Articles by "end of december"

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Christmas is an occasion of love and benevolence celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on 25th December every year. As a festival of love and a celebration in the Christian world and for minorities in non-Christian countries.

Also known as Xmas in western culture is known as a festival of love & being with people. On the Christmas occasion, people celebrate in the form of dining together, Xmas parties, Xmas dinners & feeding the needy and the underprivileged.


Wishes Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020 to everyone from Syed Mansoor Naqvi, President & CEO, Syed Mahmood Naqvi, Vice President & Alamdar Hussain, Country Head, MBE Group of Companies. Kind words from them on their vision for the prosperity of MBE and its vision in 2020, making MBE a more sustainable company for future goals and visions.

holidays on Xmas


Making holidays on the occasion of Christmas holds immense value for people in Western countries. The holiday season normally starts 2-3 days before Christmas and ends just after the New Year day.  Most people prefer spending their holidays in outbound and faraway locations from home. An occasion observed peacefully to attain the blessings from Almighty.

Some people also like staying at their homes, meeting with their relatives and friends. People love get-to gathers to make these 7 days the most memorable ones in the entire year. Those who enjoy their holidays overseas, love the cold weather and snowy conditions. Hence they prefer dining out and staying at their holiday destinations. They love hoteling and staying at the guesthouses and making the most of the holidays with their families.

travelling & tourism


Journeys and expeditions take place on the occasion of Christmas all over the globe. According to a survey, it is more than the expected turnover rest of the year. It is a season of great discounts and dinner offers. Therefore, an advantage for the hospitality industry and increases the value of tourism worldwide. Hotels, guesthouses and holiday Inns are all booked well in advance for celebrations, Christmas parties and dinner gatherings.

Many people also love their travelling and road trips on this occasion. As they like staying in hotels, dining and dancing on their favourite tunes.

Hence, a huge boost for the tourism sector, Christmas is a huge value addition for the Star-rated hotel industry. Especially in areas of heavy snow and special winter spots.


airline industry


Christmas is a season of huge travelling and a constant flow of air traffic, especially in Canada, USA & U.K. In terms of business prospects, Christmas is an immense boost and blessing for the airline industries worldwide. On this occasion passengers globally are offered travel plans, discounted fares and profitable packages on their travellings.

Xmas tree
Christmas tree


The Christmas tree originated from West Germany i.e. now part of United Germany, known today as Germany. The main concept behind this was that of a paradise tree i.e. a fir tree. It was hung with apples that represented the Garden of Eden. It was by the end of the 16th century that Christmas pyramid and the paradise tree had merged. The final result was becoming the Christmas tree i.e. used in modern times.

In the 19th century, England introduced the tree and Prince Albert husband of Queen Victoria had made the tree popular. Gorgeous toys, small gifts, candies, popcorn strings and fancy cakes were used as decorations for the tree. These gifts hung from the branches by ribbons and paper chains. However, it became the fashion symbol by the 19th century & was thus known earlier as the Victorian Tree.

In the 19th & 20th centuries, western missionaries and preachers in China and Japan introduced the tree. Attractive decorations with intricate paper designs were used in China & Japan. The modern sophisticated Xmas tree, the one that looks like it is today is after many transformations. Most symbolically signifies the true importance of bounties, decorations and fruits of the prestigious event.


Christmas dinner


The traditional Christmas dinner features turkey with stuffing. Also includes mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and vegetables such as carrots, turnip, parsnips, etc. With poultry, roasted beef and ham also in the ingredients. It is one of the most gorgeous looking and full of tasty cuisines. Holds mega significance due to the frequency of the feast. Especially, as part of traditions & culture, the West gives immense importance to the Christmas Dinner.

The Christmas dinner drinks menu includes amaretto fizz, Bellini, cranberry, fresh pear & cinnamon bubbles, easy mulled wine, raspberry champagne cocktail, non-alcoholic mulled wine and red wine. Red wine is one of the most common of the Xmas dinner drinks menu all over the world.

