Articles by "mid of april 2020"

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Easter is similar to Christmas as it is a religious Christian occasion. In the West, it is marked as a public holiday. Followed all over, Xmas holds international following and is a mega religious occasion. Ironically, it holds huge significance for Christians all over the world as it marks the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christian dominated nations observe the occasion of easter with higher passion and spirits. This is in comparison to the Christian minority countries. Easter marks the use of symbols with variety and significance to the occasion. Some of the symbols are from the animal kingdom as well and have variable attributes. These symbols include Eggs, Lamb, Rabbit, Crucifix, and Lillies.

Celebrated on Sunday in April every year. This year Easter is on the 12th of April. Known in Western nations as Easter Sunday, because it happens on a Sunday every year. The occasion is celebrated with passion. With the remembrance of Christ, his teachings and sermons. Except for the USA, Easter Monday is a bank holiday in most Western countries. Therefore, April 13th is a Bank holiday in England, Australia, and Canada (some regions), New Zealand and many other countries.

Easter significantly marks the ‘Resurrection’ of the Christ that happened 2000 years ago. Christians all over the world believe in the “Day of Resurrection”. This is similar to their beliefs in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christianity is the most followed religion of the world and has a distinguished Pope i.e. the Head of the Church. The pope holds huge significance and prestige for all Christians around the world. Pope Francis, the current Pope belongs from Argentina, South America and is a resident in the Vatican City i.e. also a sacred city for the Christians all around the world.

importance of easter
importance of easter


The origin of Easter dates back to some 2000 years ago on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The pundits and scholars also called this day the “Resurrection Day”. The importance lies heavily amongst the Christians who believe in the Resurrection of Christ. These are the true followers of Jesus Christ in the Christian and Non-Christian world i.e minorities.

The observance is in the form of a holiday. The religious festival is based on ancient pagan celebrations as pagans were the true followers of Easter. In modern times it has more commercial value and also mixed-up with some non-Christian traditions. These traditions include the Easter bunny, Easter parades and hunting for the Easter eggs. Followed with huge significance, determination & passion in most countries in the Western region. Some of them are the USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Canada & Australia. Hence, the observance is more or less in all the Christian dominated countries, regions & territories. Also, observed as a public holiday on Monday the next day, giving value to Christianity and Jesus Christ.


For many Christian families all over the world, the importance and prestige are beyond imagination. After Christmas, it is the most celebrated Christian festival. Linked with many symbols especially from the animal kingdom. In Easter, all these symbols have some association and adaptability from traditions and history. These symbols are eggs, Crucifix, Rabbit, Lillies, and Lamb. Below are the descriptions of the symbols in detail and how they hold significance to the religious festival Easter.

Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs


Known in the Western world as Easter Eggs, they are most recognized and popular of the easter symbols. After getting hard-boiled the eggs are decorated in bright hues. A traditional feast on Easter occasion, making it more memorable. The belief goes to this extent that the eggs of Easter are both secular and religious. Eggs are recognized especially according to easter beliefs and ancient times as ‘New life’ symbols. Links with the celebrations in spring due to the pagan festivals, according to historians. Many Christians are of the belief that it is a representation of Christ’s emergence from the tomb to the resurrection. It marks the end of fasting i.e. happiness for people. The decorations of the eggs are done with style and painted for a unique look.  In addition to this, it became one of the most significant ways of celebrating Easter festivals.



One of the sharpest, fastest and alert of the small animal species. In the Western world, especially the Christian nations, the Easter bunny is a secular symbol of the holiday. In addition to this their look-alike animals i.e. hares with the season of Easter. This is primarily similar in nature to eggs i.e. bringing forth new life and because of their abilities of fertility. Many in Christianity also have a belief that relates to the movements of Rabbit coming out from the hole. Believer’s associate that rabbit coming out from the hole it symbolizes the Christ emerging from the Tomb.



Yet another significant symbol that has a huge significance with the Easter is lamb. Used for sacrifice in the Jewish religion, as Lamb is more sacred for Jews than Christians. Hence, the animal was more linked with Judaism. Used for sacrifice in Islam as well with huge significance. This is following the religious traditions of Pilgrimage (Haj).

Christ is often remembered as the ‘Lamb of God’ as he was sacrificed and crucifixion.



