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John Manion manages one of the country’s largest Canadian Tire Gas+ sites, located in Kanata, ON. He has operated this high-traffic site for two years. Also, has worked hard to be the C-gas destination for his growing community. In the summer of 2014, Canadian Tire Gas+ closed the doors for three weeks. They did this for an interior and exterior site renovation. “The renovations have been inspiring a lot of customers to come to check us out again. They may have been customers in the past, but they want to see what we have to offer now,” says Manion.

Read on to find out how this renovation has increased sales and expanded the shopper demographics.

The exterior upgrades

This c-gas site needed to stand out from the nearby competition. Furthermore, to achieve this, the renovation included new LED lighting.
“We’re really pleased with how bright the location is, and I think that’s a driving factor. People want to feel safe when they’re coming to a c-gas the site, especially in the later hours. We’re open until midnight, and the LEDs really light up the whole parking lot and the store,” says Manion.

Additional exterior upgrades included new fascia, paint, and graphics on the canopy, which was done by Dupont. “In the car wash, we went with a new style of overhead soft-cloth called ‘The Whisper Wheel’ from Belanger, as well as two side rollers on hydraulic tracks that follow the vehicle down the track and also wrap around the back bumper.”

All 12 fuel pumps were updated with chip-and-pin technology to provide a fast, secure transaction at the pump, and a new diesel price sign was added on the road to draw in traffic from the nearby highway.

The Interior Renovations

Before taking over this 1,400 sq. ft. store, Manion ran a 35 sq. ft. Canadian Tire Gas kiosk, so figuring out the right floor plan and product assortment was a welcomed challenge.

“Canadian Tire reviewed the category assortment to see what we should increase or remove,” he says. They decided to replace frozen foods with a dairy cooler and opted to introduce a café area to the store, which features pastries, fresh fruit, and deli sandwiches.
“They increased the size of the cash area, as well as adding about a dozen cabinets for storage and supplies,” he says. “We had a variety of shelves and racking, so we replaced that with the new Canadian Tire brushed metal shelving.” Manion believes these upgrades have created a cohesive, shoppable store that will keep customers coming back time and time again.

The need to clean

For Manion, there was little sense in such a big renovation if store cleanliness and organization wasn’t front and centre. Keeping this in mind, Manion has always made it a priority to keep his store clean and welcoming.

He created a task that he calls ‘zone defense’. Each week, every employee is assigned a section, and it’s their job to clean, stock, and organize the products and the shelving within that section.
The benefits are twofold, says Manion. “By having each person responsible for their own section, we know who’s doing their work and who’s not. With that, we can also congratulate someone for doing a job well done, or on the more negative side, we can speak to someone who isn’t playing the same game as the rest of us.”

All of these changes had one goal in common: “We believed that by increasing our product assortment, improving the layout and focusing on welcoming, efficient lighting, customers would see that we’re a serious business with a lot to offer.” It’s safe to say the Canadian Tire Gas+ team, along with Manion and his employees, achieved this goal.

Quick tips

Brighten up. A well-lit store is not only inviting, but it’s also safe and energy-efficient. Customers and employees should be able to see into and out of your store.

Assign duties. Share responsibilities with staff members and assign specific duties or sections so you can ensure each employee is pulling his or her weight.

Focus on cleanliness. Customers should feel good about buying food at your store. Clean up and rotate stock on a regular basis.


Today MBE is celebrating Labor Day Canada along with Canada & acknowledges the efforts & hard work of Labor in Canada. A Day that is highly observed on the first Monday of September, not only in Canada but in the entire North American region, with a huge significance to the series of events in the late 19th Century in America.

It is in memory of the Union & Labor movement protests in the United States & became a federal holiday to honor the workers in 1894.

Labor Day Canada 2019

MBE truly understands the importance of this day for the entire North-American region. What counts are the emotions attached to the workers that rose in protest forming the union & labor movement & making their eternal name in history for the rights of labor all over North America.

MBE is also highly committed to Canada in providing its various services and job opportunities regard to the particular day. We are always with the opinion that job opportunities must always be there together with the rights of the workers.

