Articles by "mid of february 2020"

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Valentine’s Day is the day of the celebration of love. It is celebrated on the 14th of Feb in the form of sharing gift cards, chocolates and parties. Love is a very simple and generic term and has many numbers of emotions that speak of affection and attraction. This day is for expressing string interpersonal attachment and making fresh promises of love & keeping up with the promises.  A day that is hugely recognized and celebrated worldwide in the memory of St. Valentine.

There are more than one facets to the occasion of the day. It is a historical celebration that has evolved constantly for a long time and the value has always increased.


The day has its name originated from the famous St.Valentine. He was a priest from Rome in the third century AD and was a thinker as well. The story behind this is from the reign of Emperor Claudius ii. The emperor who banned marriages, as he had thought that if men will marry they won’t be good soldiers.

However, St.Valentine, who was a thinker felt the rule was harsh and rather cruel. Hence, he broke the rule and started arranging marriages in secrecy. As soon as the Emperor knew about Valentine he was unhappy. What he did against his rule of anti-marriage, he threw him to jail and sentenced him to death.

Killed on the 14th of Feb, Valentine was in love with the jailer’s daughter. However, he was able to write her a letter signed “from your valentine”. Remembered as Valentine’s day, it was because St.Valentine made a mark in history. A day where mostly lovers gift cards and chocolates and share gifts as a symbol in memory of St.Valentine.


There is a huge emotional and psychological significance of this day for lovers all over the world. They celebrate their affection through gifts sharing and sharing their most priced emotions and sentiments for their loved ones. On this day, i.e. Valentine’s Day, couples are highly sensitive to each other.  They believe that they can’t be separated by anyone and their bonding is purely for each other.

There are many couples on this day, who intend to make families. Mostly men request their girlfriends to be their future wife.

In the West, it is part of their culture to celebrate Valentine’s Day with huge emotional and moral significance. United States, Canada, U.K, Australia, and New Zealand and many other western countries all celebrate it with full vigor. The day has an attitude of benevolence and an urge to stay together for a long time.

A day dedicated to the partners.  It is the day full of promises and being with each other whenever and wherever needed.


It is a day of honor on 14th Feb that has evolved with a commercial value all over the world. We have stepped in 2020, and Valentine’s Day has a huge profitable value, commercial value, and media value. The entertainment value and its celebrations are the sources of huge materialism.

Holds importance in culture and hence, huge importance in cinemas i.e. Hollywood, as film industry shows and highlights romance with an emotional setting and drama intensified. A paradigm set by the West in the new age. It is not only a day of lovers expressing their pure affection for each other. Highly celebrated in the entertainment industry with huge fervor and immense popularity. The importance of media to Valentine’s Day has increased over the year since its evolutions a long time back. This also speaks volumes for the media and entertainment industry power and its positive effects on the youth.


The purpose of this day is filled with pure energies of affection and huge celebrations. ‘Love’, an emotion that has many forms and is a celebration indeed in the West especially. Expresses ‘Freedom of speech’, ‘romance’ and couples honoring each other with letters and greeting cards. Sharing love and demonstrating love for each other in the form of phrases. For example “I Can’t Live Without You”, “I might die without you” etc. etc.  The purpose is to define the intensity of emotions and romance for each other. Also promising to live with each other at all times.

A pure heart is always filled with emotions of benevolence and Valentine’s Day i.e. 14th Feb, is a day that marks value for that feeling.


MBE value this day as it is a symbol that marks the bonding between couples
MBE wishes Valentine’s day


A happy valentine’s day to everyone from MBE. We value this day as it is a symbol that marks the bonding between couples. Also, a gesture of pure affection between the partners.

The sharing of your messages with your girlfriends and wives must always continue. This is an emotion that holds pure importance and must always be cultivated.

We also wish everyone in Canada a Happy Valentine’s day. Canada, the biggest country in North America, holds huge celebrations on the Day. People party and mingle around with huge fervor and passion.

It’s a wish of MBE from the core of heart regards to all these celebrations. God makes Canada more peace-loving, benevolent and a lovely country to live.