The crucifix is the central symbol of the cross. It is present in Churches as it is a symbol of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and sacrifice. It also highlights that God is the one who gives new life to people after their death. Most people are highly linked with the cross. They wear it in the form of a necklace for God’s good omen and good luck. Many people also make the cross on their hearts when they are under a challenge. Also, before praying or making a wish, or after accomplishing a huge task or target.

Some people as part of the Easter dishes and favorite desserts bake “hot cross buns” as another symbol of the season.



Another symbol being lilies are exchanged during the Easter festival as celebrations are not complete without lilies. According to the American Bible Society, the lilies grow in spring and this is the time of the Easter celebrations. Some people also think that they look like trumpets and that symbolizes Christ’s resurrection.

COVID-19, as we all know is the current crisis that the world is undergoing and we are all facing testing times. It’s my request to all employees of MBE Inc. that are in Pakistan, Canada or the United States, please fight it out. Please stay united in this critical time and don’t panic as panic is not the answer. It is neither the solution to what’s happening as it would only make things worse for us and for the company. Stay positive and stay safe at home. Ironically, as we all know Corona has taken so many lives all over the world. I am truly blessed to be in a country i.e. Canada, which is highly equipped to handle all kinds of extreme and disastrous situations.

The world has been facing pandemics for 100 years, maybe more. However, this is the best time to come out of such a situation. Money is not the answer to the current situation, it’s about survival. Therefore, we all must ensure that we stay like a team wherever we are. Appreciation for all our employees whether in Canada, Pakistan or the USA is important to help each other and motivate with optimism. Soon, by the grace of Almighty, we shall come out of this situation.


It’s not that optimism is important, it’s the only way we can handle a situation like ‘COVID-19’.  Please stay alert if you are at home, or working by any chance, consult the doctor especially if you feel any symptoms of COVID-19. Please make sure that the environment you are living in doesn’t harm people around you. As part of our CSR i.e. Corporate Social responsibilities, we are giving awareness measurements with ground realities to all our customers. This is especially for those customers that are coming to our hotels i.e. Senator and Algonquin Inn. We can reduce tensions together with optimism as humans have different mental levels. As some people in such a scenario can panic and can get themselves and others into more stressful scenarios. Prefer staying home, as it is important in current times, especially if you are not feeling well or under stress.

As President of MBE Inc. I am highly aware of my roles and responsibilities. I believe that in such a scenario thinking positively is mandatory. Food is everyone’s requirement and we must have a good and healthy diet to avoid stress. Please share your workload while working from home and respect each other without lying. What’s important is that employees have trust in each other, and what they are doing as a team.

MBE Inc. is highly aware and silently observing all employees. Hence, it’s our duty to provide protection whether it’s financially or emotionally.  Govt. is introducing policies of change regards to the current crisis, this is all part of their positive gestures. What’s important for the Canadian Govt. is to get out of this situation rather than getting money from the people. A positive gesture always helps in getting out of extreme situations, i.e. situations we have not created for ourselves.

everyday is crucial in fight against COVID
everyday is crucial in fight against COVID


Even if we are away from work, or working from home, what counts is our strategy and agendas every day. What can we give to our future leaders and ambassadors if we can’t fight the current pandemic named ‘COVID-19’? No army can fight the virus, but if we as the human race are together we can always fight it out. Please give importance to each and everything. Wash your hands regularly, and create an environment of change. Our employees in Canada, Pakistan, and the USA should all feel self-motivated to fight the current pandemic. Most importantly, optimism will definitely keep us motivated from the inside. Save the planet, save your country and save yourselves.


I would like to give special appreciation to all my investors and merchants. Thanks for staying there and thanks for being there, as this is a situation we all are facing. I am pretty sure it’s just a timely scenario. Once we are free from this, our relations will be stronger. Hence, we must have good working bonds with each other for a long long time. What’s more important is the goodwill that we have invested in each other and created a bridge of trust.

Courtesy by Syed Mansoor Naqvi

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s latest policy developments are an ongoing answer to the current fight against ‘COVID-19’. This is part of countrywide change management. Hence, sustainable developments from the Canadian Govt., i.e. resistance through action in the form of ‘WSP’ or Wage Subsidiary Program. As the whole world is undergoing a crisis situation that cannot be taken for granted. In this regard, the Prime Minister has lately announced many policies. These are part and parcel with regard to the current developments of the global crisis. Many businesses have been affected. The country is under lockdown and there are many self-employed workers and SMEs affected. Innumerable small businesses are currently under financial crisis due to ‘COVID-19’.

