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Digital media marketing is a new age phenomenon that has changed many things. It has also changed the way online marketing takes place is the modern e-retail environment. The history dates back some decades when the World Wide Web (Internet) was first launched. In this digital age, the element that enriches online marketing is the result of the created environment. The 7 main categories are; Search engine marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, Social media Marketing (SMM). In addition to this Pay per Click Advertising (PPC), Affiliate Marketing, and E-mail Marketing.

The Challenges have been there, however, the benefits have been more in terms of expansion of marketing strategies. Hence, making things more evident and symbolic, and marketing mediums more enhanced power generators. The Worldwide web is the most used medium since the internet revolution. Hence it is via various channels and their effective use. The use of high techs was made common.

Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization is changing the search engine ratings to get positive results i.e. top 10 or top 20. With the search engine searches, and achieving the targets in the most comprehensive of ways. Changing in the most profound and sound ways as the word says. Therefore, in SEO the changes are more enhanced and distinguished. Changes are necessary for getting what you want from the searches. As the internet is a highly capable tool, that can refine its searches. Therefore, SEO or search engine optimization helps in reaching the targets in a faster way.


Search engine marketing is the process of optimization of the engine and marketing on search engines e.g. Google, Yahoo, and others, etc. In SEM or Search engine marketing, the focus is the keyword research and results based on that. With SEM there needs to be more focus on the tools and the marketing mediums. However, there is a direct link to SEO with SEM. There are various ways of interlinking the tools and finally developing them as well. Hence, this is why SEM is more focused in terms of the marketing approach. A very comprehensive approach in digital marketing, as results are more profound and direct instead of being generic. The specific nature in SEM or Search engine marketing makes it a useful approach or type of digital media marketing.

Pay-Per-Click advertising is a part of Search Engine Marketing and has been used very often these days. It is now one of the common marketing forms that relate to SEM. For paid search engine result page marketing PPC is used for increasing optimization.


PPC Stands for Pay-Per-Click marketing. As the name clearly suggests PPC or Pay-Per-Click, means that the advertisers have to pay. Hence, they shall have to pay every time their ads are clicked or accessed. PPC is a modern form of digital media marketing. It is a very successful one as well, due to many known facts. It can also be termed ironically as buying visits to the site, instead of making an attempt to earn them.


The most common types of digital media marketing tools. A tool that is clear, wise, elaborative and well defined. It is well defined in the form of revealing highly relevant data for the sake of marketing.

A marketing approach for the distribution of the most important material on the internet. As well as focused on revealing the most valuable and consistent content. The target is a defined audience that is highly specific in terms of their searches. In addition to this as well as to drive profitable customer action. It is a highly customer-centric approach that creates a relationship between the customers, and the online seller. The content being delivered is of high quality, and its a long term relationship. It is primarily important as the customer knows very well what they are looking for. Showing their interests in the product, the customers can do instant decision making. The satisfaction level of customers should be high. This is because the value of the content is the most important key for the customers.


A process in marketing by which an affiliate or a stakeholder earns a share of profit. The profits are in the form of commission for the marketing of the product. The tracking process is also very simple, as the sales are tracked via affiliate links from one website to another.

The various stakeholders that are involved are seller and product creators, the affiliate and finally the consumer.


A way to use the software for the automation of marketing activities. This is concerned with some repetitive marketing mediums. There are many departments in companies that use repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and add campaigns. A more customized and repetitive environment of marketing the products where nothing can be missed from the consumer’s eye.


There are immense benefits associated with digital media marketing in the modern digital age. The benefits are because it is the most common and most up-to-date use of technology. This is especially in the modern age of gadgets and laptops. Facebook, one of the most commonly used Social media tool, is the biggest advantage, and one of the competitive ones. It is mainly because it is for all types of users and the accessibility is high. The advantage it holds for digital marketing is the immense amount of public liking worldwide. That has increased since the advent of the modern age smartphones and gadgets. Smartphones have not only made social media a common entity, but it has also enhanced the most dynamic features.

Whether it’s the marketing of a restaurant franchise or a clothing shop in town, Facebook is always prominent.