Forests account for a huge part of our environment i.e. approximately 30%. Hence, there holds an intense need for collective action towards forest sustainability. It is valuable in terms of ecology and geographical aspects. Additionally, wildlife sustainability, and especially for sustaining the endangered species e.g. the giant Panda. As part of the ecological aspects, the trends can be reversed with huge collective action. There needs to be immense awareness action towards the sustainability of forest reserves and deforestation. The efforts of the World Economic Forum for forest sustainability has been phenomenal. This is mainly in taking action against deforestation that has been on an international level. The organization has played its agenda in the form of awareness measurements. There have been campaigns and meetings as it has been the role of WEF since 1971.

Forests account for supporting the livelihood of many people worldwide. According to the stats from ‘WEF’ the count is close to approximately 1.6 billion people.


 The role technology is playing is in regards to the safety measurements from Wildlife attacks. As well as monitoring the forests according to the international monitoring laws, deforestation and creating an environment of ‘Change’. This environment of change is regarding safety especially for those working in the forests e.g. forest officers. For the sole purpose of monitoring and control initiatives in forest areas. Used for the sole purpose of the smartwatch are the higher resolution images of forest activity. Therefore, covering a wide area of activity and penetrating cloud cover. The data is in the form of pictures and other stats. The online monitoring service i.e. Forest Global Watch collects stats and images that are necessary.  This is mainly for the sole purpose of collecting data and research-based activities in the forest regions. The role of technology holds huge significance with regards to;

  1. Monitoring Wildlife movements;
  2. Safety & Security management of all stakeholders;
  3. For the sake of forest management & workers e.g. Forest Officers &
  4. Addressing the supply chain activities from forests to the cities.

The use of modern technology is substantially for the purpose of forest management activities. ‘Deforestation’ is yet another issue where the application of technology is on a high.  Another highly enhanced technology and modern as well as ‘The radar monitoring system’. It holds huge success levels for forest sustainability aspects and creating an environment of work change in the forests. The motive is the safety of humans from the Wildlife activity and making business operations easy and secure with collective action.



The use of technology has been highly significant in combatting issues of deforestation as well i.e. another climatic hazard. ‘We NEED Forests’, is the new slogan of the ‘WEF’ demanding significant changes in environmental sustainability. Also, the forests are much needed as redemption in climatic hazards & its preventions. Technology has helped companies especially the Palm oil and consumer goods firms in the projects. The companies are Bunge, Cargill, Golden Agri-Resources, Mondelez, Musim Mas Group, Nestle, PepsiCo, Sime Darby Plantation, and Unilever and Wilmar. All companies are the consumers of Palm oil i.e. a national reserve in the forestry ecology system.


The last decade has been challenging, however, companies have tried best to limit the use of deforestation in recent years. However, there are still companies because of whom deforestation numbers still exist. There have been significant measures by leading brands e.g. Nestle, Mars, Unilever, and Wilmar. There have been substantial efforts that have seen the removal of deforestation from these companies Supply chain. The efforts are huge especially as efforts part of environmental sustainability and monitoring the activities of deforestation.

The importance of government action with regard to these activities is paramount. Therefore, the importance is profound especially in areas where forests are good in numbers and densely populated. Hence, the involvement of govt. should be a mandatory element for safety and quality. Most researchers believe that efforts need to be more organized and systematic. With the involvement of forest agencies and international laws, all efforts must be aligned.



Why it is necessary to increase and expand forests and save the natural reserves? Forests have been constantly since ages removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It is also storing carbon for nearly more than 300 million years from today. Burning and cutting of the forest’s trees are a huge cause of the release of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. There are scientific reasons for some disturbances in forest soil, and that has been the real cause. It is since the industrial revolution that most carbon emissions in the atmosphere are due to deforestation. Hence, by increasing the number of forests in the world, the expansion strategy will work automatically. The need is climate change and the key to our climate strategy.

An expansion strategy aims to save the forests through collective action, campaigns, NGOs and international forest organizations activities. The role of media and channels in here means a huge acknowledgment to forestry. Activities of national geographic and Discovery means huge media coverage to forests, wildlife and monitoring forest activity and behaviors.


There is an immense value of standing forests as they play a significant role. In the prevention of floodings like climatic hazards, the benefits are wide and huge. They also help in the provision of natural filtration for drinking water. Finally, support wildlife and balancing the temperatures in winters and summers as well. Also, they are a source of exciting group activities like picnic and fun. A source of cultural values and a huge source of scientific knowledge for experts, scientists, and botanists.