The aim of the current developments by Justin is to assure financial stability. Therefore, the importance is to highlight that businesses are not fully shut down. The Government wants people can join back work once the conditions are fully stable as normal. Announced by the Honourable Prime Minister in his latest policy developments. Known by the name of the Wage Subsidiary Program, it aims for reforms through policy measurements. This is as part of the recovery and sustenance efforts by the Canadian Govt. Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak and to overcome its financial effects. Loans are offered by the Govt. to SME’s preferably, and to large businesses.

The Govt. has announced a loan recovery program also for self-employed workers so that their losses can be sustained. This means making reconciliations to make sure that no Self-employed worker sustains losses. A work from the home facility is readily available for people in Canada according to Justin Trudeau’s Policies. Furthermore, the Govt. is offering work sharing as well. Applies to those whose close relatives are undergoing the effects of Coronavirus. These are people who can’t work even from home.


A ‘WSP’ or Wage subsidiary program is a policy program. This is as part of the recovery process i.e. introduced by the Canadian Govt. as a reconciliation. The employer shall have to pay just 25%, the rest of it shall be paid by the Govt. This is in order to avoid a jobless scenario for any employee.

The application of this program is on the first $58,700 of the wages. Hence. this means $847/week of payments by the Govt. due to the crisis. Wage Subsidiary Program will help fast in the recovery process. Ironically, as redundancies and a jobless scenario is the next level threat in such a pandemic. Hence, it is also is a form of ‘Employment Insurance’ or EI, as it assures employment to a great extent.

According to the Prime Miniter Justin Trudeau, the number of employees in an organization will not be a factor that might eliminate the subsidy. The elimination from a subsidy is only for non-profit organizations and charities as they are not regular taxpayers.

The regular taxpayers whether the employers or the employee shall benefit the most from the program. This is all part of the ‘Economic Life Support’ which the Govt. has recently announced for a fast recovery from the current scenario. ‘Wage Subsidiary Program’ shall take effect from a backdate i.e. 15th March. As mentioned by Mr. Trudeau in his much-anticipated speech. This means April wages will not get affected for all employees that are eligible for a ‘WSP’ or Wage Subsidiary Program.


It is a huge step forward by the Canadian Govt. to help employers keep people on their respectable payrolls. The program is definitely for eligible and qualifying businesses as Prime Minister Justin has strictly warned that no fraud shall be treated with respect. In case of false claims and any forgery reported to authorities. The Canadian authorities shall be taking judicial action against the businesses. This shall be in case of heavy penalties to the businesses making false claims.

The program shall be effective for businesses if they have incurred revenues by less than 30% due to COVID-19. Business eligibility is a very important factor for the Govt. as there are many businesses in Canada that hold higher eligibility for the policy and they shouldn’t be left behind.

Government funded loans for businesses
Government funded loans for businesses


Prime Minister Justin also announced the availability of loans from the financial crown courts that can be up to $40K. This means SME’s if they can prove to the Govt. that they have incurred heavy losses due to ‘COVID-19’. They shall be eligible for loans that can rise up to $40K.

These amounts shall obviously be decided by the Govt. according to the losses that are highly proved by the business owners. SME’s or Small and Medium Enterprises are more in danger of coming into a crisis situation than large businesses. The best part of this is that under certain circumstances up to $10K of loans could become non-repayable. This is applicable only in scenarios where the business owners can prove that the businesses can’t pay back and the loan of up to $10K should be wiped off.

The loan scenario is a bit different for large businesses, however, in most circumstances, it is for SMEs. Ironically, they are the ones that are most affected under the current crisis of ‘COVID-19’ according to the Prime Minister.

Canda Emergency response benefit
Canda Emergency response benefit


 CERB’ is a dedicated benefits scheme for people who lost their jobs, got sick and went into quarantine in current times. It is a program that offers income support for a period of 16 weeks. The amount that the Govt. shall pay to those who are eligible is $2000 per month until the situation gets stable.

A response benefit scheme that shows the strength of the Canadian economy under such extreme and helpless circumstances due to the pandemic ‘COVID-19’. Prime Minister, Justin is positive that Canada will fight against ‘COVID-19’ with full force, determination, and brains.


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