Canada, one of the most advanced countries in the World with a significant immigration history. Facts and figures say that it has a history that actually dates back since the early 1980s. Therefore, this big change is since the last 35-40 years of Canadian immigration history. People from all over the world are preferring to go to Canada for student’s visas, work, and permanent settlements. Migrations have taken place for the sake of immigration and the movement of people from their own countries. There has been a huge increase in student’s visas for the last few years that have also promoted universities in Canada. The reasons are mainly because of work, living and studying, and striving for higher living standards. Some people also prefer traveling to Canada for tourism and sightseeing. IELTS is most commonly used in Canada as the testing mechanism for language proficiency.

Statistics have shown that Canadian immigration has increased drastically over the last few years. The reason being the requirement of migrants i.e. workers in Canada especially in provinces like Quebec. Quebec is a French-speaking province that holds many rich opportunities for migrants. There are many visa types, which include visit visas, student visas, and work permits. There are other programs as well that can change the immigration status of people entering Canada. The provincial requirements differ from one province to another province. This is mainly due to the huge size in the area of Canada.


Mainly for Canadian immigration, it is a symbol of prestige to enter Canada on a student’s visa. This entry is for either a bachelor’s or a master’s program. It is one of the most successful means of entry into rich in academics Canada. The requirements differ from university to university and hold priorities in terms of the fees.  Other requirements are IELTS requirements and academic requirements for any particular university. For example, an entry into a Master’s program would hold high requirements. Huge difference as compared to entry into a college bachelor’s or master’s program.

Entry requirements also differ with respect to the rankings of a particular university in the world ranking list of universities. Canada is one of the three most favored countries for students after the United States and the United Kingdom. Still considered as the best way to enter Canada is through a student’s visa. Also known as study permit Canada is a huge influence generator from all across the globe. Hence, this is on grounds of studying, research and all activities related to studies. A student’s visa is always the best way and most recommended ones, as it also promotes Canadian universities.


Known for her gorgeous landscapes, beauty, and tourism industry. Canada is a country rich in natural beauty and national parks. It highly promotes the tourism sector worldwide. Holds a special entry for the sake of tourism and sight-seeing known as the Canadian Tourist Visa.

The Canadian tourist visa requirements are simple and easily understandable. This is mainly because the Tourism industry is in high priority since the last few years. The entire process is online and does n’t take much time. It is an easily understandable process that holds immense importance in terms of the basic tourism criteria.

The tourism visas are normally long term i.e. 5 to 10 years, i.e. if you apply now, you will have it for the next 10 years. On top of this, there are few countries that give visa exemptions for people with Canadian multiple entry visas. These countries include Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama.

The main aim of the tourist visa is to promote the tourism industry in Canada. Primarily because tourism is on the rise in many provinces especially in Ontario. Tourism Ontario Summit is one of the examples of the promotion of Tourism in Canada. Guests are welcome to attend the Ontario Summit in Northern Ontario and discuss tourism and its promotional measures. The Senator Hotel in Timmins was the hotel that facilitated the Summit of Northern Ontario. It laid heavy emphasis on the importance of the tourism industry and tourism in Canada. It also made significant changes in the policies and procedures that outline tourism.


The Canadian express entry route is an entry route program for people already working. This is for those with a points-based system making them qualify or disqualify for entry in Canada. Thus, Canadian immigration has various different measurements that need consideration. All these are for a regulated entry into the prestigious land of Canada. The points are based on the basis of the level of previous education achieved. There are points also dedicated to age and work experience in the list available. In addition to this, a job offer from a firm in Canada, and language proficiency. There are also points available for people applying for Quebec. The Quebec province is a huge province of Canada with a huge count of migration. The most common language spoken there is the French language and it holds special immigration points in the assessment criteria.


The online visa tracking system is the best way to know the visa status. It holds information where the visa is currently lined up.  It also shows the list of activities and finally the amount of time that it will take to arrive.


IELTS i.e. International English Language Testing System is one of the language testing systems and a requirement for entering into Canada. The scores are highly detrimental to where the candidate is going. IELTS also demonstrates what level of status or according to the rankings of the university the student is applying. The proficiency in IELTS determines the level of English a candidate has acquired. The areas that determine the proficiency in IELTS are Reading, Speaking, Writing, & Listening. The fulfillment of these criteria determines the language standards of a particular person wishing to study in a specified university. However,  entry through express entry visa program or some basic requirements needed for entry through the visit visas.

canadian immigration
Canadian immigration


The department has developed some systematic policies and frameworks. The main and key goal is to recruit economic class immigrants including skilled workers and business class immigrants into Canada. The Canadian immigration policy is similar to other countries divided into two parts. They are as follow;

