Articles by "mid of february 2021"

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The pandemic COVID-19, has devastated & dented the economies of many countries and has been a cause of huge business losses. There are some legal questions that arise in the minds of employee regards to their legal rights w.r.t. the COVID-19. It is a pandemic that still persists despite the lock-down getting over since last few months. A main reason for this is the impact that COVID-19 had on the whole world.

Furthermore, the way the world has reacted to this pandemic, COVID-19, is part of the legal health considerations. Corona-virus, medically known as COVID-19, is apart from many other epidemics and pandemics that includes HIV or AIDS and E-Bola, & many other pandemics. This is significantly as the world since last 50 years has a history of pandemics and epidemics that have destroyed many lives.


Apart from the legal impacts associated with pandemic COVID-19, it’s the way it has touched lives of many people. This is mentally, socially and economically, as the lock-down and social distancing are the key reasons. These are reasons behind mental and social effects on people. Furthermore, the economic reasons have been due to business losses, man-power losses, and other financial and stock market reasons. Although, we are aware of the reasons but still there is less that can be done. This is vitally due to the magnitude of people who died all over the globalised world. In terms of the number of casualties, the top nations are USA, Brazil, U.K. and India. Thus, deadly might be the right word for such a case scenario which is highly & legally monitored by WHO i.e. World Health Organisation.

The legal rights of employee, Post COVID-19 lock-down, is an issue. A concern that holds deep priorities in terms of the amount of losses. Whether they should be working or not, this is the mental confusion in the minds of most employees. This is while the pandemic still persists and how they can tackle the situation if they are found positive COVID-19?

There are a set of questions known in common terms as FAQ’s that needs to be addressed while taking precautions during work. Some of the questions i.e. FAQ’s are as follows.


May have been asked by many people in the corporate world, this is key question apart from many other questions. This is especially after returning to work post lock-down and COVID-19. The employee has a legal right to refuse work if they have a reasonable ground that working for them is dangerous currently.

This is according to Lorenzo Lisi, The partner and head of the Workplace Law Group at Aird & Berlis. The refusal to return to work, or get back to work after returning is a mandatory & a legal right, in light of health & Safety issues. In Canada, especially where Health & Safety preferences are not only practised, but strictly monitored. The first and most prior response should be the addressing of all the safety precautions associated with the employee. According to Lisi, it’s the utmost responsibility of the employer to make sure that the employee stays safe at workplace and according to workplace regulations. The Health & Safety Act is a key determinant factor of the employee health & Safety.


Another key question that relates to COVID-19, and its outcomes in the corporate world. An employer can definitely screen their employees apart from giving tips of how to work safely during the pandemic. This is especially Post COVID-19 lock-down, as the screening process should take place quiet often to make sure things stay safe according to Health & Safety workplace guidelines.

However, in most cases, it should be the responsibility of the employee to make sure that they inform the HR regards to COVID-19 symptoms that they are facing. There shouldn’t be any questions in place regards to this as risk to health is a huge safety hazard. The symptoms includes fever, headaches, sneezing and coughs and are regarded as COVID symptoms according to WHO, i.e. World Health Organisation. WHO is a global body that relates to the monitoring and control of health activities in the world? These activities also include the monitoring of health related issues like epidemic and pandemic e.g. COVID-19, AIDS, E-bola, SARS, Polio and malaria etc.

It is the responsibility of the employers to consider the employee privacy laws as well take the advice of the designated legal consul. Legal makes things easy to govern and monitor in lights of laws and regulations.


The first answer is ‘Yes’, the employee needs to inform the HRD i.e. Human Resource dept. regards to the contraction of COVID-19. The best way to inform HR is via written official E-mail or orally on phone, and enquire regards to the next legal step. The next step that the Human Resource dept. will recommend is to get a test result from a Hospital or health centre. If the result is positive, the HR would recommend that official guidelines from the Canadian Govt. must be followed. These are set of rules that say that until the time the employee are tested negative. Hence, the guidelines states that employees should remain away from work for a period of two weeks. The most important guidelines in such a case scenario is for both the employer and the employees to follow the advice of the Public Health Officials.

Resource management, a field of business management & entrepreneurship that holds significant aspects for profitability reasons. The proper handling of resources while being in a management position is the biggest responsibility of the leadership. A CEO or President of a company is not only a vital think tank. But, also holds high impact decisions in his hands for a company’s success agendas. His real concern is not only profitability, but bringing sustainable aspects merged with profitability aspects.

While handling resources, the leadership must always be abreast of situations that can change dramatically in a company. It’s the role of the CIO or the CEO to evaluate company’s goals and its vision. Furthermore, its long term plans before bringing resource management into the hierarchies. Why resource management is important aspect for sustainability? A question that entrepreneurs usually ask themselves when making fruitful investments in their businesses. The simple and easy answer is for the long term vision of the company. For a visionary entrepreneur there are many benchmarks that needs to be accomplished. However, the most important ones is proper utilisation of resources while minimising the overhead costs. These practices of resource management are also incremental ones for quality management and quality assurance procedures.


The Utilisation of resources holds vital growth aspects for a fresh business that is struggling in its early days. “It’s NOT ONLY THE USE”, it’s the utilisation of resources that counts for an entrepreneur. This is vital in their vision to grow forward or way forward. The resources can include financial resources and managing critical assets. Also includes human resources, intellectual property and other all kinds of resources. Merged with the success of a business, these are the most ironic resources. While stepping into a business and making it sustainable, the necessary elements should be the essential resource planning.


