Articles by "end of december 2020"

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The sustainable renewal of the Canadian economy has huge dependencies. These dependencies are on how effectively can the Govt. of Canada make fruitful investments in the Ecosystem. Hence, according to a sustainability report from The World Economic forum’s most recent Global risk report. It reveals that the top five threats for survival are environmental. As an example, we can mention the 2013 southern Alberta floods which caused $2billion in insurable losses. Therefore, it needs heavy investing in the ecosystems to bring sustainable developments to the Canadian economy.

This is simply a demonstration of the number of losses that occur. This is when during the city planning the natural ecosystem is not taken into consideration. Yet another disaster happened in the same year. A major flood in the city of Toronto resulted in insured property damage of approximately $850 million. The two disasters are one of the costliest in the history of the Canadian economy.

Some more realistic research includes The Canadian Food Inspection Agency. According to the estimates, the annual impacts of invasive species on the Great Lakes and the agriculture and forestry sectors account for $30 billion per year. Furthermore, regards to Forestry, The Canadian forest Service estimates that the Emerald Ash Borer invasion will result in a huge amount. Hence, this needs heavy investing of $ 2 billion in tree damage. This also includes the removal and replacement over the next 30 years.


Known as the Ecosystem, this is a segment of a country or defined area. It includes all the living organisms. Also, comprises species including plants, trees, and other living things. Defined in a more sophisticated way as the interaction between two. These interactions are between the living organisms and the non-living components in a particular area.

A variety of the types of natural ecosystems found in Canada are forests & wetlands. Furthermore, includes grasslands, tundra lakes, rivers, and the coastal and marine systems. Modified according to the needs of natural ecosystems. This happened after a series of transformations made for and by humans in form of investments. The transformation or the modifications of these ecosystems is into urban centers and agricultural lands. Therefore, the care of these transformed ecosystems is the sole responsibility of the Govt. and environmental agencies in sustainable Canada.


While we discuss further the ecosystems in Canada. We must know that the forests in Canada cover a huge land of the whole area of Canada, i.e. 40% of the area. These are huge figures for a country that is massive in area. Hence, 2nd only to Russia in forest percentage to the area, and total covered area. This area is a huge 347 million hectares and accounts for approximately 9% of the total World’s forests. Forests are a great source of natural resources for the economy as they provide food, timber, medicines, and other less obvious services. Includes water filtration, climate regulation, and carbon sequestration as part of the services. These services are claimed to be less obvious ones. Automatically, the more the covered area, the more investment needs to be done.

The wetlands in Canada also play a huge part in their ecosystems known formally as ecology. It covers over approximately 150 million hectares in Canada or 15% of Canada and a huge quarter i.e. 25% of the World’s Wetlands. As compared with the rest of the World’s Wetlands. A quarter i.e. 25% is considered huge although it doesn’t seem huge in writing. These are essential resources for water filtration, water flows, and obviously flood control. Flood control and water flows are a major part of the environmental sustainability aspects in Canada that needs investing higher amounts annually.


Impacts associated with the risks can be heavy in terms of sustainable developments. To the Eco-system, the number of risks associated is huge in terms of magnitude in Canada. The Canadians, however, may not be aware of the number of risks their Eco-system and economy are facing. These risks include the loss of fish and the loss of animals to hunt.

Also, includes the flowering plants that help in delivering functions for the pollinators as well as many of our crops. Highly critical for sustenance is reducing the huge amount of risks faced by the Ecosystem. This is so that the citizens keep enjoying the goods and services provided in the ecology.

Other major resources from the Ecosystem at risk are the Wetlands. The role of the Wetlands is also huge in flood and erosion control. Therefore, it needs necessary investing in sustainability projects for the Wetlands. They also play a major part in pest management, groundwater recharge and retention, pollution abatement, and the key maintenance of biodiversity. Part of the recreational assets used in Canada is bird watching & waterfowl hunting. The losses need to be controlled as it would lead to huge costs for the region. These costs are in terms of damage and maintenance due to flooding. Other vital grey areas that need investing for sustainable developments are mainly for the sake of damage control measures when flooding is expected.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is happy over the Win of Biden as President-elect & being the President of the United States after the tenure of Donald Trump that ends on 20th January 2021 next year. Joseph Biden is elected as the 46th President of the United States of America, a country that is still a superpower & holds the biggest border with neighbors Canada. There are immense challenges & opportunities that the Govt. of Biden has to fight since his start as President of the USA in 2021.


As part of the challenges attached to the new Govt., COVID-19 is one of the challenges.  Therefore, President-elect will have to work mutually with his Canadian counterpart Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Ironically, while fighting for Climate Change in Canada & the USA. Climate change is an ongoing issue which both governments have fought in the past with mutual alliances. Hence, they hold similar sentiments with the current President-elect. Joseph Biden, along with Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris both have shown warm ties. The ties are immensely shown with the Canadian Govt. & its respectable leaders. Biden in his statement clearly stated that the friendship between Canada & United States is vitally important for the USA.

The country has suffered the biggest number of cases & deaths due to the current pandemic COVID-19 & its devastation in the United States of America. Joseph Biden is a member of the Democratic Party. He also served as the 47th Vice President of the United States. A tenure under the influential leadership of the Obama & Trump Administration. A leader who has immense responsibility on his shoulders regards to the current situation. The ongoing circumstances in the USA regard to the Pandemic COVID-19. A virus that originated from China’s Hubei province. Unfortunately, started showing its impacts in the USA in Feb 2020, ending up in lockdowns since March 2020.


As there have been several proceedings that have already started since the leaders of the two nations have met. There are definite plans to open-up the Canada-US Border that has been closed since March 2020. Ironically, due to the rising effects of COVID-19 & its precautionary measures. The two countries have utilized the border with good effects in the past and have demonstrated mutual relationships in terms of bilateral trade & foreign affairs.