  1. Temporary entry into Canada
  2. Permanent immigration to Canada


There are many routes for temporary entry into Canada. The entry routes are the following;

  1. Visitor Visa (Tourist Visa)
  2. Student Authorization (Student Visa)
  3. Employment Authorization (Work Permit)
  4. Live-in-Caregiver
  5. Fiancee or Fiance (While in Canada)
  6. Humanitarian & Compensate ground (While in Canada)


Independent Class or professional class or skilled worker class. Alternate routes
having 2 years of experience working in Canada in the last 3 years. You can also apply for the immigration of Canada under the Canadian Experience Class. Having studied in Canada for 2 years and have one year of experience. Therefore, you can apply for the immigration of Canada under the Canadian Experience Class. Also, If you are willing to learn the French language you can apply under Quebec skilled worker class. Having an H1B visa in the USA you can apply under the Alberta skilled worker program. If you have a company to sponsor you in Canada, you can apply with a confirmed job offer.

  1. Business Class
  2. Self-Employed class
  3. Family Sponsorship

After getting through all the requirements all the permanent ones are fulfilled. Finally, then fulfilling the Canadian passport requirements for Canadian citizenship.


The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) is a Govt. organization responsible for Border agency, laws, immigration, migration control. Also responsible for the deportation of illegal migrants and the Protection of Canadian borders and the Immigration Offices in Canada. It is the organization that facilitates the flow of legitimate travelers. It also allows for trade and is responsible for 90 Acts and regulations that keep the country safe.

The organization is also responsible for the Safety and Security of Canada. Creates alliance & helps in making it a country free of all terrorist activities.


The New Year is on the verge of its arrival and a warm farewell to 2019. The year full of hotel acquisitions and many key milestones for MBE Inc. Hence, we are proud & happy to enter in 2020 with our goal i.e. to focus on the launch of the autobiography of CEO/President Syed Mansoor Naqvi’s book launch, a key step in the vision of MBE and its prospective growth. The new year brings with it new challenges and new visions of prosperity. Therefore, It is the true duty of every person to analyze his/her challenges in the last 12 months. There needs to be a focus as well on the upcoming challenges as well to make a new year resolution.

The vision 2020 has a list of objectives for Canada that needs to be attained with deep insights. Canada is a huge land of opportunities with many provinces that includes Manitoba, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Northern Territories, Ontario, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, and Newfoundland & Labrador. The Canadian provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec have been the focus of many big development programs especially because of metropoles like Toronto, Quebec City & Vancouver one of the big and most developed cities in Canada. The cities have developed at a very fast pace and hold huge infrastructure. There is an immense potential for growth, culture, high rises business opportunities, and job prospects. Hence, it can be said that Canadian megacities are a global symbol. However, they also hold immense potential in all areas for the upcoming year as well.


Making a vision for the New Year is a strategic program that companies use to make their New Year agendas. These include planning the investments, budgeting and forecasting, planning of capital investments, and implementation strategies. The New Year’s vision is normally based on the previous year’s performances. It is also a collection of how things should shape up for a particular company analyzing its last year’s performance.

The personalized vision for 2020 should include how an individual should focus on their monetary values. Hence, it should also be a focus on the personal development program i.e. a necessity. The personal development plan includes;

  1. Making priorities
  2. Allocation of time to key agendas
  3. Exercise Planning & Fitness agendas
  4. Making a budget for future savings
  5. Specified targets at work
  6. Aligning goals with career development plans.
  7. Travel and Tourism plans
  8. Money management targets & Financial planning

All these agendas are part and parcel of the personal development program. Hence, they also hold immense value for the personalized vision of an individual.

Making a new year resolution for your future goals
new year resolution


Making a New Year resolution is different from a New Year vision in more than one way. It is a set of long term goals that hold the advantage for a longer-term. On the contrary, a resolution is a set of targets for the New Year that are strict. They hold immense priorities for an individual, a company/organization, or a country.

