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Australia is the smallest of the seven continents and the seventh-largest countries on earth. The Capital city is Canberra and the biggest cities are Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne. They are the economic and cultural centers and one of the most developed cities in the world. The country is full of landscapes, forests, and deserts. Hence, making Australia one of the most wanted tourism and cultural spots in the world. There are many names and titles associated with Australia. “The Last of Lands” and “The Last Frontier” being the most common ones in recent times. Australia has seen since many years a hazard relationship with wildfires. ‘The Fire Continent’ has been its title mainly because of these reasons.

For the last four decades, the country has excelled in many sports that include cricket, hockey, rugby, and Tennis. It has also hosted major leagues and tournaments that include the World Cups and the Australian Open. The bright people of Australia known as Aussies, have already proved to the world that competing is in their blood. They have proved globally that competition on every ground is their religion. ‘Kangaroo’ is the national animal of Australia from the Animalia kingdom. Also shown on the ‘Coat of Arms’ and is the most official floral symbol of Australia.

the country has faced immense challenges due to dangers and hazards caused by bushfire and wildfire in their forests
Australia – Fire Continent of the globe


However, the country has faced immense challenges due to dangers and hazards caused by bushfire and wildfire in their forests. Australia comes 6th on the list of forest area covered with 16% of their land covered in forests. The country has a history of bushfires with many people dying annually. Major losses that include the killing of wildlife has been the cause of forest fire. In addition to this many other hazards have been a source of challenge for the Government of Australia. It has indeed been a major part of their climate change efforts and balancing the world climate. However, the drastic measures have been on global grounds especially due to the ecology.

According to the forest researchers of Australia, the bushfires have shaped the continent for many years. The threats are more immediate and impactful than ever before. ‘Fire continent of the Globe’, the synonymous name for Australia for the last many years has its reasons. That’s also one of the most concerning things i.e. the future of fire. This is more crucial as the continent steps into hotter times. The intensity of heat in the forests in summer is so high that it causes a fire. However, the answers can be local, ecological and historical.

Only historical data, analysis and previous workings from the fire activities can help. Hence, this is a necessity in sustaining the losses for future sustainable measures. An eye on the history of fire is not only helpful in sustaining losses but also acts as a catalyst in combatting issues of climate change.



The conditions in Australia and the landscape is the right one for fire. With time since the last century i.e. a period of 100 years the flora and fauna have adapted. According to the botanists and regional researchers from Forests in Australia the continent has possessed the right conditions for the fire. Hence, the conditions are dry enough for them to burn and wet enough for cultivations. With time since ages, the animals have adapted and so did the plants, however, the threats have increased more or less. Embedded in the Australian biota and its genome as according to an Australian environmentalist. This has been well before the humans came on the scene and well before the invasion of the continent that took place in the form of settlements from all over the globe especially Europe.


The early Australians i.e. the indigenous Australians just celebrated their land, the fire, hunted, cooked and used it to good effect to manage the huge land. In the era of the Aborigines i.e. another name for native Australians it was more of a fire continent than ever. They were the ones who knew the best use of the fire stick and consumption of what they called ‘The Magic of Fire’ in the medieval ages.

The land management practices included “cultural burning” i.e. coming from primitive times. ‘Cultural Burning’ helps in preventing fire risks and protecting native habitats.

The next age settlers’ i.e. European settlers and newcomers saw the cultivated landscape, a land that has been nurtured irrespective of the hazards. It seemed like a piece of magic, a miracle thing, especially to the colonists who thought that it had been prepared for them and their stocks. Years later they started to recognize the importance of the hard work by the ‘Aborigines’ in the final form of the cultivated and carefully managed landscape. A landscape that was transformed through years of constant understandings of combatting instruments from the wildfire.


A set of carefully managed fire practices used by the old age Australians i.e. Indigenous Australians were altered in one of the most drastic ways.

