Planning a road-map before starting a project is the key part of Project Management and task planning. It’s just like you plan a journey while using the journey planner before you have to start your journey. Why this is important? The best answer here is that the importance lies in your time. Ironically, i.e. duration of your journey, and your money, which you want to save by not taking a longer route to your destination. The main aim is not just reaching the desired destination. But, reaching there in good time and budget which has been planned initially. Similarity in aspects relates to project management and the vital role of the leadership in managing certain strategic projects.

Therefore, the role of management is to plan and evaluate a road-map. Hence, then forward that to their subordinates in form of a step-wise plan. Why leadership’s role is so important and vital? Mainly, from a management’s prospective if there is a task that needs accomplishing. Therefore, first the management must clear their views and their understandings. Finally, these should be forwarded to their sub-ordinates in form of directives. The role of leadership is always critical as leaders can see the ending story. Importantly, more clearly due to their visionary approach and dynamic leadership skills. A diversion from the mainstream will definitely fail an individual to complete the final task as planned.


Having a direction from someone whose vision is concrete in terms of ideas and presentation of ideas is highly mandatory. Directions give you the clues towards your journey. Similarly, just like you are on a highway and you need clues and directions. Obviously, you have to be certain that you are actually on the right track. It determines the importance of time more closely while you get closer to your destination, and makes your journey sounder & concrete in many ways.

In the corporate world the use of Project planning tools is a common thing. An example of such a tool is MS Project Planning. Interestingly, which helps in planning your corporate official project just like you need it. The tool simply breaks down the project in days, weeks or months. Hence, depending on the duration of the project and how much you need to accomplish in a certain time period. The tool is a useful one as it makes sure that while following MS Project Planning tool. Significantly, you are taking care of the hindrances in achieving a project.

Similarly, in day-to-day corporate level tasks especially Project based accomplishments. Importantly, the necessity is to ascertain what you are achieving in the desired time frame. As a key member working on the project, the duty of an employee should be not to divert. Naturally, this is a diversion from the sole objective of the project that needs avoiding. However, strictly stick to the key objectives of the project more closely with a larger & much brighter vision.


A diversion from your mainstream process will prolong your activities and your planning will result in a chaos. This is similar to taking a wrong and long route towards your destination as you have started an unplanned journey. Avoiding diversions and chaos should be the sole objective of you as a project manager or a Project Team coordinator.

The first and prime objective should be to ascertain the mainstream process. Most importantly, so that your diversion doesn’t take place in the first place. Secondly, even if it does, there should be a designed contingency plan to overcome the frequently rising obstacles. Every journey will have certain obstacles. However, you should know how to avoid them if you have a proper road-map. This is definitely backed up by exemplary leadership.


A leadership’s role is critical and in many ways dynamic. Primarily, as they can analyse and foresee the ending story of a project or its conclusion. It’s the vision of the leadership, their experience and their sound management skills. Hence, something that play a pivotal role in the final task attainment process. True and worthy leaders act as a catalyst while making the road map for the subordinates. What’s objective for the leadership is to devise a mechanism also known as strategy while starting a task. In other words having a strategic view towards task management. Can definitely make things easy for sub-ordinates and other key stakeholders involved in the project. This strategy can be devised on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. Hence, depending on the frequency or repetition of a project.


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