Flying with the Christmas wings
Flying with the Christmas wings


Love is truly a bird that needs the wings of Xmas to fly like an eagle. Jesus Christ who was the messiah for mankind and a saviour. Jesus was born of a miracle to mother Mary on 25th December. Hence, the date is observed & celebrated as ‘The Christmas Day’ worldwide in his memory. Someone with supernatural powers and a beautiful mind and known for miracles.

The message he gave to humanity was love and affection and living without fear without any wrongdoing. Christians observed his principles and teachings everywhere in the world.

It’s the responsibility of the people to feed the underprivileged and the needy. In addition to this offering thanksgiving to Almighty for all the provisions.  The occasion is not only a symbol of celebrations for the Christian world. But it is also a symbol of love and passion due to the incredible love for Jesus Christ. Being passionate about the teachings of Christ and following the teachings in the best possible ways.


Being a homeowner is considered one of the prestigious symbols these days. It is indeed a huge mark of honor for a person living in any environment or country. Similarly, Canada, a huge land of opportunities has many requirements for a home. They might include insurance requirements, cleanliness, furniture, heating and lighting, a good living room and ambiance and style in living. Hence, in short, being a homeowner, is just not easy, as it is about maintenance.

How well you can keep your home clean and tidy, well organized and a blessing for the usual guests.
Therefore, a home must have all the relevant ingredients of a charming place to dine in. Family interactions and ways to educate yourself, relax, and a good play area for you and your kids. The motive is to have fun and a fantastic study environment at your home.


Your home interior and exterior must have a clean environment in addition to the ambiance. It should also suit your needs and make you calm and relaxed after a long day. Relaxation after spending long hours in the workplace is important. Hence, a home must be a good place to relax and calm for a homeowner. It is important to relax after the whole week’s tensions and managing work pressures at the workplace.

A clean and ‘organized’ environment is a necessity for relaxation and thinking forward especially your corporate goals. These are goals that are also related to your workplace. An ideal home means you are there to interact with your family, friends, especially playing with your kids. In addition to this, spending some good moments of enjoyment and relaxation.

a modern living style
a modern living style


The living room is a symbol of pride, interactions, socializing and making yourself feel comfortable. The living room must be well decorated, stylish and should be a unique symbol of overwhelming interactions and discussions. Being a ‘Home Owner’ is demanding for many people. Hence, it an illustration of their style, attitude and having conversations with each other in a warm and friendly environment. The living room is designed especially with ambiance for having complete family time and a family get to-gather.
A perfect living room should be the aim if you are not socializing. Therefore, every day you need your family interactions and socializing every weekend. It must have a focal point or a place that will keep your gaze i.e. for your focus while interacting. This focal point can also be a fireplace, painting, or a lighting fixture.

Most people normally install a T.V as a focal point. Therefore, there is a point where all families can have a look and enjoy their sitting and luxurious environment. Choosing a suitable place for your couch or sofa also needs an artistic approach. This is especially for people who like family gatherings, social gatherings, and a get-to-gather environment. The couch or sofa, considered normally as the largest piece of furniture. Therefore, the sofa or couch in the room must be ideally placed for some prolific interactions.

As a home designer also make sure that the room is very balanced. It is important that you never set furniture only in one part of the room.
The living room furniture should be perfectly placed and according to the seating requirements. There should be a classy dining table for perfect dining, holding elements that are necessary for focused dining.

a modern living style
a modern living style


Carpet is another key furniture item that adds an element of taste to the living room’s beauty, elegance and class of a homeowner. It is yet another part of the decorations and should be clean and well placed. The carpet artistry must have the ambiance and style that defines the people living in the home. Decorating a living room with a carpet is a priority for people living with style. Hence, it should always look fabulous in terms of unique class attributes and room ambiance. Decorating a living room with plants i.e. gorgeous looking plants with vases of different styles.  The dynamic attributes will always add to the elegance and ambiance of your living environment making it more attractive.