The arrival of Europeans in 1788 saw some great disasters as they removed the managers from the landscapes, letting the land go wild. It was to that level that it had not been wild for tens of thousands of years. European settlers saw a new era of wildfires, as well as more intense fires and more frequent fires.

Australian ecologists and environmentalists also believe that in some ecologies in Australia things have differed because of geographical reasons. An example includes the mountain ash forest of southeast Australia. In these forests the bushfires have already existed however, the trees need them to regenerate. However, the Aborigines from Australia were more equipped and knowledgeable in managing them.

They would have burnt around the edges of them and kept the pathways from those forests very open and clear for people’s convenience. They knew how to save lives, however, they didn’t prefer to live in the hearts of those forests and avoided them in summers for good reasons i.e. heat causing the fire.

It is a fire that is deliberately started in order to reduce the severity of future wildfires and bushfires
Hazard reduction burn


A hazard reduction burn is also known as fuel reduction burn. It is a fire that is deliberately started in order to reduce the severity of future wildfires and bushfires. It is one of the implications or remedies and is a modern phenomenon. Burnings have been identified through extensive research as one of the many methods of hazard reduction. It is a method along with the mechanical removal of the fuel, and the method has turned out to be less risky rather than more expensive in terms of the costs.

The primary benefits associated with Hazard reduction burns are reducing the amount of fuel on the grounds of bushland, forest, and grasslands.

A hazard reduction burn is highly preventive as it reduces the intensity of the fire and allows the firefighters to control it. It also does fewer damages to the wildlife along with the assets associated.

The Hazard reduction burns work most times, as with less fuel, the smaller the fire and less intensely it will burn. According to research, fuel reduction becomes less effective and this takes place as the weather conditions get hotter, drier and windier. However, in most catastrophic and destructive conditions the wind is the less driving factor than anything else and the fuel load holds lesser importance.

Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes respiratory illness e.g. common cold. It can also cause severe illnesses SARS i.e. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The symptoms of the virus are mild in some while severe in others. It purely depends on the amount of immunity of a person. In addition to this, how much that person has been affected by the virus. One of the most deadly viruses originated from Wuhan China from a local seafood and animal market known as the Huanan Seafood market. It hopped over to humans through physical contact with an infected animal. The virus has the capability and is spreading through close contact.

The affected countries include Hong Kong, Australia, Thailand, and the United States. The hazards linked with the virus and the virus itself are being combated with mutual efforts. The Chinese and US govt. along with the other countries are working together to contain the virus spread. On international grounds especially on international airports mutual efforts have taken new heights. This is because of the death toll that has reached 256 now with more expected every day.


It is since the first virus that originated from bats, from a seafood market called the Huanan Seafood Market. Many officials have claimed that it spread from an animal to humans. While there was another new study that claimed that the new virus i.e. 2019 – nCOV could have originated from snakes. In the Huanan Seafood Market, it was found that no bats were being sold. Research has shown that comparatively speaking the old virus has many similarities to the latest version. According to researchers, there were two corona-viruses that originated in bats. Additionally, both shared 88% of their genetic sequence with that of COVID-19. However, snakes were sold at Huanan Seafood Market. But, there are some researchers who believe that they are unclear whether coronavirus can infect snakes.



The spreading of the Coronavirus between people was just like the normal virus spreading, but the impacts have been devastating in terms of human loss and other financial losses that include bilateral trade. However, the USA reported on Feb 2 was their first report. It clearly said that they have the first case of a person to person virus in one of their citizens. However, people who didn’t travel to China directly or in-directly also got influenza and they were from many different countries, making it more dangerous than it seems. The countries are the USA, Thailand, Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam, Japan and France. The virus spreading happened via air i.e. through cough and sneezing. It also happened through personal contact i.e. touching or shaking hands.

