver, beef, and egg yolks.

Zinc is good for health as Zinc has ingredients that help in virus-fighting and disease prevention. Omega 3 present in fatty fish will definitely help fight and reduce anxiety. We are talking about the anxiety associated with COVID-19 and while staying for a long while at home.

Finally, adding some antioxidants to your anti-anxiety diet will be a huge support for your immune system. It will help daily in fighting against any symptoms of a virus minor or major. Its daily use will definitely help in reducing your anxiety and fear associated with Pandemic COVID-19. Also, part of the good eating habits as it is generally categorized.


Staying home due to the pandemic COVID-19 can be a huge challenge for many people especially those who are busy days due to business or job routines. The challenge is big as it can increase anxiety and stress levels including boredom factors.

People can abandon their daily routine, healthy eating habits, and casual snacking. However, with proper planning & thought you can make good food choices and boost your immunity and mood. Exercise can also help in boosting moods and also it will make you happy and relaxed during COVID-19 lockdown.

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