Canadians need to shift their mindset & be more flexible as According to a Political science Professor from Carleton University in Ottawa. Miss MacDonald emphasized that we can’t always rely on the USA for bilateral trade & relations, we need to diversify our markets. However, in the recent past before the pandemic, the reliance has been on a higher side. Hence, the two countries have always enjoyed their bilateral terms with each other. This also relates to travel & tourism along with bilateral trade.

Obesity is a big issue especially faced in the North American region due to obese environments, fatty foods, busy & fast routines, and uncontrolled diets. Especially in the Canadian region, it’s an alarming indicator, a disease that strictly relates to future health issues. Additionally for problems that relate to being overweight and lack of maintenance of a proper lifestyle on a daily basis. However, most health and fitness researchers and diet experts have their variable understandings. Most of them believe that it’s a chronic disease instead of being a lifestyle issue.



According to a survey conducted in Canada, more than one-quarter of Canadians are obese. It’s because of their eating and dining habits. Obesity is a multifactorial and progressive disease that is facing many challenges in North America. Apart from this, it can be complex as well depending on a personal situation. This alias ‘Disease’ is similar in nature to diabetes and high blood pressure. However, still, 47% of the employers believe that the weights are within their controls.  A huge amount i.e. 63% also believes that people with obesity issues can manage their weights. They can do this through their optimistic mindset and regular mental and physical exertions.

Motivation is the key to reducing the levels of obesity. It is also determinant in how fast can an obese person get closer to his/her original fitness levels. People with obesity lack motivation levels, according to a huge 72% of health-care providers. They are assertive that they lack the motivation to manage their own weights. According to a report from ACTION whose acronym is Awareness, Care, and Treatment In Obesity Management Study. The motive of this study is to create awareness on a global scale. Apart from this the treatments for obesity and complete management of Obesity with timelines.

However, in another related study from ACTION, a devastating 82% of people with obesity say that they are highly motivated. This is for managing their obesity and has an active engagement in their weight management practices.



Motivation’, a word very commonly and significantly used in creating self-awareness in weight loss treatments. Either the individual can motivate themself or create awareness. This can be created through motivational & awareness programs similar to that of the study called the ‘ACTION’ study.

Creating the diabetes awareness on a global level, the specialists are practitioners play a massive role. In addition to diabetes are various heart diseases, and other obesity-related diseases and illnesses. The motive of the study ACTION similar to its name significance means taking immediate actions for health issues. Also, getting remedies for obesity problems and finally the best treatments and diagnosis. The organization is highly particular in achieving true results. Also for creating self-awareness through surveys and programs and finally increasing the motivation levels for self-action.

Hence, with a deeper understanding of their lifestyles, people can easily self-motivate themselves to encounter obesity problems. Why lifestyle matter? A very common question amongst people living in an obese environment. It relates to everyday eating habits, regular exercising i.e. gym activity or increasing fitness levels. A busy lifestyle at work means obesity can come because of eating habits. Meditation activities, regular walking, hiking, and regular exercises can play a huge part in controlling obesity issues.


Employers in Canada need to treat obesity as a chronic disease and move it out of the lifestyle category. A report based on a survey of 2000 people with obesity Canada, 395 health-care providers, and 150 employers. For the sole purpose of effective weight management, there is an immense need for access to some diverse treatments of this disease. These include paying for the medications and additionally paying for psychology for obese people. It also includes research activities, support and health-care, and diet care specialists.

In the first and foremost instance moving it to the category of chronic diseases will definitely have a psychological impact. This will be on the mentality of most obese people. Hence, that will definitely help them in breaking any mental barriers. Also, effectively using the employer’s support in combatting issues of obesity.

Preference in walking to the workplaces, cycling, or immediately going for exercise from their workplace. Greater employer support will also help in creating an environment of change for the employees. On top of this, also convincing them mentally that fitness levels will make them happier and motivated at the workplace.

According to stats and research related to Obesity in Canada. 50% of employers feel that they are an important partner in managing the weight. The health-care providers feel as well that the employers are important are 43% according to similar surveys.

Some other stats show that a huge 77% say that their wellness programs contribute to successful weight management. This is a sharp contrast to the perspective of people with obesity i.e. 32%.



The responsibility of an individual in this regard is collectively more important and holds priority. This is in comparison to the employer’s support in regards to their weight management program. ‘Weight management’ is part of a healthy lifestyle. It is also necessary for the awakening of smart measures while working 9-5 or working for your own business. Individuals, irrespective of their positions shouldn’t be ignoring the adverse effects of smoking, overeating, & high sugar intakes causing increased obesity. However, the main reasons are an increase in cholesterol levels by eating fatty products and junk food.

An individual’s responsibility must strictly adhere to their BMI i.e. Body Mass Index checks on a regular basis to make sure that they get into the ideal weight category. This is a necessary health check sooner rather than later. In order to turn to weight-loss solutions for current and prospective customers. Health-care providers and practitioners do similar BMI checks as routine procedures.

Many health-care providers strongly recommend that diet and exercises is the best treatment with quick results for obesity Canada. Good motivational books on the subject of weight reduction through diet. Hence, these books are the ones that shall influence the readers in being smart weight watchers.

Exercise acts like the best medicine in reducing weight levels and acting smart according to the demands of society. Very few people think that medication works best in reducing the weight of obese people. However, there are a number of people who think in favor of positive treatment. They precisely believe that exercise and a healthy diet is an essential aspect of attaining best and longer results.  Fitness is not only personal responsibility, but it should also be a collective responsibility for a better & perspective tomorrow.


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