Articles by "end of september 2020"

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Team motivation during the Pandemic COVID-19 can be a tough scenario. This can happen as employees can get easily demotivated due to different circumstances. This can lead due to be staying away from work for a long period. Hence, also lacking mental fitness attached to a remote working environment. In a few cases, this is true that a remote working environment needs more focus and a dedicated approach. A helpful approach that helps in an optimistic progression. Another key factor is the forming of new values under the strain. Furthermore, the employees gain fresh perspectives on their organization and its leadership. Motivating employees with due authority in the COVID-19 scenario is different than other scenarios. This is precisely due to the demanding nature of the pandemic.

COVID-19 is yet another financial crisis apart from the many that have resulted in big failures for many companies. No matter how well your business is running Pre-COVID-19 & during the current circumstances. Hence, there are many external forces that will keep testing you. These include the company culture and how well you can adapt to changes. Furthermore, resolve these changes for a better tomorrow. If you are a leader, leading a team of professionals and dedicated employees with authority. On top of this, your team doesn’t depend on what you say. For the sake of dedication for larger mission and values. The influencing factor of the message is by the chosen communication mediums.

Motivating the employees through a crisis needs an immense amount of attitude


Motivating the employees through a crisis needs an immense amount of attitude, talent, and determination for a true leader. It not only demands a high quality of leadership skills. But, it also demands consistency and decision making that can have a huge impact on the future. The following are some useful tips for the future.


 Communicating the vision time & again is a necessary part of the key motivating procedures that involve leadership with authority. Strongly and consistently reminding your vision to yourself and the team. It will definitely make the team realize that they are after their targets in the best of ways. Make sure that you keep reminding your team of the long journey even in the COVID-19 period and while working remotely. Ironically, the two major factors in the pathway of your vision and company’s vision include inspiring & motivating people. It’s the task of the leadership to communicate with their team players in the best possible ways. This communication with the team will make your team be more connected to the company’s purpose and its sustainable mission.  Hence, re-communicating the vision can also empower productivity to higher levels within the team.


It’s one of the tasks of the motivating leadership factors to let employees be more open to questions. Asking questions will definitely help the team players clear their doubts. This is regards to any project or a key task or mission. The team players in the company can easily see what’s on everyone else’s mind if they keep a question/answer question. In the case of a high-performing team and their core values. Ironically, the best thing is that those questions will be productive and meaningful. On top of this, the key is that the questions stay in the right direction and attitude.


Mixing up the delivery channels in times of the pandemic COVID-19. Hence, it is a huge measure that will boost the employee in a friendly team environment. Therefore, a team environment in COVID-19 shouldn’t get boring. Otherwise, there will be more ways to get pressurized at work than working in a chill environment.

The various delivery channels & communication medium includes, ZOOM, Skype, Facebook, & WhatsApp and a variety in the usage is highly attached to the psychological reasons. Change is the best recipe according to many pundits from Work from home. It is indeed the spice of life. Apart from this, something that can increase the disturbed motivational attitude of some or many team players. This is primarily related to aspects of change management in a company. Also, attached to more values that are indeed good for the motivating factors.


Telling stories that are related to the events and happenings holds a huge amount of interest. Hence, this is apart from the authority for team players demonstrated by the leaders. Hence as well as boosting their emotional intelligence aspects. Similar scenarios of the past related to stories of the real world corporate culture. Furthermore, the examples are taken as productive case studies to resolve issues. Hence, COVID-19 a unique and latest pandemic is one of its kind. It also demands a huge variety and flexibility in the attitude of team leaders. As it’s the sole responsibility of the leaders to create a ladder for their team while leading & motivating for future agendas.

The Hotel online presence holds huge importance in terms of marketability and promotional campaigns. It is known as ‘online marketing’ and holds significance due to the impact of online marketing in Digital marketing. An attractive website is highly demanding in formulating a strategy to attract customers and increasing the presence and its appeal. It is more impactful in Hotels Marketing and developing a highly digital marketing strategy. Strategies can vary according to the ratings of the Hotels and its online presence worldwide.

Hotel online marketing
Hotel online marketing


Online marketing holds impactful importance in the hotel industry. It is mainly because these days most people prefer to search online for hotels and holiday Inns. Websites like and are quite famous. They are one of the most looked at websites for finding hotels in the Hotels and Tourism Industry. They are directed to the company websites, the ones that hold all the information for the hotels. Also holds information about its location and what you are looking for precisely. It’s just not online marketing, it’s making a worthwhile use of online marketing. As well as keeping the customers in mind.