‘HRM’, or Human Resource Management is the ability to manage human resources of a company. The consideration is for sustainable developments and a corporate vision. Hence, vital investments in the Human Resources are key elements. These are in terms of training and development programs. Furthermore, also includes human resource planning being part of the two critical success factors. These factors concerns major growth prospects for the resources and how they can be an asset for the company.

After the identification of the vital strategic assets. What’s needed by the company’s growth should be the realisation for a short term company strategy. According to the sustainability aspects for human resources there are certain KPI’s that needs to be considered with higher weight-age. All these are aspects for the evaluation of performance management.


From a Quality Assurance perspective what’s necessary to evaluate is the question “How to improve the resources?” The resource management ‘Point of view’ also needs the vision for the constant improving of the resources and HOW? Investing time and money in the resources is a huge factor that will influence the measures attached to Quality assurance.

Part & parcel of the process is consistency in monitoring the resources and what’s best for the company in terms of long term investments. Consistent business management practices and maintaining the best practices is yet another dimension of creativity for successful resource management.


Handling & managing the resources from profitability aspects is one of the aims of a CEO or the CIO of a company. The leadership not only holds measures that should include measuring improvements. Also includes the taxation, reconciliations, other account management, and seeing way beyond in time ahead. Thus, financial analysis for a leader is highly crucial for future decision analysis. Thinking from profitability aspects in the initial phase of any investment is the true sign of a successful & a visionary entrepreneur. It clearly signifies why profitability is the basic need for an entrepreneur’s vision for future success agendas ? Therefore, handling the resources properly for a successful business man is also vital for his future risks realisations. Finally, risk management is yet another significant aspect of proper resource management in an organisational culture.

Leadership holds key elements especially in the age of COVID-19. Identified by the WHO as a vital problem of the modern health system is the pandemic COVID-19. There are many leaders especially from the Western world who have shown bravely how to deal with the situation. Especially the current pandemic COVID-19, and similar diseases as future lessons. These leaders include Justin Trudeau (PM-Canada), Donald Trump (President-USA), Boris Johnson (PM-UK), Angela Merkel (Chancellor-Germany), and Jacinda Ardern (PM-New Zealand). All these leaders hold the key in terms of financial decisions, health matters, contingency & precautionary measures & other matters of public concern in their respective countries.

As we all know COVID-19 has been identified as a major cause of concern of the current age. However, for many leaders, it has also come as a test. While we discuss male leaders from the Superpower and other Western nations. Surprisingly, the role of female leadership has been exemplary. New Zealand PM, Jacinda Ardern has provided strong leadership models during the pandemic COVID-19. It is because of the efforts of PM, and her brilliant decision-making. On top of this, a positive and proactive approach has made it count for the kiwis. Declared as a Corona-free nation, fortunately enough New Zealand is the first country to have achieved that status. Being declared COVID free is a huge blessing especially when many countries are still under the devastating effects of COVID-19.

It has never been an easy job for leaders to make sure that safety is the primary concern for them. The pandemic has definitely provided us with many lessons in crisis management. This is indeed a special tribute as many successful leaders and companies have indeed demonstrated strong people skills. Furthermore, pivoting their organizations by supporting the employees and listening especially to what the customers want.


Leadership with honesty and empathy in times of Pandemic COVID-19. Hence, it is the only way to get out of the crisis of this age with wisdom and courage. This is a fact that many countries with Female leaders have suffered less. More significantly, in terms of the deaths than their neighboring countries. If we compare Germany’s 11 deaths per 100,000 people to France’s 45 and the United Kingdom on 70. The question that rises again is “Are women leaders really the reason for this?”

A huge factor that has been identified is that the female-led countries locked down earlier than male-led countries. As a matter of fact, this might have been because women leaders were more risk-averse. More importantly about the impact on the virus than the male leaders. Many COVID-19 experts also believe in this case scenario being decisive is important. Hence, clear communication lines and participating leadership styles are the ones playing a huge part. This is apart from leading with honesty and empathy and clearing doubts that can arise due to multiple reasons. However, as part of the valuable leadership lessons honesty, empathy and transparency are the keys, especially fighting the pandemic COVID-19.


Giving values to people during the crisis like the pandemic COVID-19. Hence, it can automatically be a solution to the problem of the current age. The assets on which organizations are built are like the building blocks i.e. people. Addressing people’s issues with integrity and giving value to their problems is the best way leaders can fight the pandemic. People have tremendously stepped up whether home-workers in childcare and taking Zoom Calls very often. Delivery drivers and nurses working extra hours despite the number of risks involved. The stepping up of people has not only shown something about the power of people. It has also shown that their fight against the pandemic COVID-19 is more intense than the leadership itself.

Another aspect that holds huge vitality is the trust factor which is recognized to be central. The trust was shown by organizations on their people to work from home which was lacking in the initial phase. Hence, many experts also believe that leaders trusting people can speed the recovery from COVID-19 for a sustainable future.

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Agility is the best ability in decision making that leaders can aspire for rapid action. According to the Harvard Business Review agile is about Taking People out of their functional silos. Furthermore, putting them in self-managed and customer-focused multidisciplinary teams. In other words ‘Agility’ is highly adaptable to more than one and rapidly evolving demands of a crisis like COVID-19. It is part of disaster management in more concrete and functional ways. Being agile about a certain disaster or a pandemic also means realizing its overall impacts. These impacts can be on the people, and reaction should be as soon as possible. This is all apart from the other responsibilities that the leadership has to follow. However, lessons should be learned for a safe future and a better tomorrow.

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