Understanding the customers and focusing on customer’s needs is the best way to find improved customer satisfaction. Whether it’s the retail industry environment or online buying, customer values holds huge values. While focusing on the key variables, for sake of new customers it demands more value addition and success. Services industry is all about providing the best services to the customers. Hence, along with high product standards and taking the best available feedback. Therefore, an implementation of a proper feedback system is the best way to give due importance to customers in whatever industry they are operating.

WHY trends matter in Customer service? A very common approach is in-depth trends analysis of how customers behave with changing products and improved services. On top of this, what are their most common likes and dislikes. Customer demographics plays a huge role in determining the way customers think. Furthermore, how higher values are attached to their brand loyalty aspects. Online buying & retail in-store, the attachment to different environments of the customers satisfaction aspects is critical. Why online buying is getting so popular and what are the fluctuations in different selling strategies. Are these also dependent on demographics of customers and their personal likes and dislikes.      


Finding the best ways to understand customer goals for buying products, i.e. buying behaviours should be the sole objective of the retailer or market researcher. One of the ways that will deeply influence improved customer satisfaction values and finding more about buying behaviours and trends. A common survey that can be taken as an example is; what are the goals of majority of customers preferring to buying a product online, than buying the same product in-store. The goal can be saving time and saving commuting expenditure. Or for some people the goal can be convenience and ease. The different customer goals includes;

  • Identifying the solutions they want to work with;
  • Prove program’s worth and grow with partner;
  • Entering the best partnership with the peace of mind;
  • Finding the best options to meet their needs;
  • Comparing options and selecting front runners.

What’s highly important is a highly interactively designed customer’s feedback system that is highly proactive. For generation of goals which means attached customer values, its conclusively a proactive strategy. A feedback system in form of percentages, pie charts, histograms or other statistical measures shall be important in every way for improved customer feedback. This is particularly true as there is always room for improvement with regards to a customer & seller/retailer’s relationship.

However, on the other hand speaking from the point-of-View of consumers, they now expect the brand they love to deliver the right message. This is in particular to the right person, at the right time and via the right medium. Finally, at the right place across all of their digital and on-site experiences.


‘Emotional intelligence’, or ‘EI’ values attached to a brand always helps in creating brand values and brand loyalty aspects. The responsibility that holds vital is finding out customer’s emotions apart from different buying behaviours. Why particular actions of customers holds so high values for them other than some other ones that don’t. Hence, there is a ‘customer’s psychology’ attached to this phenomenon and this can dynamically vary between customers of different kinds, and their varying demographics. However, the best phrase here is true “Behind customer’s actions are their intentions & emotions.”


Customer’s feedback holds huge values and acting on customer’s feedback holds larger values for relationship sustainability. It is indeed a vital ingredient of Customer relationship management showing that customer’s significance is larger in terms of feedback and acting on it. If the feedback is so common and is from a larger number of people, than acting on the feedback is indeed a huge responsibility. What’s true is that a lack of communication and implementation of the customer’s feedback can indeed affect brand loyalty. It can also affect the customer’s willingness for the sake of providing feedback in the future.

What’s important as part of acting on feedback is let it drive your product road map. Finally, let the feedback influence your future marketing initiatives.


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