“It is labor indeed that puts the difference on everything”



Emphasizing the role of communicating effectively in the business world and work environment. How important is effective communications in modern corporate environments according to set standards? It’s not just about being effective in communication with peers, associates, and partners. It is also important in business dealings, communicating with the client and interacting effectively with customers. Most of the time effective communications are not just about speaking. In most environments, it is also about listening and interacting regularly, Read More.


Acquisition of the senator Hotel Timmins by the MBE Group, one of the biggest acknowledgments for MBE Group. While MBE stepped into the hospitality business, Senator is the first acquisitions. Hence, it is indeed a great conference hotel located ideally in Timmins. It is also one of the favorite hotels for holidaymakers, business owners, and Entrepreneurs. Making in-roads into the hospitality business as MBE Group always aims higher in their respective and variable businesses, Read More.


According to Doug Ford, the Ontario Govt. must get rid of liberal and easy-going reforms for the labor. Hence, the Govt. must not be lenient in terms of holiday allocation and sick pay leaves for the labor. Earlier, the Govt. was all set to raise the minimum wages from $14 an hour to $15 i.e. on 1st Jan 2019. Doug Ford was unhappy with bill 148 because of which 60,000 people left their jobs. He asked for a major labor reform from the Govt. of Ontario, Read More.


There is more than one way to offer employee health benefits. Increasing the benefits to $30Per Month is a good offer especially for good employees. The main aim is employee retention and motivation so that they enjoy working. According to survey stats has shown that 74% of businesses offer non-wage benefits. Benefits are also important to make employees feel valued and safe, and equal and better productivity. The benefits are provided through the Olympic benefits plan. Therefore, the mandatory requirements are to work $20/week to be eligible for the cover, Read More.


The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada has imposed this ban on products with Trans-Fats. The main reason for the causes of deaths due to heart attack and stroke being the consumption of trans-fat. Adding taste and texture to food, the reason Trans-Fats are often used. It increases the bad cholesterol that is the prime cause of the risk of heart diseases that needs to be controlled.

The Canadian Food Inspection agency is strict in its measurements of health checks. The federal Govt. has given at least a year for companies to impose the changes, Read More.


The 10% increase in the Aluminum Tariffs has also automatically raised the packaging costs. The pricing decisions are affected because of increases in price by canned food companies. Companies are strategically looking for ways to combat the 10% rise in fee for Aluminum Tariffs. For the sake of reductions in packaging costs, brew companies have also increased their prices, Read More.


NAFTA- the North Agreement Free Trade Agreement, is not reducing the dairy prices after the latest meetings. This means that the Canadian dairy industry will not alter the prices. It is mainly because of profitability issues in the industry due to Economical and Supply Chain management. The agreement comprises three countries i.e. the US, Canada, and Mexico. The decisions of the three countries are mutual due to linked-up trades.

An Agriculture and food research organization have claimed that he can’t see immediate impacts on the retailing prices. As an economic expert, he holds this decision based on future forecasts, Read More.


There are major changes in the Canadian Finance industry regards to the rankings. According to research, the top-rated credit card is not from the Top 6 banks.

Trends have changed in Canada with huge significance to customers. Lob-law Cos’s President’s Choice Financial credit card is rated number 1 with 788 points on the customer satisfaction survey. The Royal Bank of Canada is on 758, Bank of Nova Scotia on 756, National Bank of Canada: 751. Lowest rank credit cards are the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: 741 and Toronto Dominion: 739. Customer satisfaction has significantly diverted from the Banking industry changing the financial measures substantially. This has something to do with customer loyalty as well. The performance indicators have shown high change towards the low side for banks, Read More.


There are plenty of Environmental Groups active in Canada these days. They are constantly working for the sake of reduction in carbon emissions, and carbon footprints. It is indeed a Global challenge, as well as an environmental hazard.

In the Oil & Gas sector, the emissions are increasing every year instead of slowing down. In the oil & gas sector, the challenge is bigger than the rest of the industry. The use of technology is a temporary fix. Especially, in a world where the long-term plan is a reduction in fossil fuels entirely. Canada will have to work on all its provinces with the same agenda, i.e. bring an overall change, Read More.