These are one of the best hotels sites for price comparison according to customer’s demands. Some of the websites are;

  • Booking .com
  • Kayak
  • Priceline
  • com
  • Hotels Combined
  • Expedia(which owns Travelocity and Orbitz)
  • Agoda

Hotels marketing strategy
Hotels marketing strategy


Hotels marketing strategy in online marketing is based on how a hotel will market its image. Also matters most is creating its value as a ‘brand’. In hotel branding, there are certain key variables that are of huge importance. The following is the list of key variables that are included in a hotel;

  1. Star rating of a Hotel e.g. Five stars or Four Star
  2. Honeymoon suite key images
  3. Conference Room highlighted images
  4. Dining Halls images
  5. Banquet Halls images
  6. Gym Facilities key images
  7. Swimming Pool images
  8. Sitting areas and Smoking zones sound images
  9. Children Play Areas images
  10. Single Rooms and Double Rooms images.

All these pictures are highly precious in determining the ambiance, style, and uniqueness of a hotel. Furthermore, it is also useful in determining a successful online marketing strategy.

The online marketing strategy must focus on cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, what exactly customers are looking for in hotels. Lastly, how a customer should give its true value while staying in the hotel.

Getting knowledge i.e. (brand image) via a hotel is not only common but it has become part of the diversified marketing strategies. It significantly defines the marketing goal, the marketing environment, and the vision for long term marketing needs. Why Hotel marketing is not easy? Precisely the answer is because of the amount of competition in the hotel industry and uniquely attaining marketing milestones. Every Hotel has incredible creative insights to create a marketing environment. They have their best brand campaigners, managers, and interactive & attractive staff. Actually, these are people who are the true ambassadors of their hotels in the hotel and tourism industry.

Marketing Aims
Marketing Aims


However, the aim should be to attract new customers via various online marketing tools. This is done by creating demand amongst the consumers of facilities and attracting them with seasonal offers. The best way is to have lucrative seasonal offers on hotels and restaurants. As an example occasion of Xmas, New Year, Diwali, and Eid festivals. The consumer’s feasibility should hold priority while formulating a winning marketing strategy.

Some of the Most Profound marketing ways in the Hotel industry are as follows;

  1. Chat-based Services

    The importance of Chat-based services is for good customer interactions, fast services and rendering personalized services for customers.

  2. Devising Loyalty Programs

    Loyalty programs for the customer, especially for old customers. These loyalty programs should be based on customer’s facts and figures.

  1. Hotel Virtual Tour

    A Hotel’s Virtual Tour is an online Tour of the Hotels that is an attraction for customers. It is a detailed Tour showing everything that the customer needs.

  1. Optimizing Guests Insights

    Having the customer’s insights into marketing campaigns that is a focused marketing strategy. The focus is the customers that are the core behind every hotel’s marketing especially their goals and variable platforms.

  1. Tracking Guests via CRM

    CRM is a Customer Relationship management system, i.e. only for customers. It keeps a track of the customer’s activities, their likes, and dislikes and what are their needs. Customer needs are most important while devising hotel marketing strategies.


The MBE Hospitality industry started with the acquisition of Senator Hotel Timmins. Senator is being one of the best conference Hotels is located in the hearts of Timmins. Also beautifully located hotel with gorgeous surroundings. The priorities are with respect to showing the ambiance and style of the conference hotel in Timmins. The recently held Northern Ontario Tourism Summit is a huge proof of the conference hotel’s mega activities in Timmins. For online marketing is the website that is used mostly. It also shows discount offers and the most amazing and hot seasonal deals and packages. Hence, a very interactive and highly revealing site for the customers.

Another acquisition apart from The Senator and Algonquin. Yet another vital achievement in the Hotels Industry, Algonquin Inn Lakeside view is a beautifully located Holiday resort. Online marketing is based on the website and is a highly profound marketing & informative website.

CRM or Customer relationship management is a part of the most useful feedback system and dynamic marketing strategies.

Marketing strategies are based on the environment, events & happenings taking place in the Holiday resort.


The year that has just started i.e. 2020 will be seeing many new marketing trends behaviours and analysis. The previous year was seen as a busy one for marketing and marketing trends lately, especially in digital marketing. In digital marketing, the trends change at a very rapid pace. This is mainly due to the number of digital marketing mediums that are active on the World Wide Web. These social media platforms include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Myspace, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, TikTok, Tumbir, WeChat, Instagram, WhatsApp, and YouTube.

According to the stats, the number of users for all these websites has changed since 2004. Furthermore, so are the trends in their applications and in digital marketing. Digital marketing trends means how the consumer’s behaviours have changed since the start of the first social media.

The literal meaning of ‘Trends’ relates to fashion in any industry. Mainly the ‘Trends’ means the most common behaviours of people according to a certain product or its usage. Also related to the most favourable and dynamic options that are seen more commonly than the others.