Therefore, making the living room further attractive with wallpapers is another art symbol. It is indeed a gesture of touch, style, and attitude defining the thinking of people living in the home. Wallpapers, similar to ones your personal desktop, will tell you more about the personality of a person living. In addition to this, how they behave and interact with each other. Wallpapers are always a significant style in a home decorative environment. They are well equipped with different styles, uniqueness in color, and some matching with regards to the furniture. This is all part and parcel of the ambiance for a gorgeous looking home.


Paintings are a symbol of love, halfheartedness and the nature of people living at home. It tells many things about people’s inside-out. Especially your unique personality insights and your life path whether in array or dis-array.

Paintings also define your style, how you give importance to your home and all the different rooms in your home. It is the originality in the paintings that determine why you give importance to them. Additionally, why art is so symbolic of your mental and spiritual awakening? Paintings also tell others i.e. visitors at your house how arts attract you in various forms. i.e. it can be the original artwork of your own, artwork from your favorite artist, or something uniquely famous from the most popular artists i.e. Pablo Picasso or Italian Polymath and painter Leonardo Da Vinci. The painting can be a masterpiece in many forms telling something about your inner self if it’s something that is placed in your personal bedroom.


Your home office like most people has an environment of study at home or they work part-time from home for some extra income or financial stability. A home office desk holds a key attribute i.e. a desk, which is a piece of key furniture for your concentration and skills upbringing. It also has a lamp that is a unique attribute signifying the importance of energy that is needed for you to accomplish your targets as well as smartness in target achievements. Working from home for many people is important to live in an environment of success and compete at corporate levels. Signifies your importance of being a homeowner but a bit differently with paramount importance to how you maintain your study with books and material that is a vital element of success.


Home accessories are a vital part of making a home symbolic and attractive in more than one way. Most people like to accessorize their home with family photos especially wedding photos, graduation pics, mementos and souvenirs from their most memorable visits. Also accessories with different styles and artifacts making your home a unique place to live, dine and symbolize your personal likings. Accessorizing with decorative and personal items makes your home personal ownership and a model of class and attitude.

what kind of ambiance homeowner are you
what kind of homeowner are you


Being a homeowner you would love to try different things as part of the change. Changes always are good for you as your home must have all the ingredients of an appealing place for you and your family where you can interact, discuss future agendas and socialize in-form of parties and family interactions.

Clean your home to make it more appealing especially before any party or arrival of guests. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms, organize your closets, and clean your storage areas. All these activities, especially on a weekend or Sunday, will make your home a place of attraction not only for you but for those visiting you as well.
Normally, people would love to cook for themselves on a Sunday, and at the same time would like to clean their most benevolent place of worship i.e. The Kitchen. Make it more decorative, with special products and accessorize your kitchen with lovely kitchen ingredients so that you enjoy your cooking and your experience every Sunday keeps you busy with your hobby in a clean and tidy environment.


Being a homeowner and maintaining it with defining furniture, fittings, and accessories come with time and money. Living with style is not only an attitude that defines your personality but also your standings in society. It is not only an important social element but also brings you closer to your future growth prospects.
What Kind of a homeowner Are You? This is a question that will motivate you for the future and will definitely give you resilience and attitude in your living standards? After a long day at work, it is important for the family interactions that you spend good moments with immediate family in a highly suitable and decorative home environment.
Every individual must look after their home, and make every family interaction a worthwhile one. It must be something that defines your vision of success with family, and that you are larger than life character.

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ATM Business like many businesses is surely a good idea for any business when we are living ideally in the retail and business world. It is not only a good thing from the business point of view for vendors. But, also a source of convenience and approach-ability for the customers.

According to a Market research report, most retail shoppers prefer not to have cash with them. Thus, when they enter the retail store, they have a planned budget.