In addition to this, there are reasons which include through an object or a surface with viral particles and finally fecal contamination. It’s just like any other virus that travels through the air, however, the impacts are deadly for the affected and have caused massive deaths and raised alarms all over the world. It has also resulted in flight delays, cancellations and diverts from many airports due to the deadly nature of the virus that originated from a Seafood market in Wuhan.

aid v px Prevent Coronavirus
aid v px Prevent Coronavirus


There were vital and critical elements considered especially in the USA. However, since the virus started there were some incredible steps taken to combat it. The city Wuhan and nearby cities are now on lockdown i.e. nobody can come and go. As part of the contagious processes, Taiwan and Hong Kong have said that nobody will be allowed from Hubei province i.e. the province where Wuhan is located.

As part of Airport health checks and screening procedures, the USA has imposed many screenings on its airports since Coronavirus started. This has been on major US Airports as according to a number count 15 airports are reportedly following screening procedures with strict adherence. They have recommended to the US citizens to avoid all non-essential travels to China. 200 American citizens have been evacuated from Wuhan city and the monitoring process is taking 14 days for the signs of infection. A national ban on online products and in restaurants for the sale of wildlife.


Since Feb 2, US Citizens, permanent residents, and immediate family, anyone who visited China’s Hubei Province will undergo a mandatory 2-week quarantine to make sure that they don’t have any virus symptoms before they meet the general public. The USA has strictly imposed a ban on traveling by a foreign national who has traveled to China in the recent past i.e. 14 days period.

Mutual steps were taken by the Govts. of both countries i.e. China and the USA for Coronavirus. For immediate cure and remedy, drastic steps were taken on a global scale. All these health measurements are under the supervision of WHO i.e. World Health Organization whose primary objective is a fast cure and minimum fatalities, especially in the affected zones.

Prevention from a disease
Prevention from a disease


Prevention from a disease or a virus is a necessity when it can get out of control and can be a cause of many deaths. As part of the precautions these are the mandatory measurements that people must adopt as of today;

  • Wash hands with soap and water
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid any sort of close contact with sick people
  • Prefer to stay home when sick
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects.
  • After recent traveling from China within two weeks, seek medical care and ask for medical tests & assistance immediately.

It needs precautions just like any other virus symptoms as prevention is better than cure. Wearing gloves and masks especially if doubt of any virus effects is a must for a common person. On a timely and precautionary basis, contact with wildlife can be made minimal.  If it’s necessary or part of your job to do animal care, you should always make sure that you follow all the safety procedures that are recommended.


People’s Republic of China. It is the largest city in Hubei and the most populous city in Central China, with a population of over 11 million, the ninth most populous Chinese city, and one of the nine National Central Cities of China. wikipedia

Also, read the related latest blog: AUSTRALIA – A HISTORY OF FIRE & HOW IT CAN HELP IN FUTURE?

Life Insurance is a necessity of this modern financial world. Top 6 reasons why companies deny to provide life insurance coverage. The reasons include health issues and participation in high-risk activities. It also includes specific financial reasons, filed for bankruptcy, DUI, & having a criminal record.

Hence, to have coverage from most insurance companies, the associated risks with life insurance should be minimal.


Health issues are the most common ones that are the cause of companies declining life insurance. As an example, if someone is at high-risk of life and suffering from a disease like Cancer. The person is categorized to have a high-risk of life due to this particular reason. Hence, an automatic increase in risks associated with life insurance companies. This is another reason why they don’t think it’s worthwhile enough to take a risk.

For this particular reason i.e. involvement of high risk, the person might have applied with the wrong insurance company.

The best solution is to have a high-risk life insurance agent. Someone who can provide a useful insurance company. What’s needed is a company willing to give insurance on such a high risk to life. However, this is possible as companies are willing to move forward with those who can give insurance on health risks.

Participation in high-risk activities is a huge reason why companies deny life insurance
High-Risk Activities


Participation in high-risk activities is a huge reason why companies deny life insurance. As an example, a simple case is that while most companies insure scuba divers. This depends on the type of diving that you do i.e. (open water vs cave diving). The other factors that some insurance companies will not insure you if you are a scuba diver are as follows; the amount of time you dive a year, how deep you dive & where you dive.