In digital marketing, the trends are according to the demographics as well. However, since lately it relates to online consumer behaviour options and also according to the country. However, since social media came it has changed many things and many perceptions.

predictive marketing
predictive marketing


We are currently in the age where data is vast, abundant and holds many platforms. These platforms are for engaging people with each other interactively especially in 2020. There are multiple channels of digital communications and marketing mediums that have transformed. These transformations are according to the needs of the modern age. It is in a highly unstructured and disorganized manner in which the content is mostly consumed. Hence, there needs to be a lot of homework before making a buying decision.

Predictive marketing means looking at existing positive data patterns and to anticipate results accordingly. The anticipation of the results is definitely based on patterns, stats, figures and past trends. Something that holds huge importance especially in the range of 5-10 years.

Some most common usage of predictive marketing in 2020 will be identifying the likeliness of a new lead. Hence, making a purchase decision and the sequence of a message to deliver to them.

There are many industries in this new age that has invested in the intelligence for predictive marketing. As an example, Hotels and Resorts have the dynamic ability that they can determine the number of guests. This is most likely on a day or an event to increase their booking rate.

smarter Ad bidding
smarter Ad bidding


According to previous stats that are based on the previous year’s performances of two big IT giants i.e. Google and Facebook. The giants are giving each other big competitions in smarter ad bidding. They are truly getting the best to spend using smarter ad bidding options i.e. another marketing trend. In fact, ad bidding in this modern world of marketing holds huge importance. It is the first thing that Facebook and Google teach during their training sessions. Both companies are getting creative with new options every day and bringing new features in smarter ad bidding. One of the features in smart ad bidding is “auction-time-bidding”. In this feature, Google holds the best signal, which is helpful in making the right bid at the right time. Commonly, known as ‘Auction’ and in technical know-how, it is known as Action-time bidding. The smart bidding features include different bidding strategies as follows;

  • Target CPA
  • Target ROAS
  • Maximize Conversions
  • Enhanced CPC

Both companies are doing more efforts in smart ad bidding by bridging the gaps between local experiences and advertisers.

One of the modern trends - Shoppable posts
One of the modern trends – Shoppable posts


Shoppable Posts has increased lately and its part of the social media campaigns over 2 years now. In the current year i.e. 2020, there will be a huge storm in shopping posts on social media. This is primarily because the retail giants are using social media for their adverts and real-time marketing.

With the involvement of third-party apps and e-commerce marketing tech. Therefore, its a process achieved via all this throughout of the box integrations. This new environment is part of the marketing trends that we discussed earlier. Therefore, it is on the rise at a fast rate as well due to multiple reasons.

SEO structured data
SEO structured data


Yet another Marketing trend with SEO Structured data is based on google search results and its analysis. A significant change in the number of visitors that a specific business is getting. This is mainly from organic efforts and SEO is expected to decline.  An effort from the most wanted search engine Google. This obviously means more informed click-through and how it will bring a dramatic decrease in the bounce rates. The technical implementation of this rich snippets is known as Structured Data. Used mainly as an online marketing trends analysis. In the new age, digital marketing its a huge and common trend.


As part of the dynamic digital media trends analysis, interactive e-mails have been highly popular, convenient and user-friendly. A number 1 design trend in e-mail marketing for people who use the internet mostly. These emails are to-the-point, engaging and focused They are known as engagement-based emails in digital marketing terms.

Some key examples of dynamic content are polls, quizzes, surveys, animated call-to-action buttons, and add-to-calendar events. All these are very useful in decision making for consumers.


With the increase in communications medium and enhancement in chat technology, digital marketing trends have turned to new dimensions. From their preferred messaging channels. More potential buyers and existing customers can interact with each other. The mediums are larger in the amount as well as well scattered across the web. Hence, making communications easier and far more interactive.

Some examples of such applications are WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, and WeChat. The quickest, and most profound use of technology. The aim is signifying the goal of digital marketing, i.e. reducing time and increasing the marketing goals.


Templated marketing is a user-defined and customer-based approach in marketing trends analysis. As an example: running a paid campaign requires more than one components. This includes a landing page, a form, and a lead data platform. It requires 3 tools of communications with each other and its a highly synchronized process. The focus for the marketers should be cutting downtime, decreasing costs and increasing the content focus.

Highly focused marketing medium and one of the key digital marketing trends in 2020. The email marketing automation will surely save your time and energy. It will continue working in the background while you will be performing your other business responsibilities.


This trend has started to pick up pace in the year 2020. Therefore, as a bit, more than 50% of online searches shall be voice-based in the current year. Google Home, Microsoft Cortana and Alexa are some examples of smart speakers. Also thanking some startups that include Blutag and Jetson that are online sellers. Turning their products into voice-enabled marketplaces just for the selling and letting customers for order placement with voice commands. A new age innovation with voice search commands.


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