Articles by "end of january 2021"

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The Ontario Tourism industry has been on a high receiving end due to the pandemic COVID-19. This is as compared to the Tourism industry in the rest of the Canadian provinces. The industry challenges in Ontario are on a higher side. More importantly as the main city and tourism spot of the Province is Toronto. The largest city of Canada and also the biggest financial hub has suffered heavily . This is mainly due to the pandemic COVID-19 and its drastic financial impacts. Apart from Toronto, the other city that has suffered heavily is the Capital of Canada, i.e. Ottawa. The federal and state capital has seen many lows due to ban on international travel. Furthermore, strict measurements on nation-wide travelling as well as social distancing laws in practice.

The hospitality industry in the Province has also witnessed the drastic and extreme effects of Pandemic COVID-19. As the situation gets dire, it’s the responsibility of the Canadian Govt. to take some drastic measures. Concurrently, while improving things for the sake of the Ontario Govt. According to a useful survey from TIAO, i.e. Tourism Industry Association of Ontario, the situation is getting worse for businesses. Importantly, those that have reliance on the restricted activities, i.e. travel, large gatherings and indoor dining.

According to a survey from business owners in Ontario. A huge two-third of the business owners told the organisation Reps from TIAO. They claimed that Wage Subsidy and Rent Relief program has helped them in form of huge Govt. support. They also laid emphasis that more businesses could have ended up on a closing note or bankruptcy if Govt. programs i.e. Wage Subsidy Program and Rent Relief Program had not been active.


According to TIAO, the Ontario Tourism and Hospitality sector is a huge advantage. Hence, it is a big boost for The Canadian economy at the same time. It not only acts as a catalyst in the economic support of the Ontario province. However, the worth is also huge in the Ontario Tourism & Hospitality sector. The estimated worth of Ontario Tourism and Hospitality industry is $36 billion. This is huge in terms of revenue generation for the specific sector. Furthermore, TIAO also claimed that the sector is the largest employer of youth in the province. A huge workforce, i.e. 23% is aged between the ages of 15 to 24. Hence, the ‘age-range’ determines the huge interest of the Canadian youth in making careers in the Tourism & Hospitality sector.


TIAO or Tourism Industry Association of Ontario is an organisation that is the monitoring body and Voice of Tourism for Province Ontario. It is a body that realises the key importance of why tourism should take place smoothly in Ontario. It is also an association that realises the importance of Toronto and Ottawa. These are the two main cities of Canada in terms of hospitality industry as well as the Tourism sector. The organisation is also a voice as well as a watch dog for the importance of Tourism. Hence, on top of this, as an economic driver in creating new jobs. Diversified and distinguished jobs in the Tourism sector in Ontario will help in bringing stability. Furthermore, also bringing the economy of Ontario like it was earlier, i.e. Pre-COVID-19.

The organisation has 200,000 businesses and 400,000 employees that are working collectively. They are active especially to take on pressing policy issues that affect the Ontario Tourism Industry. They have been actively sharing and passing the concerns of businesses regards to the issues in Tourism Ontario. The body has also been actively participating in combating regional issues and concerns that have risen due to the pandemic COVID-19.

Employee engagement has been one of the necessities of a corporate environment. It also holds vital importance in terms of growth, prosperity and discipline. The key is being busy for positive results, success orientation & achieving goals with a positive attitude. Engaging employees is not only a challenge during the pandemic. This is primarily because of work from home and managing work with discipline. Hence, but it’s also necessity to achieve the future targets.

Why communication is so important while working from home and keeping employees motivated? The answer is simple, communication gaps can create issues especially while working remotely. Ironically, these issues can be a bit difficult to resolve apart from normal circumstances. This is also because of flexible working hours and changing employee attitudes and behaviours. Employee behaviours can change because of working in a relaxed environment. Hence, unable to cope up with the challenges like in normal circumstances.


The huge importance of motivation while working remotely can never be denied for prospective goals. Therefore, it is the role of the HR and higher management to keep engaging and motivating employees. This is for the employees positive attitudes and their effective working mannerism. Working from home can lead to many factors that includes boredom, lacking attitude, corporate environment & corporate professionalism. The necessity of working in a corporate environment holds key priorities. Particularly, for a professional behaviour and discipline while achieving the targets.


Corporate issues concerning employee engagement is a very common thing while working remotely. However, with the effective use of information technology and digital media this has been minimised to a certain extent. Employee engagement means keeping employee busy for their goals and finding a professional strategy to interact. It is however necessary to know the levels of interactions and the time frame needed for positive interactions. Employee interactions and engagements should be a priority as well as highly effective in terms of results.