If you have traveled internationally, or you live abroad for a certain period of time. Hence, there are some companies that will not insure you. Military personnel deployed somewhere are the other sets of people who will face hardships for approval. This cannot be possible unless you have worked with specific insurance companies.

The need for financial justifications is a big financial reason for a decline in life insurance by an insurance company.
Insurance Denial


The need for financial justifications is a big financial reason for a decline in life insurance by an insurance company. In simple words, there is an intense need for financial justifications. These are justifications that a client must provide in order to move forward. The insurance company makes sure that the client is financially not weak. In addition to this, it has all the reasons to apply for a life insurance policy i.e. highly justified.

The qualification for the client also depends on the earnings per annum. As an example, we can say that somebody who has annual earnings of $22,500 per annum. Hence, that client would most likely not qualify for $1,000, 000 life insurance policy. These are calculations for the Insurance companies that they do separately for everyone. The companies know well how much a client can qualify, keeping in mind the earnings. Earnings play a huge part as they mean security for the client. The higher the security, the lesser the risk for disapproval by most life insurance companies.

If a client has filed bankruptcy due to a loan they can’t pay or any mortgage payments


If a client has filed bankruptcy due to a loan they can’t pay or any mortgage payments, in this case. Hence, insurance companies do overlook financial circumstances very carefully. Usually, there are a huge amount of companies that will deny the life insurance policy. While the client files bankruptcy which is a big reason for the disapproval of a policy. Here the risks are high and high risks mean less financial security. The word ‘Financial Security’ is the key to finding a solution that is good enough for Insurance companies. These companies need high and consistent assurance to move forward.


Having a DUI i.e. driving under the influence is a negative record and hence can have a negative impact. These are impacts on the life insurance policy of the client. In case a client has more than three DUIs in the last 10 years. Therefore, every insurance company would decline your life insurance policy. However, having at least 1 or 2 DUI’s in the last 10 years is better. This means some insurance companies will decline you while others will approve.

Having applied with DUI it is most possible that the client has probably applied with the wrong insurance company.

If you are someone who is a drug abuser or alcohol abuser. Therefore, this is most likely that you will be declined life insurance. One of the most prominent reasons for denial is the risk level.  Accidental death risk is a key reason for denial of life insurance. On a conditional basis, some companies can give the client an insurance offer. This is only if the client has stopped drug abuse for the last 3 years. Additionally, no abuse of alcohol for the last 2 years. The objective of the client should be to convince the insurance companies if they need an approved insurance policy.


In order to have a life insurance policy, it is important to have a clear CRB i.e. Clearance from the Criminal record bureau. Having a criminal record means that the client can be under a life threat. Hence, his authority to have a life insurance policy is not safe. Having a good character reference check is a necessity. Criminal record means the person is unfit for the criteria.

However, on conditional grounds, things can definitely vary. Apart from many reasons last criminal conviction is one of the reasons for a positive condition. Along with this, when did this conviction expire. Finally, how many convictions were the person under for the last 2 years? Based on these checks the client might get insurance coverage depending on how long ago the probation ended.

However, coming in such a category it’s better to work with a high-risk life insurance specialist. A high-risk insurance specialist will definitely be of great help.

MBE insurance also follows similar procedures that relate to Life Insurance and its risk assessment
Insurance Policy


Since MBE Group is a company based in Canada, MBE insurance is part of the MBE Group. According to the Canadian rules, MBE insurance also follows similar procedures that relate to Life Insurance and its risk assessment.

MBE Insurance also makes sure that their prospective clients are worthy enough according to the risk assessment procedures. It’s our policy to give Life Insurance to clients with lower risks involved. Primarily, the reason being profitability and future profitable options.

Being a new company the goal is to provide sustainable measures to our clients with low-risk levels.


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