MBE needs good, creative and talented writers to write for us and share their ideas in the form of writings. Your creativity must be used effectively, and MBE is there to give you the best opportunity. Hence, to write for us in the most competitive online environment shall be a great opportunity. All the writers that work for us have the best writing skills needed. Hence, we have a team of talented and good writers. Please have a look at our publishing and submitting requirements. Contact us to be a part of the most competitive teams of writers working for us. Please Contact MBE Digital Media Team to share your thoughts.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, that means your potential for growth has been capped. Having people to learn from each other keeps the success progression going. If you’re seeking knowledge to overcome the hurdles. Also, you want to touch the great heights of your career to be successful. What’s the most significant step you’ll try to do? Surrounding yourself with the right people is a brilliant way to start.

There’s a certain point in our life. A point where it’s essential to think about our current position, your success, and status. Also by asking a few questions to yourself ‘who am I?’ and ‘where I stand today?’

There are countless examples supporting this advice. As an example, if you compare yourself to a train. Hence, you need to determine if you’re the engine which is the backbone of the train. Others around you shall determine your directions every day in your life.  Taking you just like a simple carriage. Similarly goes the success train and how you can drive it.


If you’d like to be the engine of the train, you need to surround yourself with the right people. As well as successful minds to run the show in an effective manner. For the successful attainment of this. One needs to be clear about his path to success along with the long-term goals. Otherwise, he’d be a disappointment not just to himself but to the people around him as well.

Another important aspect of the journey towards success is being thankful. Especially, for what you have and one needs to make his directions clear towards the path to success.

An old tale of Sheikh Sadi is a perfect example of thankfulness. He was once wandering around the road. Frustrated and feeling the agony of having no shoes, we walking with his bare feet.  At the same time, he saw a man without legs. A similar moment he expressed his utmost thankfulness to Almighty God for having legs. In a nutshell, we should be thankful for what we have instead of complaining about things we don’t.

Another essential attribute for being successful is to be respectful and appreciate the people around us. No matter if someone is weak or strong. Appreciation and respect is the key to encouragement which makes a person move forward and master in a better way. Eventually, these people resultantly will be an important brick to your success. Achieving goals with the guidance and support of the right people makes your journey easier. Sometimes they might let us down. An important trait to polish your personality and becoming successful is forgiveness and moving forward. Surrounding yourself with the right people and being amongst them will help in the longer run.


I will give you advice i.e. some secret of my success. When you are busy in life you always think that you are doing well. However, you do not know what you are leaving behind. You are just doing one thing in one direction and you think you cannot do any other thing. Today I will share my experience in Canada during the migration process.

While teaching and becoming a scientist I was very settled in Pakistan. It was almost impossible to get these two jobs. However, but due to hard work and the support of my family, all was possible. Let me share my story of migration to Canada and my secret to success. I landed in Canada on April 09,1996.

I brought nothing but only education. It was very hard to find a job and make money in Canada. Within my first week in Canada, I decided to move to the USA. I went there and tried to find a job. It was on the 10th day, I found a job in a pharmacy on minimum wages. This was around six dollars per hour. On that night, I thought I was born in Pakistan. I imagined working hard for 25 years, got my MPhil degree, and got two Jobs. These were to me my dream jobs, and are almost impossible to get in Pakistan.

Luckily I got my immigration to Canada and stayed there for 7 days and ran away to the US.


Having No status in the States, the bottom line was I did not work hard enough in Canada. That night, I decided to go back to Canada. remove which was a lovely night.

Let’s go back to the topic from my past. What I did in Canada and how I achieved my goals in life. Before I shared the journey, my friends asked me how you became so successful in life and your success secret in Canada. We came together to Canada. However, you achieved a lot, which we did not share the idea and the secret recipe of success? This is because so we can follow the path and see where we went wrong. I told everyone not to ask me this question. Hence, once I will give you the answer you will not like it. My friends kept asking me, at last.

Finally, I told them that during the journey of the migration how many times did you think about your family that’s a secret. Of course, not your wife and kids because even animals take care of their wives and kids. So first you have to come out of that category. It means your mother, father, brothers, and sisters. The answer I got from them was. How can we help them since we do not have bread for our wives and children? Once we have something, then we can think about the rest.

Brothers and sisters are responsible and God will give you more success in life. If you want to achieve your goals take responsibility that is the secret of my life. Today my message to all of my readers is helping your family. Friends and relatives and you will achieve your goal eventually.

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