Employee engagement also helps employees stay connected. Teamwork, team development and positive interactions are all the key measures achieved during employee engagement. A team holds the power of connectivity and team unity that is necessary in achieving the desired objectives. On the other hand being transparent in dealing with issues and communicating on all grounds is a must. Transparency is more important while working remotely, than it is in a real corporate culture. Being transparent and achieving targets with a focused approach makes things easy going for future development programs.


Being proactive to achieve future targets is the attitude of the most professionals. It means you are ready in advance to take the challenges and you know well how to tackle them proactively. A proactive behaviour means a lot for the attitude of employees. Hence, as they know well how to get to their future targets. Effectively, while they are away from office and working remotely. Therefore, the proactive elements make them realise the importance of managing tasks. On top of this, dealing with issues remotely with the help of technology.


Working in a remote environment is mainly due to the employee safety measures that is a priority. COVID-19 has been a cause of many deaths and the issues are still ongoing. Employee’s motivation while making sure safety elements are achieved can be possible with the help of an effective digital environment. An effective digital environment means, working remotely with no human interactions. Furthermore, making sure if there is human interaction there must be social distancing. Hence, that is a necessity, and finally a highly strong internet connection for success with an effective digital platform.


Addressing mental wellness is something that can be achieved while working remotely. Employee engagement and motivation helps in maintaining mental wellness that can arise while working from home. It’s the utmost responsibility of management to make sure that mental illness stays away from employees. Especially, while they are busy and they lack a proper work culture. Therefore, designing set of activities and tasks and regular gossiping online, helps a lot in achieving breakthroughs in mental wellness. ‘All work & no play makes jack a dull boy’, a saying that easily highlights why it is important for people to engage with each other apart from their daily targets.

There is always contingency planning that is sustainable for the future. Simultaneously, there can be fruitful impacts on an individual’s or a firm’s situation. Similarly, there should be an action plan when CERB or EI runs out. Hence, there is a question mark hanging in front of you. Finally, as an individual, you will have to decide what needs doing to encounter your financial barriers. In addition to this acting fast in terms of the recovery process.

Being part of good luck in times of extreme situations in COVID-19 and its adverse effects. Fortunately for many business owners goodness, the CERB period has been extended from 16 to 24 weeks. This is not only a good recovery opportunity in contingency planning. Hence, but is also an added advantage for the beneficiaries of the scheme. Lastly, the thing is that it has to run out someday. Significantly, as it is applicable for those only who qualify for the EI i.e. employment insurance in times of Pandemic.


Even in times of limited prospects during this era of COVID-19. An individual will have to look out for work effectively as part of the contingency planning measures. Only being positive doesn’t help that’s why work is the only solution that upholds. No one can deny the fact that probability might be on a lower side if CERB or EI runs out. However, hope is always attached to it regarding financial aspects. Even if you are striving for work in your own field.

Hence, at least you can pull some strings attached to other fields of work. This might give you lesser money, but still, you will end up working and paying off your bills. Temporary or permanent doesn’t bother much in these times. However, the various fields include nannies, retail workers, musicians & servers. Also includes small business owners and many more in various different lines of work. Improve your interview skills apart from your competence levels for better contingency planning. Even in the dark circumstances of the pandemic, your efforts will never let you down and out.

The best recommendations are signing up with job alerts i.e. on a regular basis. For effective use of the tool, Multiple-career search engines are the best choice. This is in addition to the various job sites that are active online. Another important step is getting hold of recruiters and also referencing free federal and provincial resources. Also make sure, if you are in a position to take interviews than safety is the priority. Strong safety measures must be part of the active considerations. Hence, apart from the safety priority measures, these are other strong measures that are adopted. Safety assurance in these current times of pandemic is the best possible positive approach.

industries changing
industries changing


Changing the industries as part of the contingency measures if CERB or EI runs out is not only good for your long term growth prospects. However, but also for the sake of slight change management that is needed as mandatory. Examples include anything to do with at-home delivery or Safety equipment. In addition to this health care, online media, and marketing technologies in order to make working from home more efficient. Also, the sector of digital banking is a huge boost in demand for digital media and workplace opportunities. This is a more opportunistic approach as businesses like day homes, restaurants, and bars, travels and events are the fields that will be struggling for years to come.

reduction fixed expenses
reduction fixed expenses


Also as part of the contingency, a slight change in lifestyle will help for a much better and securer tomorrow. Reduce your fixed expenses takes more time to cut as compared to variable expenses but will definitely help for a short time interval.

Cross-referencing a major financial decision more than one time will definitely help you make a good analysis of the current circumstances.

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