Hence, they are well aware of their feasibility requirements, and how much amount of cash they need for shopping. The following are the options that are the best from the marketing POV;

  1. Increased Foot Traffic In an ATM Business
  2. Increased Sales Because of An ATM
  3. Customer Retention
  4. Surcharge Revenue
  5. Reduced Card Fees

foot traffic
foot traffic


The need for customers in-store is a mandatory requirement for all store businesses. Having a well-advertised ATM business is an added advantage that will definitely bring customers in-store. Especially true when either your own business or those around accept the cash transactions.

The potential customers will be increased automatically if there is an ATM  present tangibly at your store. This will in result give you an opportunity to make higher sales.

Increasing foot traffic is the best approach according to marketing and promotions. Additionally also enhances the customer’s approach towards satisfaction.

atm business
atm business


Having an ATM business in your store will automatically increase your sales and will give you direct profitability. Therefore, customer satisfaction markers will be automatically increased due to fruitful options in-store.

Research studies have shown that ATM users will spend up to 25% of their withdrawal. Also adding to this, it is in the same store the ATM is located. Combined with more foot traffic, this could increase your sales a significant amount.

Also depending on the type of the retail market, the spending, the discount offers, exclusive deals, seasonal deals are all areas where the customers will spend money and automatically they need cash for that. Although the POS systems are a source of reduction in cash payments.

Still, most people in many countries prefer cash payments due to many security reasons. A desirable marketing strategy is the best way for increased sales and foot traffic.


business world
business world


To retain valued customers is most company policy. Hence, customer retention is important especially for valued customers. Customer value is linked to branding significance.

When a customer enters a retail store or a market they are positive. Most of them assume they will find everything inside, including an ATM machine.

The visibility of products for customers shopping in-store is the key aspect of a good marketing strategy. Customer’s value can increase with significance after a customer starts browsing in stores.

Ideal deals and attractive discounts are elements that attract customers shopping in-store. While the customers use the ATM machine, most of them prefer to get cash with free payment options. As an example i.e. no surcharge at all on taking the cash from the ATM.

Naturally, if they don’t find an ATM they will have to leave costing time, and making them uncomfortable. This also creates an opportunity for the customer to change their mind and not to make the purchase.

Hence, from a simple marketing theory, having an ATM business in your retail store is preferable. Thus, an outlet or shop will definitely prevent customers from leaving to gather the funds necessary for the purchase.

Customer retention is not only impactful in any form of business whether large or small. Therefore, it is also a mandatory requirement while sustaining businesses. It helps in creating a brand image in the eyes of the customer.

Therefore, brand loyalty and values are the keys to retaining customers for a longer length of time. One cannot object a good paying customer, just as the phrase goes “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT”.

Hence, valuable customers if given their due importance are a good source of business. As an example in the form of shoppers, referrals, and word of mouth marketers i.e. Viral Marketing.



The transaction fee is charged when the ATM business is purchased or leased with variables applied. This fee then goes directly to you providing your business with an additional revenue stream.

While you spend some time and money on ATM maintenance, it is minimal compared to the income the machine generates. If you chose to have an ATM placed, instead, you still get a percentage of the revenue.

Additionally, you will not have to do any of the ATM maintenance. Either way, this is a great new revenue stream for your business.

This is the best way to generate revenue through a surcharge amount. Therefore, every time the transaction is made it is the amount generated each time.

The surcharge fee can also be a sum of the transaction fees and the basic nominal surcharge amount. Hence, it is also depending on transactions per day i.e. daily basis. Something to know how ATM generates money in a busy retail environment.


As a merchant, you are probably familiar with the fees that will be deducted. However, you must have to pay for purchases made with a debit or credit card. While the amount of each fee depends on the total purchase price.

Even small fees can add up to a significant amount increasing the total charges. Installing an ATM business will increase cash transactions as an automatic measure. Thus, saving your money by reducing the number of debit or credit card fees.

This reduced card fee is hence a bonus in the competitive ATM operational environment. Thinking from a profitability approach, the priority of installing an ATM is recognized with the reduction in card fees.


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