In the form of a simple ecological basis should be the basis of a value forest. Along with other activities of economic growth, sustainability efforts are a necessity. Giving huge importance to ecology and the multiple ecosystems linked to a single forest. Efforts and collective action for the preservation of the natural habitat take the involvement of a huge science. Preservation is a necessity, at the same time. It is also valuable in increasing the efforts towards forest expansion & takes a huge amount of forestry planning.



The activities of the ‘WEF’ have been devastating on a global level to create awareness amongst companies for ‘Deforestation’. For the purpose of more trees plantation and forestry, the level of awareness has been created. A combined effort with regards to climate change and CO2 emissions. Impressively admired worldwide, the WEF activities have increased at a rapid pace lately. In connection with the agencies fighting against deforestation and climate change, the WEF has played its role globally.

The agenda is not just about companies making money. Its also about the consumption of raw material from the forest with a true vision for change. The ‘WEF’ has also linked up its activities with the media at the national and international levels. The aim of the organization has been due to the immense rise of a global need. This need has been for a decade to combat increasing issues of deforestation internationally.


It’s not a simple thing to set the pace or to begin with being a pacesetter or a trendsetter. Trendsetters hold many responsibilities and are truly enigmatic leaders in the way they carry them and their excellence. Time and patience hold the key to mastering the role if you really want to be a great leader going up the ladder.

The core approach is importance i.e. guidance and that also the right guidance. The intentions and intensity with a motive in your company and the best interest of the team is highly important. Otherwise the most likely outcome shall be failure.

Here are six leadership weaknesses that are common in use, and that needs to be fixed.

lacking trust
lacking trust


The employees lacking trust levels is yet another leadership weakness that is very common. This is immensely hard to find in new leaders as either they lack trust in employees or their team or vice versa. The trust goes away when leaders micromanage their team or tasks are being mishandled.

However, in this case the best approach is to micromanage even little details of what needs doing. A periodic check is another lucrative approach instead of daily monitoring and checking e-mails and asking for usual work updates.

excessive property
excessive property


Connectivity 24/7 has become a trademark that makes managers responsible and busy. This is the art of constant property management that finally helps in permitting managers in supplying feedback. However, there is a problematic scenario and that is that it will cause associates to always connected. Hence, according to Thorne being obtainable in the slightest of the degree time will definitely dis-empower employees. The UN agency feels that they have to be online if the manager is there and communications need to be there.  The most important thing is the boss’s approval on each and everything.


Most leaders come into a situation where they have to halt their development strategies. Hence, the present method of doing things and maintaining a flow can get affected. It’s a vitality however, that your team doesn’t get strangled and halted, as team must move on.



There is always an eagerness in most leaders that they are liked by their subordinates, their team members and their approach gets better. According to David CEO or Chief Expertise Officer of Business Resource the Choice board, the necessity to be in most people’s good books and everyone’s sensible favor will mostly cloud positive business judgement.

One of the most common mistakes with the new managers and leaders in that they try and create in style choices of their own especially when they become new business house owners. According to Mr. Scarola “Leaders got to generally create unpopular choices. These choices comes with the Territory they are into”

The best leaders know what choices they have to make in order to earn respect from their employees and team members. According to Scarola again “This is in the long run the best example a pace setter can plan to do.”



Doing what the pacesetter says, not what he does is a mentality to the work settings. Is it good for the work Environment? That’s the question. To have respect from employees the leader should follow his/her own rules and regulations. A leader’s integrity should be utmost and at the highest level so that nobody can doubt him or his intentions. He should be a model and must model himself for the team according to President of Company EDGE Mr. Daniel.

A pace setter is the one that sets the pace of the company’s targets therefore, they should clarify their values and have a hyper awareness of their behavior. Holding themselves to higher standards is the most important achievement of a pace setter. The leadership weaknesses can be decreased only if they don’t desire to formulate their own culture as organizational culture holds significance in hierarchy.

failing in expectations
failing in expectations


It’s the attitude of good leadership that always makes it possible to fall on expectations. Providing your team with good directions for the future and positive encouragement to move forward will keep the team or right track. What’s important is they don’t fall back. According to Fresci “When a pacesetter doesn’t set expectations, their direct reports usually limp through their day with non-clarity in directions”

The direct reporting is a productive attitude and needs to be lucrative. The works must have some meaning and should be contributory for a bigger image. The image of the trendsetters in his own eyes is less desirable than in other’s eyes. Expectation are always high and must always be fulfilled by pacesetters in a corp.

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