It can also be termed as a set of priorities or goals that need to be taken care of. The aims are for future growth prospects and the accomplishment of the vision. In case of a company an Upcoming Year resolution holds vitality in terms of the following;

  1. The company’s future prospects;
  2. Its goal in terms of profitability;
  3. Analysis of previous 5 years growth and profitability;
  4. Making a Change Management Program;
  5. Having a people management program;
  6. Defining the structural hierarchies;
  7. Progression strategy for the future;
  8. Analyzing specific markets;
  9. Benchmarking and;
  10. Analyzing the competitors

These are all the New Year’s resolution that a company must overlook before making a strategy for tomorrow. These points are critical in next year for any company as it is important for an organization’s strategy. Hence, in order to implement a strategy of growth keeping in view the previous year’s progression.

As an organization a company also overlooks its future prospects in the specific markets i.e. E-commerce or Digital marketing, analyzing its competitors and making an analysis of future marketing challenges. Marketing challenges are always there every year, as marketing holds many creative dimensions. Many companies outsource their marketing and business development to marketing agencies, but still, they make plans ahead every year.


New Year ‘2020’ will be seeing many new changes in MBE Inc. The company is now one of the most refined and highly established companies in this modern era. MBE Inc. has fulfilled all the key aspects that are needed for a modern technology environment. Highly established in Canada, the company is booming every day with new mergers and acquisitions in the hospitality industry.

Huge credit goes to Syed Mansoor Naqvi CEO/President MBE Group and his growth strategies. A visionary who has worked hard for his organization’s growth and success since the last 23-24 years. The time he landed in Canada is 1996 i.e. a long time back and a period of intense hard work.

The CEO/President, Syed Mansoor Naqvi is launching his autobiography in the year 2020 and the book will be a complete breakthrough. It is the first success story of an established Canadian Entrepreneur from Pakistan and has unique attributes. The book will be a huge impact on the readers in terms of motivation for young and dynamic entrepreneurs. Hence, for those who want to make their vision in the industry next year, it can be really inspiring. Syed Mansoor Naqvi is an entrepreneur who has shown from his hardcore efforts for his company. It the time since he stepped in opportunity-rich Canada for the first time.

His struggles since he acquired the first ‘Coffee Time’ to acquiring the Senator Hotel and Algonquin Inn make him a complete leader and a rich entrepreneur. A book that starts from his early life. Then his later life includes all the challenges he took while he was in Canada and worked hard for his business prospects. His academics that holds excellence since his university days in Pakistan. Furthermore, acquiring a degree from The University of Toronto in 1997.

A more Powerful vision for a great country Canada
Canada vision


 Justin Trudeau’s vision for Canada in the upcoming year is highly dedicated to the prosperity of the people of Canada. The vision holds importance for too many Canadians who are in Canada from the rest of the world. Canada is the land of people from different origins and nationalities. Hence, it is a heaven in terms of opportunities, growth, education, and cultural interactions.

The vision holds for the increase in minimum wages, and considerations for the people in terms of employment opportunities. There are many workplace benefits in Canada and flexibility in-laws due to the huge size of the land. The Canadian government is highly dedicated to improving the lifestyle of its citizens. Thus, they have introduced improvised tax laws and promoted the tourism industry every year. It is the vision of Justin to maintain the image of Canada being a happy country. The main reason behind this is Canada’s growth in the economy due to its GDP Per Capita. It is a country that has increased the immigration court and the rights of the migrants are improving every year.

Turn your plans into reality with a “Can-Do” Attitude


‘Planning’ holds immense importance every year for people working in corporate organizations. They are people striving daily for their career goals and for academics who are struggling hard. Students and academics who study day and night for their future career prospects. The main theme is to be keen and being proactive. The aim is to overcome the challenges coming ahead on a daily basis.

All we need to do is target our output through constant hard work, motivations, and struggles. Also to maintain the position of strength for optimum goals and results. The New Year resolution is highly critical regarding this as it needs to be given huge emphasis for positive results.

How to be positive in the New Year? It is truly a challenge for many people facing the stress of the current year. However, the best thing is brainstorming, meditation, mindfulness, and thinking forward leaving the bad patches of the current year behind. The practice is necessary so that we have our goals aligned for the upcoming year.
The proper utilization of resources is a mandatory option for getting positive results especially when you own a business. It is also crucial, if you work for any organization or if you are lagging behind financially. Hence, to ignite your concentration levels and rearrange the thought process you need to be a positive thinker. Things should always be aligned in the head for future management of situations. Furthermore, for risk management and having a deep knowledge of the deliverables. Past is history, however, it is the best way to learn and move forward in the next year.

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